SE Cupp: GOP full-on hallucinating over critical race theory

CNN's SE Cupp says the GOP and right-wing media are using critical race theory as a "boogeyman" to stir up voters.
#CNN #News


    1. When have they EVER done that ? Remember the Willie Horton ads that Bush Sr. used in 1992 . Subtext ? ” The black guys are going to grab your women ! Oh No ! “

    2. Some Simple Questions =
      Do you feel safer in America today under Biden?
      Do you agree with open border policy ?
      Do you agree with green new energy ?
      Will you be prepared to be taxed on emmissions you use when we start going green ?
      Are you Racist ?
      Are guns problem for spike in violence?
      Are today’s soft laws reason for spike in violence?
      Do we need More Police?
      Are you happy with criminals being released early?
      Are you happy with new teaching Criteria in schools?
      Do we need to spend 8.5 trillion dollars?
      Is the economy in good shape?
      Are you happy with promises stated prior to election ?
      Is this administration all you expected?
      Do you Trust the Media?
      Should Media be Unbiased (not lean left or right)?

      Now sit down, have cup of cofee, etc, and think about these, forget what opinions from newscasters and special guests on any show left or right. Look into your heart, true answers are there, not in any media outlet, if you have tons of time, ask yourself, why we dont have indepth truthful answers to problems above. Most of it is hidden, but you will surprise yourself, we all have distractions, this is why we dont know reason behind many of these questions, media is not the answer.

  1. Here before your very eyes, is definitive proof that extreme hate makes one delusional. I’m now feeling sympathy for those who get all their propaganda from “faux news”.😟 SMH!

    1. @just the facts Did you know Trump Supporters tried to destroy a 240 year ago democracy which would have placed 340 million American lives in danger.

    2. @B Taylor I’m just saying, you gonna point fingers, you gotta be willing to look in the mirror

    3. What are the most-watched news networks? In May 2021, Fox News was the most-watched cable news network in the United States and continues to do well in terms of its primetime audience, with 2.16 million primetime viewers in that period. Fox News viewers in the 25-54 demographic reached 345 thousand, whilst MSNBC had just 199 thousand. When looking at Fox News viewers compared to CNN, the overall average number of primetime viewers was notably different. CNN has been losing viewers in recent years, although since the coronavirus outbreak has been pulling in a far larger audience than usual.

  2. “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” ~ Isaac Asimov

    1. @Jonathan Hall you know there are plenty of people born women who cannot have a child. Does this make them less of a woman? This also applies to many men. Are you less of a man because of sport count?

    2. @Marie Ross A person born without a uterus or a vagina is not a woman. To argue otherwise is the height of stupidity.

    3. @Priest Fulton J Wingba JR I prefer the tooth fairy he leaves me a quarter under my pillow. Or the Easter bunny he brings me candy.


    1. @Dorian Shades of gray brut force lacking understanding and direction is a wasted military. Ignorance is only bliss for the ignorant.

    2. @Dorian Shades of gray the CCP and Russia and paying thier GOP cronies to use this bullshit to tear this country apart from the inside

  3. I don’t understand how being “woke” aware that racial inequality and social injustice exists and should be ameliorated, or having “antifa” sentiments (anti fascists – thought Nazis and fascists were the bad guys; wasn’t there a whole war about it?) is now considered bad or anti-American. Isn’t planning and participating in an insurrection to overthrow the government, or hoping the military will stage a coup – isn’t that anti-American?

    1. You do know it was Antifi and Blm that burnt and looted our cities to the tune of close to $2B injured about 700 police officers and in the process about 25 people died in the riots of post George Floyd yeahhh they are a great buch of folks you Dematards love to coddle.

    2. @Jonathan Hall I know they were a minority . But you dodged my question . Let me try it backwards . Since the Czar and his family were such nice people , why did the MAJORITY of Russian citizens not immediatley leap to their defense – easily defeating those sneaky Bolsheviks ?

    3. @James Kennedy Exactly. What percentage of Americans truly participate in Capitalism? Very few. Capitalism without restraint and regulations ends up being a land of lords and serfs. Ths lords have used right wing propaganda to tell the serfs that anything and everything but the lords are to blame for you being condemned to serfdom.

    4. @Zennbubba And they didn’t represent the Democratic party or Joe Biden, nor were they trying to overturn a democratic election. They don’t seem comparable.

    5. @James Kennedy The Czar was a dope who made many critical mistakes in managing the affairs of state. He was not popular at all with the people. But the Bolsheviks are like the current gender confused bluecheck marks on twitter that push CRT training like a ravenous cult. Same tactics, same cancel culture BS, same forms of indoctrination. The comparisons are so obvious it is hilarious to watch. The olny difference being the Bolsheviks weren’t all suffering anxiety disorders that prevented them from going to the store to pick up a pizza.

  4. Racist become extremely uncomfortable talking about racism face to face. Give them a nameless and faceless outlet such as this comment section, they are like moths to a flame.

    1. @904Walkem some work to minimize abuse, injustice, others don’t care either way, ur the worst making excuses for it.

    2. Dorian Gray is a known troll. He has no conviction either way, he is here to collect a pay check. Which you can deny him if you dont respond.

