SE Cupp: No one should care about GOP outrage over Trump indictment

CNN's Jessica Dean sits with SE Cupp to discuss why a number of congressional Republicans have rallied to Trump's defense and are outraged over his indictment. #CNN #News

SE Cupp: No one should care about GOP outrage over Trump indictment


    1. @S YborpIKR. Years ago I would read and listen to Susana Cup, I did not often agree with her. But always though the she was sincere in her beliefs.

    1. Best response I have seen here! There is an old saying about fighting. I can fight, beat someone mad but you can not beat crazy.

  1. It seems to me that the GOP has no problem looking like fools by jumping out with rhetoric without knowing what’s in the indictment. Not at all surprising and definitely not leadership. But this is America 🙄

  2. Republicans get outraged over M&M’s, Mr. Potato head, Disney princesses, gas stoves, books that teach history, and pronouns, so let’s not take it too seriously lol

    1. @Tom S. As per usual you’re burying the lead. Why exposure any child under the age of 12 and without a parents.

    2. @Cory Dysart you sound really intelligent! Like this lady interviewed! She repeated everything that’s a lie!!!

  3. “He ran on a pledge to indict the former president”

    Did Mike forget about “Lock Her Up” ?

    1. In answer to your question, yes Mike pence forgot about or overlooked Trump’s chants of “Lock her Up”

  4. Well said!!! In my view there is way too much emphasis on the outrage. Seriously, what else are those goons going to do? Their emotional/political lives are fueled by outrage. I’m over it.

    1. @Peter Moren If the Republicans spent more time on what they were elected to do instead of trying to protect a indicted criminal the nationoght prove for all

  5. I love what SE Cupp has to say. And HOW she says it. She really stood out to me and I will begin following her. Thank you for featuring her in this interview.

    1. Even their girl Nancy Pelosi said innocent until proven guilty, I guess they totally forgot to talk about her and her opinion in this case ! 😒😅😂🇺🇸🇮🇹🇲🇽

    2. @Willy Bones So “republican” that she exclusively defends liberal ideas and only comes on CNN when it’s time to bash republicans.

  6. Great job putting everything in perspective. Wow. It took an outspoken woman to put it they way it should be. SE Cupp is 100% right.

    1. @Rodney Yone Are you a zealot in regards to Trump, Rodney? Zealots and extremists tend to deal in absolutes. When I hear liberal attorneys talking about how dangerous what Bragg is doing in regards to legality of this whole indictment. Visually it makes the US look like the Ukraine or Russia, where they imprison their rivals.
      I think it depends on how most of the Republicans respond to this.
      A lot of people forget that half the country voted for Trump in the last election.

    1. @Sean McCartney Well, he was scheduled to be released in July and that’s now been brought forward to May, so there’s not much in it really. Hopefully he maintains his alleged ‘good conduct’.

  7. “No one should care that these people are outraged by this indictment” is probably the most astute statement I’ve heard.

    1. @Sean McCartney Well, he was scheduled to be released in July and that’s now been brought forward to May, so there’s not much in it really. Hopefully he maintains his alleged ‘good conduct’.

    2. @Sean McCartney He served his standard sentence with the standard reduction for good behavior. So be it.

    3. I hear ya!!!! It’s kinda ironic by the things they WEREN’T OUTRAGED about regarding Trump!!!!! The LIST is too long!!!!!!

    1. @Sean McCartney Well, he was scheduled to be released in July and that’s now been brought forward to May, so there’s not much in it really. Hopefully he maintains his alleged ‘good conduct’.

  8. S.E. Cupp’s vicious take down of the GOP outrage brought me to tears. Fantastically and passionately put.

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