In this week's episode of "Unfiltered," SE Cupp argues that the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade has brought out the hypocrisy and cruelty of some right-wing political leaders. #CNN #News
SE Cupp on GOP hypocrisy: Sarah Sanders compares safety of children in womb to schools

“Smart people learn from everything and everyone, average people from their experiences and stupid people already have all answers”
@Angel Ita You’re welcome ,have a good one

Great words of wisdom. I’ll be quoting this.
Well said.
What an accurate description of the “holier than thou” Christian Right. Since they have all the right answers, they (supposedly) have the right to haughtily judge others and to impose their views on everyone else. They have no need for love and compassion, just “do as they say” and you will be this righteous Christian (Just don’t pay attention to what they do. That is none of your business.)
Last fight
“The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.”
–John Adams
Technically, George Washington; he was President when the treaty was written and he would have approved it (including that beginning to Article 11 of said treaty). It just took a few months to send the treaty to Tripoli (Nov 1796) and then Algiers (Jan 1797) for signatures, then back to DC to be signed by John Adams (who was President by that time).
Also, it should be noted that the treaty was approved by the Senate, unanimously and without debate, after copies were distributed to every senator and it was read aloud in the Senate Chambers.
Also also, John Adams did give a force endorsement of the treaty, including Article 11: “Now be it known, That I, John Adams, President of the United States of America, having seen and considered the said Treaty do, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, accept, ratify, and confirm the same, and every clause and article thereof. And to the End that the said Treaty may be observed, and performed with good Faith on the part of the United States, I have ordered the premises to be made public; And I do hereby enjoin and require all persons bearing office civil or military within the United States, and all other citizens or inhabitants thereof, faithfully to observe and fulfill the said Treaty and every clause and article thereof.”
@ObiWantzCanolis And Mom Garden Journey only since the 50’s before that god was not mentioned at all in it.
@Jimmy Long And don’t forget even our financial institutions follow Judeo-Christian traditions. Negative debts/credits wiped off reports after 7 years:
At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. This is how it is to be done: Every creditor shall cancel any loan they have made to a fellow Israelite. They shall not require payment from anyone among their own people, because the Lord’s time for canceling debts has been proclaimed.
Deuteronomy 15:1-2 NIV
Be well and be at peace.
…ain’t no Hate like “christian” Love…
As safe as they are in a classroom, you know a target rich environment filled with your children
She knew what she was saying when she said “in the classroom.” Only days after Uvalde, too.
“No exceptions for rape and incest” The fact conservatives keep specifying this part makes me think there’s something they’re not telling us…
@Tyler Johnson It’s not a lie. Wake up
@Heather S Hail Molech!
When someone shows and tells you who they are… believe them.
…ain’t no Hate like “christian” Love…
@eltorocal I’m atheist

“Christian Republicans” has become an oxymoron since they buried the idea of compassionate conservatism.
@The Paradox Destroyer
When is a person a person?
Your view on the issue is that you cannot answer that question. You deny that a fetus is a living being, with it’s own DNA code, separate but dependent on the mother, yet you say the second that the head comes out it’s a baby.
Answer me this question: What is inside a cocoon?
@matt black I have never advocated for abortion upon demand and I never will. However, the reason I laid out several circumstances and facts surrounding this issue is to open debate on the extreme views on abortion that many on the Christian right espouse. Other faiths such as Judaism and in fact Islam have developed a more nuanced, and dare I say, more ethical and grounded set of ideas surrounding the issue. The Jewish concepts surrounding abortion are in fact, scriptural based. US conservative Christians?, not so much.
You must realize that most Americans, including Dems do not believe in abortion upon demand which is all the news covers because it sells. However, the fact is there are states such as Oklahoma who have the worst record in the country for supporting women and children have the strictest laws, such that even women who are experiencing genuine natural miscarriages are treated like criminals. There were over 7000 such miscarriages by estimation last year in the state. With the new laws, theoretically, every one of those events is a potential criminal case. What are the ramifications for doctors and patients? For fear of being sued by the state, criminally, many women are not going to receive the care they need to save their lives. This is proven fact from history, including recently.
This is just one example of how having radicals in charge who suffer from black and white thinking and do not want to acknowledge gray area and subtlety can actually cause ethical/moral, and physical harm.
We need more of this. The Bible an excellent tool to combat hypocrisy.
@Derrick Woods And pick and choose how to interpret what they need to weaponize at a particular moment for their argument at the time.
A book that pretty much starts out with a talking snake and ends with a three headed beast and was written by a bunch of men that did not know where the sun went at the day is def.a book that we should all live by. ( Insert massive eye roll here)
@Linda I like quoting scripture!
@Theressa Reynolds good for you. Do you cherry pick the parts that you like to quote? I like to quote science because the beauty of science is it is right whether you believe it or not and if for some reason it wasn’t scientists will go back and do all they can to correct it and unlike the old dudes that wrote this ancient fairy tale called a bible these scientists do know where the sun goes at the end of the day.
@Linda Humbly, not sure of your def. of cherry pick, but, I quote when people are religiously dogmatic, abusive religious fanatics! abusive control over children, lie, justify, judge and condemn. I too enjoy science, highly respect the nuclear physicist

