CNN Political Commentator SE Cupp says New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's ongoing controversies will cost Democrats for not holding him accountable.
#SECupp #CNN #News
SE Cupp: Gov. Cuomo is the Democrats’ biggest liability

CNN Political Commentator SE Cupp says New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's ongoing controversies will cost Democrats for not holding him accountable.
#SECupp #CNN #News
Wow it didn’t take long for him to go from hero to zero
@Snausages Mcgee Cuomo didn’t downplay the virus because he got the most populated city numbers down with his leadership & implemented procedures that got used world wide. All leaders lie at some point for morale purposes for the state & NYC. The country would of had more deaths if it wasn’t for his daily briefings & actions. This is a hit Job at 1 point last year he galvanized damn near 14 states. That’s Dangerous for the government to have a leader of leaders walking directing other states.
@richard french Innocent until proven guilty remember that.
@shirley russell
I agree. Put him on trial for 10,000 deaths because he sent C19 positive people to nursing homes while he was busy writing a book.
wrong sparky.
Cuomo called Trump a racist for stopping travel from china, called trump a sissy for over reacting, and said new yorkers were tough and didn’t;t worry about no virus.
What do you people do all day? Try reading and making your own mind up for once.
@Michael Williamson nope… generally a truth
hes one of many corrupt politicians on both sides of the aisle
How many republicans lied about the numbers? Remember when Ron DeSantis was accused of lying and covering for politicians who were actually lying?
@Crispin Fornoff BUH BUH WAHATBOOT
You people are getting sad af.
@Snausages Mcgee Says the sycophant deflecting for a liar and sexual abuser. Seek help kiddo (:
Lmaooooo when they don’t need you anymore this is what happens
He did not “downplay“ he lied
wow, this must be a first! never heard of a politician lying before.
So did everyone who worked for him, including half his victims.
And this was from May-Oct alot of it and cnn and Chris covered it up till after the election
“I never touched… I never lied… I, I , I, never, never, never…” What a joke!
From the “golden standard” to the liability! My how the mighty have fallen!
@Grey Whiteman So are you able to speak like an adult.. or just the well worn cliches? just askin..
@bryanatwku Trolls get embarrassed? try again troll..
@Noir Path Where’s the fun in that? Hahaha is this your first day on the internet?
@Noir Path, how long you going to ride the Trump train? Free your mind.
Coumo is just the sacrificial lamb!!! The sexual abuse allegations are to distract from the real issue
It’s NOT just Cuomo who should be getting investigated for putting COVID positive patients into nursing homes, and then trying to cover up the death toll…. don’t forget Whitmer, Murphy, Wolf, and Newsom!!!
The groper violates his own social distancing rules around female staff
Hahaha, but how can he resist those free stuffs, since all progressive New York females are lining up for his magic hand. They ENJOYED him now turn the table on him. It must be the scheme to distract nursing home murder cases that could haunt Democrat for years to come.
@Tĩnh_Lại_Đi Vietnam What about the number of people trump and his Republican cronies let die saying it’s like the FLU LIAR LIAR We won’t forget.
@shirley russell President Trump put a travel ban on the pandemic. Democrat cried out loud doing that is racist. So the death happened is on Democrat. We won’t forget either. Fredo-Coumo kept trashing President Trump and when it comes to nursing home’s death he went quiet and Democrat went quiet. We won’t forget that either. When Judge Kavanaugh was accused sexual attack, Democrat said we must believe in women. Now Cuomo allegation come, Democrat won’t believe in women. Where is the #metoo? We won’t forget that either. When President Trump put the effort to create the vaccine, Democrat called him trying to distract the impeachment. And when vaccine is successfully created Nancy Pelosi, slow Joe, Kamala, AOC sit down happily to receive the shot. We won’t forget that either. Now slow Joe claim President Trump didn’t help to make the vaccine available but only him making it happens. We won’t forget that either. In the second impeachment of President Trump, Democrat appointed Eric Swalwell as chi-com spies brothel manager as an impeachment manager, we won’t forget that either.
I like how the main point of the story is about cuomo’s sex assault charges and hardly even TOUCH the nursing DEATHS! wtf CNN!
SECup shallow reporting.
Interesting how republicans only care about covid deaths when it can be blamed on Cuomo.
@Yeor Mahma you must be a strong proponent of medicare for all
The point of the piece is character on both sides of the aisle. You remember? Didn’t Conservative claim to care about it?
Or the special treatment his brother and wealthy friends received with covid testing
It only took CNN 1 year to realize he was downplaying the deaths?
