SE Cupp: If Donald Trump loses, it’s clear he won’t go quietly

In this week's edition of "Unfiltered from Home," host SE Cupp takes a look at comments made by President Donald Trump questioning the integrity of the US election system. #CNN #News

SE Cupp: If Donald Trump loses, it's clear he won't go quietly


  1. Truths about Trump:

    The “billionaire” who hides his tax returns.

    The “genius” who hides his college grades.

    The “businessman” who bankrupted 3 casinos and lost over $1B in 10 years.

    The “playboy” who pays for sex.

    The “Christian” who doesn’t go to church.

    The “philanthropist” who defrauds charity.

    The “patriot” who dodged the draft. and attacks DEAD Veterans and their widows.

    The “innocent man” who refuses to testify.

    The man that “knows” more than Generals yet dodged the draft 5 times.

    Trump Translator:

    “Many People have told me” = Voices in my head and fictional people have complimented me.

    “A lot of people don’t know” = I just learned something most people already knew.

    “Believe me” = I just lied

    “In Fact” = I’m about to lie

    “He’s a great guy” = I will deny ever knowing this person after they begin to tell the truth about me

    “MAGA” = Making my pockets fatter off the American tax payers

    “Nobody knew” = Everyone knew except me

    “Huge” = moderate to below average in size

    “Loser” = someone who makes me feel inferior due to their talent or accomplishments

    “Policy Briefing” = Turning on Fox News

    “Liar” = Someone telling the truth about me

    “Fake News” = Real news

    1. @Edward Cassidy whats really disturbing is that after all the hypocrisy from the democrat leaders you still believe them. Dammm one has really stupid not to see that they don’t give a sheet about you

    2. shooter4hire shooter4hire my bedlinen is perfectly fine thanks, your continual support for a proven liar, misogynist and dimwit is perplexing expect if your in the pay of the Russia state

    3. shooter4hire shooter4hire so glad you find the Russia interference comical especially after it is a proven fact, not “fake news” like your orangutang 🦧 of a POTUS has brainwashed you into believing or, conversely, being paid to peddle but as Trump says why would Putin lie?

    4. @Edward Cassidy proven by who ??
      …another anonymous person …your a joke the democrats are a joke trump will win 2020

    1. @roger rives it is very selfish on your part to only worry about countries that we have issues with. The rest of us care about other countries. Too bad you don’t.

    2. Todd Daniel So all this stupidity in Democratic cities is Trump’s fault? God nobody takes accountability for how stupid people really are

    3. @Luke Hunter
      🔵 Democrat ruined cities are being blown up and destroyed right now through BLM. Republican cities remain violence-free. What a difference good leadership makes.

    4. Big hu Sweden…this election I don’t believe is like any other
      It’s not all about the policies…More about getting a dangerous sociopath out before there is another war
      He wants to be a dictator like his hero’s Putin and Kim
      Almost 200 thousand of US citizens dead and over 6 million infected…
      He doesn’t give a damn…He’s a narcissist and a sociopath
      This is a game to him
      Sadly the people that follow lije sheep are what he’s counting on
      Research for yourselves…think about making wise choices…If you still come up with I’m with Trump at least you’ve done do diligence

  2. Of course he’s right in saying the election will be rigged. His handler Putin already told him, just like last time!

    1. @J Hallin So we agree! You don’t have a democracy. The candidate that lost by 3.000.000 votes won!
      And we agree the rest of the world thinks you are at 1st grade levels.
      And so you you’ll agree the countless news pundits talking about american “democracy” are talking talking rubbish!

    2. @Bob Grant 😔when you try to argue with an idiot you both lose😔
      Good luck Bob, be well. Go ahead call it a win if it makes you feel better.

    3. @J Hallin So you don’t have a reasoned response as to how the USA has no democracy, after the repeated bankrupt and owner of multiple failed busienesses, with 10 adminsitration officials in jail, after pleading guilty, after calling for voters to vote twice, after saying voting is rigged, (because he just told everyone to vote twice), is suitable for the role?

  3. slight correction…. trump believes the election is rigged IF HE LOSES. if he wins, (god forbid), he’ll magically regain his faith in mail in ballots.

