SE Cupp discusses how to fight back against disinformation, misinformation, and how the news can cut through the noise with CNN Senior Political Analyst John Avlon in this week’s “What Comes Next?”
#CNN #News
SE Cupp discusses how to fight back against disinformation, misinformation, and how the news can cut through the noise with CNN Senior Political Analyst John Avlon in this week’s “What Comes Next?”
#CNN #News
Real news fact checked, science and experts are a good thing. Shout it out.
Andrew H imagine that, big business that most conservatives want to deregulate paid off people to speak positively about their product even though they knew the dangers. Shocker. Who would have thought that profit doesn’t always incentivize ethical behavior.
Also, science changes based on the best information available. That is not a negative.
@Zynn Findo ….you never lost a scholarship because of this have you?
@Zynn Findo ….yes it is….masks will be the next mullet
Andrew H lost a scholarship because of what?
Andrew H I hope so. I do not think there are very many people who want this to continue indefinitely.
My granny back in the 80’s thought national enquiry was real stories simply because they were printed. Think about now with crap hitting people daily on their phones or tablets !!
@marsha thomas
Free speach, or free dictatorship?
I repeat, Is this what we need?
This is old news:
Ted Cruz Calls Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey ‘Modern Day Oligarchs with Unlimited Power’
Ted Cruz sounds like a dictator supporting a dictator….
Then, miserably failed because of bad mathematic skills!!!
These are the dangerous instruments!!!!
That’s it, we’re screwed.
“Greg Palast”. Worth looking up as Republicans removed 200,000 people off the voting in Pennsylvania
if the #loser can post his disinformation on twitter then shut him off twitter…simple. he is pushing treasonism talk
What is disinformation ?
I heard Trump’s base is moving to an online platform called paramour not sure if I spelled it right. It’s a so far right platform that they have to hang off a cliff just to post on it. Lol

@Robert Jordan its called parler.. and by the way, your Twitter ceo along with Mark zuckerburg and Google were in court this morning…. your “fact checking” is the one with 0 evidence and spreading disinformation. The tables are turning on you dorks. Haha yall thought u knew it all didn’t ya?
@Rabbit Parler is attached to the Mercer Family, Same people attached to Cambridge Analytica, Enjoy getting your data sucked up by them more then any other platform and having it used to push propaganda on you.
The New Jim Jones and his followers. They are truly drinking the kool-aid.
Like Biden getting his son cushy jobs overseas making millions in businesses he knows nothing about then saying he never talks to his son about his business dealings..lies like that. haha!
@William Wallace so many people use nepotism for their family.
LISA N you don’t have to go anywhere you are already there- the sunken place.
Shame the flavor isn’t Heaven’s Gate
It is sad but true. I use to go with a guy like Trump and it took my family to open my eyes. This man had me all messed up. So I understand that they have got all caught up in his foolishness and it is easy. But he will soon be gone I hope. lol
Trump is an embarrassment. And those that supported him are deplorable.
Who gives a F what you think Dilbert?
Dil by name Dill by nature for believing lying CNN and Creepy Hair Sniffing Joe Biden
Get a load of a whole bunch of “deplorable” characters
You Tube : Be Like Water Media , Anh7Cali ; Armen Rezz .
the music is very distracting and annoying.
yeah, i hadnt even noticed it, its very quiet. but i agree its out of place.
every fully hating on se cupp, or cnn. why the heck are you even here and watching. i mean i find fox rather unappatising, and its more than rare for me to watch a fox video, lest YT suggests it and it intrests me. and even then “thsts fox news for you” really isnt a qualified comment. its just typing for the sake of saying something. its doesnt add anything. if you dont like cnn, why waste your arguably precious time on this. do something you actually like and enjoy. (non harmfull to other pls)
Whats more annoying is truth
@NovusOrdo Communist News Network.
Dramatic Fake News Music.
There is not enough jail time trump can face at his age….for the atrocities he has committed. Put him in a lighthouse in a remote part of the world with no internet no phone and no people.
@Jet Wings I can’t wait to invade your country and turn Moscow into downtown Grozny
@Mr444why – as evidenced by your incoherent and unoriginal posts that you are notoriously known for on YouTube, your self esteem is a notch below Kafka’s which probably stems from the fact that your parents weren’t necessarily fond of you which is evident when they put a live teddy bear in your crib when you were very young .
@Jet Wings I just have a template for dealing with you GRU parasites. That’s why it could come off as unoriginal….
“Greg Palast”. Worth looking up as Republicans removed 200,000 people off the voting in Pennsylvania
Mark Twain: “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.”
@wrangler space but CNN fools you lol
So, are you going to help uncle Joe help children tinkle?
They just pulled record breaking election fraud.
Does your mother know you grease yourself up in the kiddie pool with Passion Fruit KY
He helps children tinkle
He helps children tinkle
@Jangus Roundstone Nah. She went up against the FBI 7th floor and brought the American patriot General Flynn back from the dead. Now now shes spear heading the biggest fraud investigation in the modern era. Its a little bigger than that.
Democracy is a good system of government only when it has an educated and well-informed population. Otherwise, it is just mob rule.
Do you realize CNN is a BIG part of why so many have fallen victim to disinformation?