@Russell Stevens Maybe the left should openly say will stop at nothing to remove a Republican president going forward. I for one thought covid was just another coup attempt in the begining. Not because of Trump but because how radical the left has become. If anything I blame any delay in responce to covid on the first failed coup attempt that Trump was acquitted of.
@Russell Stevens Pelosi stopped Trump from doing this.
@Russell Stevens Coming from a guy who probably wears a mask in the car by yourself. Doubles up when in public and has a spit shield as well. Not because you actually think it will help, but as a demonstration to support the leftist movement.
@Russell Stevens Do you think the Republican or Democrat politicians care about you? Do you think Trump is a Republican? Have you been paying attention to anything? You are lost brother, they have you convinced that the orangeman is bad. Wake up before it is too late bud. Trump is out, but not because of his response to covid, not because of the economy, and definately not because more people voted for Biden. He is out because he was exposing corruption on both sides from the bottom to the highest positions in our government. That is why they attempted to block him from running in 2024. Can’t you see that he won’t run anyway? The door is closed for that now. Biden will chip away at our freedoms for the next four years. The next President will be a full blown Socialist and further destroy capitalism. The US will adopt a one party Socialist system. Democracy and the republic are dead.
@lunchmeat Wasn’t it proven that he overdosed on Fentanyl?
those 15k DEATHS were not important… we are poopin our pants over 6 women with hurt feelings… ladies and gentleman.. the modern left…
I see people only read titles and likely don’t even listen to what people are saying in videos because they just want to hold up stupid narratives. She literally goes directly into his nursing home scandal at 0:25. Not only that, CNN posted an article YESTERDAY about it as well. If you did a Google search, you’ll find it’s been covered for months. You don’t see it because you don’t want to see it, and the algorithms won’t recommend it because you frequent hive-minded media bubbles. All of you are pathetic.
@Law they are pathetic? I don’t see either of those two people insulting you! Do you work for CNN by any chance?
@Inspiring Minds so because you fail to come up with a response you support their bs and I must work for CNN? Goodness! I’m in the Twilight Zone. People lack critical thinking skills at a level that is shocking. And you happen to be on some self-righteous nonsense I can guarantee you don’t follow. I literally just looked at your past comments.
@Law Here’s some critical thinking for you, THE LEFT IS MENTAL.
@BamaBorn BamaRaisedRT I agree. Bothe the right and left are insane. Did you think I was part of the left? Dumbass!
After that hit Chicago she did same sending covid patients to nursing homes
Trump was on a fast track handling all aspects of the plandemic including suggesting a highly effective treatment and preventative. Trump ordered 9 million doses for the US Military and it has worked very well. The Dems were in a panic because this virus had been carefully studied during the Obama/Soros/Biden administration when it was found to cause infertility in women. The Trump economy was roaring with the lowest unemployment numbers ever for Hispanics, Women and Black Americans. However the virus was released it represented a way to crash the greatest economy mankind had ever known and it was a premise for massive emergency mail in balloting.
These elderly people were just collateral damage in the Dems war on Trump. “Collateral damage definition is – injury inflicted on something other than an intended target; specifically : civilian casualties”
@Guided Meditation 1000%agree
@John Elkins It is good to know when others see the same thing.
@Guided Meditation You watch to much Qanus.
@allabout perspective Blue Anon?
Cuomo’s Emmy was appropriate…it’s an ACTING award…
Clever clever! I agree
That Emmy is build on the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocent senior citizens and people with disabilities. It NEEDS be taken away NOW, but Hollywood is fine with killing both of those groups, because they think they’re of no worth to society.
You were praising him like he was a god a month ago gtfo
Andrew Cuomo clearly pissed off someone with a lot of power. This is just a coordinated hitpiece against him.
@Plato DaVinci it’s politics. It gives the dems and the media a great way to get rid of Cuomo without admitting they were wrong for covering up his nursing home killing spree.
Didn’t he get an Emmy for his performance? Or was that just payment for his Trump bashing?
…. and the emmys go to… all the fake “victims” claiming after 20 yrs they were omg…. KISSED by cuomo!! omg!! noooooooooooooooooooo
He needs to resign. This doesn’t look good for anyone.
What if he is innocent lets wait for investigations
If he’s guilty, get him out of office! I was fooled by his Covid News Releases! Get him out of office!
You must be a russian bot!
Forget the allegations! Let’s focus on the fact that 1,000s of old folks died because of him…yes.. your grandma and grandad…
They don’t care about babies what makes you think they care about elderly?
Both are looked at as disposable
Well, I Don, t know about to say confusing
temptation is always there, this is the one u
need to avoid. Good luck, God bless..
Come on S.E.. the most prominent NY dems have called for his resignation. Others have called for independent investigation.