CNN's SE Cupp breaks down where the comparison between Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) doesn't add up.
#CNN #News
SE Cupp: Big differences between Marjorie Taylor Greene and Ilhan Omar

CNN's SE Cupp breaks down where the comparison between Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) doesn't add up.
#CNN #News
“Human life strives ceaselessly to perfect itself, to gain ascendancy. But what of the lower forms of life? Is it not possible that they, too, are conducting experiments and are at this moment on the threshold of deadly success?”
And what if some of those lower forms of life . . . are also human.
MTG is not like GOP POV on AOC so they need to oust Greene or it’s a party of GQP

“She has consumed the political world, overtaking Trump’s pending impeachment trial. Never mind covid relief.”
@Biden Colluded With China She is a nutcase.
Wait for Friday 3 hr. Documentary on OAN wil be running in a loop. All on cel phones etc GOD said this will best be stored Trump wi be Res The eft Etc Prison a d jaimfor TREASON, ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️N stolen election
Democrats persecute anyone who disagreed with them. Totalitarian regime with CNN spreading fake news propaganda…Bye election cheaters.
@Engage360 You are as sick as Greene.
@The Truth Is Out 777 NASTY
Representative Omar is not anti Semitic, you can criticize the government of Israel. If you criticize the Ugandan government does that mean you hate actual black people or does it mean you have issues with the government.
Ilhan Omar needs to be deported.
She married her brother for God sake
@M Hall um she has boyfriend that is not her brother. But if she did what would that have to do with the topic
I can hear you clicking through your slides ahhhh use the arrow keys on your keyboard next time!
Biden was killed omg!-:!
its actually her mic bouncing off her necklace lol
Im using headphones and for some reason the sound only comes hard from one side
@John Dodge lmao I want to see the coming of the patriot party, they will blast the sound so loud inside their ears they will go mental and expose the extreme right, even more than already
The right side is too messed up to work.
I noticed that too, what a coincidence.
Ffis that
oh good
So what you are saying is that instead of Green losing committee roles, she should apologize and Congress should craft resolutions saying her actions are troubling and then life goes on.
Got it.
CNN defends their favorites and condemns the ones they hate.
Sorry, BDS movement is not anti-Semitic and has no direct comparison. Boycotting something in protest is the most American thing you can do. You’re both sides argument is weak and journalistic malpractice.
She’s not a journalist. She’s an opinion pundit.
@ Mr. R THANK YOU FOR THE TRUTH ! Besides Ilhan Omar’s tweet about politician’s loyalties being all about the Benjamines was a reference to a song, NOT an anti semitic slur. It was aimed at politicians who cozy to right wing Israeli GOVERNMENT policies not the jewish people. Rep Omar had problematic tweets from long before her campaign, but she has educated herself about those issues and distanced herself from them, appropriately.
Do wish influential people like S.E Cupp and Bill Maher and Nancy Pelosi would directly ASK Ilhan Omar about her comments rather than simply reading everything they want and what is advantageous for them into them.
@Donna B. How touchy you are when someone dares to say the obvious about Omar.
@Paul Walsh Did Omar learn about the USS Liberty? That might have changed her mind about her retraction!
oh and look at those dislikes lmao
Unfortunately, this lady thinks she understands something?
Ashley Jackson Testimony: her husband was handled kinda wrong (Heart) condition tells me the UK strain is more dangerous than we know (Bloodclot/heart) advanced symptoms with the (UK) strain this is the first case so far ,but i’m glad i heard that
To have someone so ignorant in charge of education is scary
To have someone in charge of education after she adamantly denies the school shootings at Newton and Parkland, and chases and harasses one of the Parkland student survivors claiming she is carrying a gun, is _terrifying ._
As a german citizen, i can just say: you failed in education for the poor, and now you pay the price.
@Cortez The Killer
The lack of helping verbs is a little jarring to a native speaker.
Properly compensate the Poles and you can come in our backyard and shout all you want. The fact that you choose death by immgration is not only hilarious, it’s ONLY something a German could and would chose to do. #NoIronyHere.
@Greygor the Goateed Geek
German….like we care
From my knowledge of teachers (that live and teach) in the US. The problem isn’t the system. The problem is the attitude of the parents and students. Students don’t apply themselves and parents don’t take the time to be involved.
BDS is not anti-semitic – nice try.
@Impossible is Just An Opinion BDS is a rejection of the behavior of Israel’s hardline government, not of Jews. Many, many Jews are appalled by Israel’s current behavior.
It is. Nice try.
@R G k you want to elaborate on how protesting against a government that has time and time again committed atrocious human rights violations (just see how Palestinians aren’t getting any vaccines) is anti-semitic? I’ll wait…
@R G Fascism and disregard for fellow citizens is the hallmark of Israeli politics and daily life – has been since Truman. You are ignorant.
@R G Israel became what they fled.
1 is on Earth, the other is out with her space lasers.
Being opposed to Zionist agenda doesn’t make you anti-semitic, it makes you humanitarian.
Discussion of Omar’s “antisemitism”, so labelled, without any context or specifics, is utterly irresponsible and misleading, and perpetuates the ongoing, disingenuous conflation of criticism of the policies of the current government of Israel – and the influence of lobbyists working on its behalf on American foreign policy – with hatred of Jews.
Some of her criticisms nonetheless were unfortunately phrased in such a way that it brought to mind classic anti Semitic tropes (although, given that one of those tropes involves the idea of jews manipulating world affairs via money, it’s difficult to know how one would make true observations about the influence of AIPAC – an organisation whose sole reason for existence is to raise money and use it to influence US policy – without saying something that could be seen as invoking the trope), however her response to being called out on it was a thoughtful and compassionate reflection on how her language was ill-chosen and harmful, an acknowledgment that she had been ignorant of the Jewish experience of those tropes and was now being educated about it by Jewish friends and colleagues, and an unreserved retraction and apology. Any comparison of her and Greene is ridiculous.
When you call BDS anti-semitic, you instantly lose all credibility.
How can you literally absolve an entire country of any criticism?? Insanity