Yep, inner-cities citizens have a graduation rate of 43%. Look at all the uneducated blue cities.
Leftist BLM antifa mobs
AP: Rep. Every House Seat Flipped by GOP Was Minority, Woman, or Veteran
The Associated Press has thus far called 422 of the 435 House seats up for election, with Democrats winning 219 to Republicans’ 203.
Pollsters predicting this to be a continuing trend in two years for midterm elections for House of Representatives ………….
Lmfaoo, the 1930S Germany population was the most educated by percentage in history
I can’t wait for Georgia to turn blue once they elected two Dems in the senate.
Don’t hold your breathe. On the other hand, go ahead.
@OverlandMD B It’s interesting that you support both of the republicans who were briefed on how deadly Covid was and sold their investments while telling you there was nothing to worry about. But it is par for the course, republicans have zero problem voting for corrupt politicians who don’t care if they live or die, as long as they “own the libs.” The funny thing about that, the libs are wearing masks and surviving Covid, the Repubs are “owning the libs” by refusing to wear masks and dying…good job, keep owning us libs.
Then, miserably failed because of bad mathematic skills!!!
These are the dangerous instruments!!!!
Hitler’s best friend Gobbel, was responsible for Nazi propaganda , he said ” one lie saying 100 time is a lie. Saying 1000 time is a true.””. So with republicans,they believe now everything.
Name’s Goebbels.
Learn to spell please
@Stefan Zimmermann dude probably just didnt have a ö key. and pressed o instead. i dont thinl he actually meant gobbels, like turkey gobbel gobbel. or to eat very quickly, gobbel. though oe is the way to write ö if you dont have the ö.
ph sheesh look at that, its also Goebbels in German. oops thats my bad .
again what learned.
…if there was no communism….there would have been no hitler
@Michael Diamond klugscheisse,
When I hear a Bonespurs or his supporter talk, all I hear now is “blag blah blah I’m a dirty sellout”.
Perhaps because your brain is trying to tell you you are a sellout.
“Those People” at CNN dishing out fake news again
You should hear some Biden clips.
The populace has a right to believe their president. The president should not have the right to lie 50 times a day, so his personal agenda is not affected.
Cnn lies on a daily basis yet, no complaints from you.
evidence of fraud
@devon adams You have chosen to remain in the sunken place. Unfortunately, I cannot help you.
@Feed Your Eyes No facts and reality. Trump Train baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@devon adams You mean the one that’s crashed? The incumbent LOST.
Biden- the sexiest 78 year old alive. Thanks to his wife Jill, the next beautiful and intelligent First Lady of the United States of America.
People should demand Trump to accept his failures republicans are to blame for the luck of transition republicans are bad
And to think they claim to be the party who is concerned about the people
@Lynn R what is he doing thats wrong?? The dominion voting system was used in venezuela and we all know how they ended up. I don’t see anything wrong with wanting a fair election
The root of the problem is America’s underfunded, under-supported educational system ranked 23 in the world where nearly 20% of students drop out by high school (higher than many third world countries). And America’s more prestigious universities are clogged with students whose parents bought their admission by making large donations.
I have an education for you.…
Doesn’t the Democrats have a package in the Senate waiting for them to address the direct needs .
I agree with the first part. Except most Americans don’t believe they will ever get ahead. Working their tails off just to get by doesn’t leave time for family, especially as they fall farther behind.
@JJ Teacher in the vast dark universe, we have but the faint glow of the candle of reason to guide our way
Or maybe teachers with an agenda. Either or
Maybe he’ll tell us how to convince his followers how bad he is. Also Not to believe all the disinformation they send out.
He and all the conservative channels may have to come out clean to renounce all his lies but hopefully his followers will still have in the them the will to believe his “truth”.
SE Cupp has hurt feewings and needs safe space
CNN home of disinformation
@Matte Whyte funny
He’s a has been, shortly covict.
A state will convict…FEDs will get real…
How did 72 million people vote for a guy that doesn’t care about the American people, lie, and do things for his own interest?
@greyeyed123 Did you even read your own source? The chart was from WP and other bias institutions making claims that hes a liar providing little to no evidence of such.
At the minimum, specific examples should be given.
@cool beans Pfft. You can’t even SPELL “Rand Pual”.
@greyeyed123 Dont be a child over a typo.
So I went to the polling place, waited in line for about 40 minutes, got inside, waited some more, gave my ID for verification, signed, got a ballot, voted trump, put it in the machine, got a sticker and went home. How did you guys do it? Any different?
They tell themselves that he cares about them and all there many racial fears and phobias.
The longer Trump refuses to accept his election defeat the greater his humiliation when he is eventually forced to concede.Good! It’s worth waiting for.
@J Groovy lol….what everyone outside your inputs has known since nov. 3rd
@tendimeload Thanks for your concern. That was a nice thing to say. I’m comfortable with my analysis. Humanity shall defeat evil. We shall stand United.
@John Coleman yes we need the belts and road initiative here
@Ify Ogwude ….world economic forum
@VidWatcher1X rubber/glue?
Willful ignorance is accepted these days. Sad and unfortunate.
It’s also the right as well. Stop being one sided
Truth Is in consensus
evidence of fraud
That is coming from fox news what else is new
@David Laws blablabla…the guy is moronic. Evidence is what it is…