CNN's SE Cupp takes a closer look at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and what, if anything, the GOP is going to do about her incendiary remarks in recent years. #SECupp #CNN #News
SE Cupp: Marjorie Taylor Greene is a problem for the GOP

CNN's SE Cupp takes a closer look at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and what, if anything, the GOP is going to do about her incendiary remarks in recent years. #SECupp #CNN #News
Another Republican thug in charge. Great. Thanks Amurica.
You speak my language. I love it.
What kind of a talking to did McCarthy have with her? He put her on the bloody Education Committee!
@S Lordd
Are u feeling left out????
@S Lordd
Biden does like his women thrown against the wall tho
@S Lordd
But hunter likes them young im told
My mother is not having any job

“I want to do something for my mother
“But youtube is not giving me views “Phearith i am worse than others..
She donated 175,000 to the party which they happily accepted
Lol, Senator McCarthy in Florida kissing the ring to his Mob boss
It is beyond comprehension why they are trying themselves with even more ties to the stone that is not only sinking them, but is more than willing to drown them.
@ckendall67 Cruz already did!! Remember, Trump called Cruz’s wife ugly & accused Cruz’s father of being tied to Kennedy’s assassination during the 2016 primaries!!
@C Shaw not going to argue about that both POS ..and need to go
He’s not a senator, he’s a congressman in the house of representatives.
Must be hell moving the hemerroids outta the way
The Democrats had this problem back in the eighties. Remember the name Lyndon LaRouche? Well, a couple of his followers won state legislative primaries in Michigan. The state’s Democratic Governor, Jim Blanchard, promptly endorsed and offered to campaign for their Republican opponents. _That_ is how you deal with kooks.
I heard someone on TV say ‘these people Thrive on logical inconsistencies’
He was 100% correct
They were not this stupid though !!
@ricky tv Production Get lost Trump troll with your BS clickbait!
if she was an Elementary school teacher she would have been fired already
@Liberty59 so how was the domestic terrorist Coachella on Jan 6? Did you have fun?
Those “teachers” from the teachers union that don’t wanna work and made those hilarious dance videos are the ones that should never ever teach again
My mother is not having any job

“I want to do something for my mother
“But youtube is not giving me views “Phearith i am worse than others..
@Dorian Shades of gray that is a lie.
Mental health and competency screenings for all that run for office. PERIOD!!!
Joe Biden has dementia.
@peaceandllov Sad part is he is much smarter and knows reality more than 99 per cent of the trump low educated cult fools. One hundred times smarter and clearer than loser twice impeached one term trump. Next point trailer parker.
@Tim Thomas, yikes! You sound pretty salty. Geez man your guy won. Try celebrating your victory. Lol. You have a lot of hatred in your heart dude.
@1JOCU1 ok kkkaren
@Charles Bucholz ok Soviet. Go get your krokodil now…
There is more than one that is actually a threat to the GOP. Investigated all of them.
they are the GOP!!
If I liked a comment calling for the death of a colleague I would be fired before the FBI showed up to cart me off to jail.
@vox qui vive
Hyperbole is protected speech. The Supreme Court decided that decades ago.
@peaceandllov Then what were you referring to when you said our god given rights are recognized in America?
@peaceandllov ok kkkaren.
@peaceandllov “The Constitution does not grant rights, ”
sure it does.
nobody had a right to vote before the government gave it to them.
@peaceandllov You’re not wrong there. But I think the point these people were trying to bring across, that you’d probably missed, is that our society in general hold the behavior of teenagers working at McDonald’s (perhaps as an allegory to someone of insignificance doing insignificant work) to higher account than those occupying high offices of the United States.
If the crazy part of YouTube was a person she would be it.
Her and Boebert.
Sorry Crazy Maxine Waters already has that mantle
That’s…incredibly accurate lol
she is a direct result of the crazy part of youtube
She’s essentially the equivalent of Kanye to the black community.
While I’m not _completely_ sure what “Native-ism” is,
I’m guessing it doesn’t include Native Americans.
@400 Blackout Racist is not something one is CALLED. It’s what one IS. It is you.
@Paul Teves nativists are definitely non-white immigrant haters but also equal opportunity racists, as they don’t like native Americans or black Americans either and neither of them are “immigrants’.
@Bellhop Walrus I got a big chuckle out of reading your comment! (But!!!…Nativism is when fascism gets dressed up in the first and second amendments and thinks it looks fabulous!)
@400 Blackout No just calling out the people who are racist, like Trump, Cruz and Taylor Green.
Geologists have a concept which they call “deep time.”
This means that geological time is so much greater than the lifetime of a human, or even of the human species, that outlandish analogies must be used to explain it.
I have developed a concept that I call “Deep Stupid!”

