Democratic strategist James Carville and CNN political commentator SE Cupp discuss Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema leaving the Democratic Party and defeated Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake’s lawsuit challenging the certification of the state’s election. #CNN #News
SE Cupp calls out Sinema’s ‘canny move’

She’s always been the person she is today. An opportunist.
@Cesspool Junkie Wait!! My Pres Bama has thong pics! Super hit me up!
Not all day. And if facts are bait for yourself. Please self educate. Literally takes me a few minutes everyday
@Vomatron Both opportunist and narcissist, but mostly narcissist! Could be said of most of the GOP.
Kristen political ideology and priority: Kristen
Perfectly said.
Gotta face facts……Sinema is ruled by big donors, when they say jump she jumps……so it makes sense they told her to switch parties and keep her in the game!!
Am I just paranoid or do I feel like Elon Musk money here?
Brupe Boring
Duh. So is BRANDON, Mitch, Nancy, Chuckie boy, the only difference between a democrat politician and a republican is who’s knees hit the floor first when their donors walk in the door. 😂
@Brupe Boring duh. She fits in with all of them.
Sinema looked at Tulsi Gabbard and thought “How can I be more like her?”
At least Tulsi Gabbard went from a Republican Troyan Horse to an open Republican. Sinema is as independent as Ru Paul is straight.
@Felipe Munoz leader of what the 🤡👹 at Fake faux not news 😅😂🤣🤮🤢
@DeKalb Gal
So what about all the preschoolers Hillary fed to Soros in the catacombs beneath his serpent lair of toddler bones?
@Cj your party is the one who is pro pedophilia. I don’t know why you think you have a say in anything 🤣 disgusting!
@Cesspool Junkie 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Don’t forget the basement of the pizza parlor were Hillary kept the kids🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Only the sense of humor can keep us sane. A toast to Q!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sinema is done in Arizona. Maybe she’ll move to another state and do her act there. She doesn’t care if she gets negative or positive attention, only that she gets attention. She helped Mansion cost the whole country the Build Back Better bill. I’m an Arizona voter.
Please help vote her out in ’24. Thank you. LedHed Steven 🎸 🎸 🎸 🎸
We’ll see. Breakdown of Arizona voters show a lot more of you state disagrees with you, than agrees. Now, she can run without having to deal with the woke idiots primarying her.
I can’t believe we have to see her two face snake face for another more year. I wish she was already gone.
Geez… I didn’t realize Arizona voters were allowed out of the cemetery after elections
Your crappy state elected a governor who refused to debate, hid in a bathroom when challenged, failed to make sure voting machines were working, and signs off her own election.
On top of this, we all know she did not earn this spot from her intelligence.
It’s all an act. The way she makes her voice break when she talks about bipartisanship is so contrived!!
Like a snake whispering in your ear. She definitely is a good actor…
Her facial expressions are a dead give away.
00:35 “My values have never changed.” Since when did she ever have values? 03:35 “I think I ‘ll do what I always do.” This means making sure the donor’s check clears.
And you’re all being exterminated for population control by your own wicked kind..
Ain’t evil a btch
If she will do what she always do – why change her political party now? She just wants power, money and attention – another person not interested in anyone other than herself. She needs to be voted OUT
Is this a example of libs eat each other?
yes…100% agree $$$ Kaching
There’s a term for what Sinema is doing switching political party frequently. It called “political prostitution” look it up.
You can’t leave a party you were never actually a part of.
@TheBubbles79 wrong again chump
@G George
So she didn’t eat Skeletors greasy buttocks?
Did you see Klaus Schwab in his bubble panties cruising tinkle beach for fresh knob?
Yoooooooo hoooooooo
Come tickle my kootchie, Klaus.. You squishy squishy long time now
Squishy squishy
I don’t understand how she can say that she talks to anyone ‘at home” she won’t meet with her constituents ever!
Don’t treat her like she’s special. That’s literally every politician, Reps and Dems, all politicians are in an exclusive club that plebs like you and I are not allowed into
Might as well be Martha McSally. We need another Gabby Giffords.
Watching this woman talk stimulates my “gut feeling” that she is full of it.
I’ve decided to call her Kyrsten Enema from now on, for the amount of fecal matter constantly pouring out of her mouth… I hesitated before but she’s definitely earned it.
She needs to learn that sh!t sticks to a moving target just as fast as one that remains idle.
yep, a move in her interest, not the people who voted for her.
Sinema knew that she was going to be “primaried” at the next election cycle, she also understands that she is especially disliked in her own state because she has achieved nothing for her constituents. Her gig at the US Senate has been some narcissistic circus, probably in order to land a comfy job with a lobbying office after her one term.
She’d disliked by her state’s Democrats, because she cannot be coerced. A lot of people respect her for that.
@Deborah Freedman She is disliked by everyone with a brain: she is an embarrassment for Arizona. As for the lunatics of your liking, get over it, you lost. People are plain sick and tired of your conspiracy world.
Sinema is out for herself, always was.
As long as she now stays ‘ irrelevant ‘ would be best for everyone.
Sinema is as lost as Lindsey Graham. She is always seeking a wind to justify her direction.
Excellent statement.
Sinema is not serving her state, but herself. She chose to be an independent for unscrupulous reasons: more money from her wealthy donors in exchange for opposing tax increases; protecting vested interests; reversing the 51:49 democratic majority; and, projection of personal power.
Sinema likes the clout of being the “tie-breaker” and doesn’t want to give up that power. The _timing_ of this move is interesting.
You forget that I’m going to sleep with my wife tonight
After democrats voted her in she never would have won had she done this prior
Ummm, you do realize the Dems and Liberals said about Kamala having the right too switch popular votes from Republicans?
Me: You meant ‘suspicious’, I assume?
Few like Kyrsten Enema no matter what party she’s in.
Prediction: after losing her Senator seat in 2025, Sinema will switch party just like Tulsi did.
She lied when she said she’s always been the person she is now. None of us go through life unchanged.