You make the mistake of thinking that, because Republicans call themselves “Christian” that they actually believe in Christ.
@Teutonic Nordwind You know what’s in a persons heart by their actions
It’s not that difficult
@Alex Jones get professional help please
Great that you brought that to our attention , I offen wondered why so many evangelicals supported trump and over looked all his lying , thou shall not bare false witness
@Ralph Gonzales Who’s been using chicken language Ralph?

@clever username so I misspelled it by one letter

@Fran S. ok you can change the subject
Thank You, for sharing your message and using your voice to state your feelings and perspective.
Well stated SE Cupp…well stated!
Last fight
Honestly, using strong theological arguments against the theocratic right is a pretty good strat. Like it!
@Mark Marsh yes it does, but you don’t want God to exist so you pretend he doesn’t or you’d be silent and go on with life
@kinn grimm how generous of you. Religious people will be allowed to practice their own religion in their basements, so long as they never speak of it in public. I’m not a Christian, but I can appreciate that all of the founders of the country were Christian. That is where we got all the values that nearly everyone believes in, religious or not.
Somehow they’ve convinced everyone that abortion is a Christian issue. It’s just a human issue. It’s not about women’s rights. Its about clinging to what little reverence we still have to human life. Slowly, it has changed from abortion is tragic and should be as rare as possible, to its a woman’s choice when she terminates the life including seconds before birth. Think about that for a second. Can you not see why people are pushing back against that? Some people can’t convince themselves that this life isn’t human, and therefore don’t want to live in a place where everyone pretends it isn’t, just for convenience.
When politicians pander and say, “The American people are ~good~ people!” keep in mind, and in rebuttal, not only those featured here (there are many others in the GQP), but also those who voted for them!
Thank you, a lot of people really need to hear this.
@NBA1, you are being reported.
But the ones who are listening, probably don’t need to.
Last fight
I can just feel her boiling rage which she somehow manages to contain. The vindictiveness, bloody-mindedness and plain stupidity of America’s Christian right-wing is both infuriating and terrifying at the same time. How could they be allowed to accrue this much power and influence over the US?
@j thomas
I bet you can’t define what a person is
@Patricia Rouse Please translate.
Great video SE. I’ve never understood the Christian right calling the left ‘bleeding-heart liberals’. I too and an atheist who was raised Catholic and I’ve always believed a bleeding heart symbolises empathy. The Christian right have never been strong on empathy; it’s an object of ridicule for them.
@KnucKleHeaD Well, you’ve certainly baffled me, because I can’t tell if you think my politics are on the right or the left. Except for the end of your text, your comments were cryptic, to say the least. FYI, I lean to the left, but hope for mutual understanding and balance between extremes.
…ain’t no Hate like “christian” Love…
@Thomas Perkins The Cathars believed that animals were carriers of reincarnated souls, and forbade the killing of all animal life, apart from fish, which they believed were produced by spontaneous generation. The Cathars denied transubstantiation, purgatory, prayers for the dead and prayers to saints.
France , northern Italy , not Spain slick
Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. They have weaponized it just like they have their ignorance
Well put and right on.
@Aisha bint Abu Bakr Nothing to brag about man!
@Aisha bint Abu Bakr I like snack bar .
Last fight
Liberals should NOT be lecturing about hypocrisy..
Dang, SE! Preach it! I wish your message can reach these hypocrites because they need to hear it. Excellent message!
She’s usually what i’d call “pretty good if obvious” in her commentary, but this was more astute than usual. I’d love to see a regular feature of quoting the bible to highlight the hypocrisy of these self-proclaimed Christian leaders.
Writes books titled “Losing Our Religion: The Liberal Media’s Attack on Christianity” and “Why You’re Wrong About the Right”.
Now sits lamenting on the rise of right wing Christian fundamentalism in America on CNN.
I preface this by saying that while I personally could never have a termination, the hypocrisy of all of this has been incredible. And I’m not interested in getting into the politics. Not a citizen of US. But, the irony of going to these lengths to protect the unborn, but refusing to take any steps to protect the lives of children in a classroom simply boggles the mind. That you can buy a weapon that will mow down 20 children in a matter of minutes…and that can’t be regulated….!