    1. @Frank
      You made it sound like hrc is pulling a trump but if you finish what she said it was not to conceed until every vote is counted and verified because trumptard is out to cheat in anyway he can with the help of Moscow Mitch and Russia and anybody else that crawls out from under a rock

    1. He breaks down and cries like the sissy he is when women reporters call him out. He sure avoided that male reporter who asked him to his face if he regrets lying to us real quick, didn’t he? Hahaha!

    1. @Bryant Sharp But it’s okay for the Florida fossils to get mail in votes? Save your breath Russian asset. Because I am paying attention. TRUMP LIED AND PEOPLE DIED.

    2. @jl Yes, a lot of news channels do show a bias. Much less so in international news though. But some US channels are way worse than others, even actively promoting obvious lies by the Administration.

    3. Well, if he loses because all of the mail in ballots are for Biden. Even I personally won’t accept his defeat, and people will stand up in his support.

    1. @Schievelbein Schievelbein You’re talking to someone bent on all emotion and nothig else. These are the sever brain-dead in our society.

    1. Yeah,really. If that fool shoots himself in the foot one more time ,he’ll be left with nothing to put in his mouth anymore!

    2. Hope so, i had never seen anyone so low as trump in 2016,but now he is inciting his followers to violence ( is milicitia ) there as to be a something in your constitution that says that he can be thrown out on his fat butt for lying about the pandemic, pushing his voters to vote twice,. You use to be a country that other countries envied, now they all laugh at you,the president was respected. Where is your pride america. That baffoon will be your down fall.

    3. @M. Duquette the racial violence is being stoked by Racist Barack & Michelle Obama. He was as useless in the Oval Office as Biden would be. We did not rise up against the Racists from 2009-2917, please don”t think for a moment freedom loving Americans of all races will not rise up and quell the arson, looting, killing & destruction of democrat cities & states.1 I stand with Trump 4 more yrs, baby. Oh Yeah.

    1. IDK, he is really a coward so he will just leave with his lies if he loses which will be determined by voter turnout

    1. @Ranger Up yes. I’m very unhappy about the virus, lies ECT, let alone the positivity rate where I live is 16.6 % ,it’s scary along with the untruth Trump and his supporters are spueing.

    2. @Wong Lee radial is what Trump’s always been. You’ve joined his team. On yes you can’t vote your only 2 years old. Good luck with that. Make sure you attend a Trump rally convid waiting for you.

  4. The moment he realises he’s truly going to lose the elections he will instigate a civil war. Be careful, no matter what side of the political spectrum you are on

    1. @Help Me O really? I don’t know where your sources originate. I’m just so happy I live in a region that has a better basic educational system, where people have a more worldly view and where the political spectrum has more than just two colours. Stay healthy, mens sane in corpore sane 😉

    2. Help Me I’m a Biden supporter. I go to work everyday. Plenty of overtime to. So you’re saying I don’t work ? Afraid your wrong I pay my bills on time and my credits great. So hate to burst your theory but you are clueless.

    3. Eskimo1973 we are already on the verge of civil war which trump continues to embolden his followers as well as the white supremist to rise up against opposition and minorities. That is why he praises those who attack the protesters and the criminal act of the few criminal police officers. I say Few criminal police officers because I know the majority of the police officers are the professional they are suppose to be and they truly do their best to protect us. May God bless and protect those excellent officers. Though I pray that the Chiefs of the various police department do police their departments and weed out those bad apples.

    1. My concern is whether he squats in the White House and has armed supporters surrounding the White House. My God, is that the direction our country will go.

    2. Absolutely not. I want to see him go out with the grace, dignity, and respect for American values that has motivated virtually all our other presidents. But it doesn’t seem very likely, does it?

  5. ”The only way that we can lose the Election is if they cheat. So cheat to prevent them from stealing the Election.”

    Ya gotta love it!

  6. I usually don’t agree with S.E. Cupp but she is totally on point here. We are screwed regardless. Putin won, America you lost.

  7. Trump himself is trying to rig the election — Post office is one example. Liars always cheat and cheaters always lie. Get rid of him. 200,000 dead and dying –so far.

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