    3. Get ready for all the barking from the hit dogs….I can hear em now. They all know racism exists, they need to keep the theory of white supremacy alive. That’s why CRT and true black is not to be allowed in schools. They claim it will cause division….racism is division.

    4. @WatchMy Shine stop playing the victim and make something of your life. Other minorities that come to the US with nothing and become success stories through hard work and dedication. You don’t hear too many asians crying about being oppressed as they just get on with it and become the richest most successful group of people in America . It’s time to stop hanging on to a bygone era and get out of this victim mentality.

    1. @Jeff Libby CRT does not call all whites racists and does not hold the current population at fault. What it does is acknowledge historical facts, and recognize that some systemic racism issues still remain with a view to fixing these issues. This is NOTHING to do with calling all current whites racists. WHERE IS THE DISCERNMENT IN THE BODY OF CHRIST?

    2. @drab g I am not Professor Peabody. I am Sanctified Elder Master Anointed Prophet, Bishop Dr Apostle John Sr, Esq. I have deep knowledge of The Word, and have been pastoring for more than 27 years.

      I hold a PhD in Theology and Philosophy from the Liberty University School of Divinity with a concentration in Creationism and Lizard People Studies.

    3. @John Bohica Teaches racism between the blacks and whites, it our past its our history, live with it get over the past.

  5. Fox opinion commentators don’t want their listeners to learn anything. Ingraham, Carlson, Hannity and Pirro would be out of a job if that were to ever happen.

    1. @Zennbubba
      Rating only matter for the network…and trump. Guess you never thought that people would watch fox to see the crazy they’re spewing

    2. @dozzer009 I don’t think Fox has the market cornered in that aspect. Yes numbers matter always have always will.

    3. @Zennbubba Fox “News” by their own admission in a court of law said they are not a news organization but strictly entertainment.

    4. @dozzer009 Crazy like:
      -Russian collusion?
      -Jussie Smollet MAGA attack? 🤣
      -Russian bounties on US soldiers?
      -Mueller’s arrest of Trump?
      -Covington Boys intimidation?
      -Lev Parnas
      Oh wait…..that wasn’t Fox! 🤣
      You’ll be unable to see truth; you’re already indoctrinated. 🤦‍♂️

    1. What are the most-watched news networks? In May 2021, Fox News was the most-watched cable news network in the United States and continues to do well in terms of its primetime audience, with 2.16 million primetime viewers in that period. Fox News viewers in the 25-54 demographic reached 345 thousand, whilst MSNBC had just 199 thousand. When looking at Fox News viewers compared to CNN, the overall average number of primetime viewers was notably different. CNN has been losing viewers in recent years, although since the coronavirus outbreak has been pulling in a far larger audience than usual.

    1. They have not even released their platform for 2022 and have said they have no intention of releasing one. So their winning formula is more of the same crap they pulled on the American people for 4 years? That is not going to get them back into power. They will not be relevant over the next 3 election cycles.

    2. Unfair to Jim Jones! The GQP didn’t have a platform at their last convention. They couldn’t write down what it might be that they believe in. Whatever Donald wants is what we believe in. Sick. Person woman man camera tv.

  6. Ms. CUPP, THANK YOU FOR YOUR BRILLIANT RENDERING OF THIS MADNESS INFESTED BY THE REPUBLIANS. Keep your good reporting defending the perspective we all need for our democracy. News aside, balance is our strength. Thank you!

    1. What are the most-watched news networks? In May 2021, Fox News was the most-watched cable news network in the United States and continues to do well in terms of its primetime audience, with 2.16 million primetime viewers in that period. Fox News viewers in the 25-54 demographic reached 345 thousand, whilst MSNBC had just 199 thousand. When looking at Fox News viewers compared to CNN, the overall average number of primetime viewers was notably different. CNN has been losing viewers in recent years, although since the coronavirus outbreak has been pulling in a far larger audience than usual.

  7. Fortunately, the Republicans cannot form any hearings in Congress. They are rightfully the minority.

    1. He will be headed back to prison soon. He was seen meeting with the leaders of the Oath Keepers the day of the attempted overthrow. His pardon will do him no good if charged and convicted of conspiring to overthrow the government of the duly elected President. President Biden is his name get used to saying it for the next 7 and a half years.

  8. Indeed. This was Milley’s “Have you no sense of decency, sir?” moment. Republicans are False-flag Culture Warriors who think they’ve found the nuclear option for their Culture War Chest. It’s going to blow away all their sins and memories of 6 January.

    1. CRT is racist. It bases everything on skin color. It’s antithetical to what MLK stood for. You liberals will fall for anything….

    2. but the racists want to continue thier bullshit, and are angry when they called out for it

  9. For a Party that incessantly talks about threats to the First Amendment, they sure are terrified by some soldiers reading some history books.

  10. I find the General to be of great character because he had the guts to apologize when he knew was wrong

  11. They’re afraid of people deciding for themselves what’s real or not. They’re afraid of critical thinking. They’re afraid of reality, because it has a pesky way of undoing their delusions about themselves and other situations.

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