This is the kind of stupid that surpasses all ordinary human understanding.
There are some people who are so deeply stupid that nothing can persuade them otherwise. If such a person believes that 2+2=5, there is nothing you can do to convince them otherwise.
Or if you show them a banana, together with overwhelming evidence, they still see an apple!
I like “deep stupid” as a concept and am sure many trumpists fit the bill, but radicalization is the real problem that we must somehow overcome. Those very stupid people were mostly harmless before DJT, but now there is a whole lot of dangerous stupid out there.
Deep stupid. Late Cretaceous.
The DHS National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin from 1-27-21 is ambiguously worded..
Take this bulletpoint detail, for example:
“DHS remains concerned that Homegrown Violent Extremists (HVEs) inspired by foreign terrorist groups, who committed three attacks targeting government officials in 2020, remain a threat.”
Now I have heard of Antifa being inspired by Isis, yet I have never heard people compare or describe Trump supporters, nor even Q, or Q-Anon(as they mis-portray it), followers as “inspired by foreign terrorist groups.” So to me, this sounds like a description of Antifa..they attacked and targeted quite a few officials/politicians/”Official Structures” for sure..
Then there is this bulletpoint detail as well:
“DHS remains committed to preventing violence and threats meant to intimidate or coerce specific populations on the basis of their religion, race, ethnicity, identity or political views.”
The ones doing the most, and most egregious acts of violence and threats meant to intimidate and coerce specific populations on the basis of their religion, race, ethnicity, identity or political views are BIG TECH, THE MEDIA, and DIRTY POLITICIANS/DEEP STATE PLAYERS..
Another thing. If you’ve never read the 2016 Wikileaks dumps, or the Q material, you should really do so, or refrain from having an opinion on either, because you’re ignorant of the topics.
@uppgrayyed ” So to me, this sounds like a description of Antifa.”
why on earth would THAT b what comes to your mind?
think carefully on that.
the first thing I thought of was Islamofascists.
while some 2/3 of all deadly domestic terror attacks are by right wingers, almost 1/4 are by islamofascists [who are also right wingers, but of a different stripe].
your second point i just as misguided.
And now she’s on the damn Education Committee.
@Eric Phelps Imma be real with you chief, you sound fucking crazy.
@Eric Phelps Really? Bad for Trump, considering the orphans. Unlike Hunter Biden this is proven.
Its more likely on pervert trumps laptop
Trump is in love with his own daughter gross
One at a time, there’s too many of them, lunatic cults
Greene girl working for Satan and Hell’s FIre
Big thumbs up

She is satan’s daughter.
I honestly agree with your statement.
She’s giving Biden a little piece of what TRUMP had to go through while being President. But she has more evidence against this buffoon Biden and family corruption with China and Ukraine he’s been compromised & he’s a crook and unethical. Plus he cheated on Presidental election and he admitted to it on TV two weeks prior to the election. He’s protected by Media, Big Tech, Psycho Pelosi and Dems.
@Gerard Morra Dumb comment.
Crazies like Ms. Greene have been welcomed by the GOP. Now they have to live with them.
“The election was stolen!!”
But weren’t you elected in that same election?
@G FY there SHOULD be investigations!!
@spicecrop ok boogaloo
Logic doesn’t apply.
@Zugly Monster well, they already found like 20 Idaho MAGA that voted for Trump in mail and in person.. and that’s just the start…
@Zugly Monster so Russian trolls affected Sanders but not Trump? The Russians 100% manipulated the election to help Trump win, and the Jan 6th MAGA Qanon republicans are still falling for it..
“Grand (Old) Party”.
Accountability , Repercussion
Grabby (Old) Party
When a woman like that is put into office and the Education Committee no less, you know the GOP is no longer Grande in any respect but fallen to the levels of Nazism.
Nice comment beautiful fit

Big thumbs up

Learn to spell.
Shes even subpar for a Nazi.
She must be so proud. Must be why she’s always got that smirk on her face. She looks like a Karen.
She inspires Karens
Yep she’s KKKaren
@Cadillac Kadafi

@Cadillac Kadafi

She’s a Qaren.
“Empty Gee.”
Oh, you mean her initials!
Heh. Nah. Empty Gee works. Like in absolutely NO gravitas?
I like it.