Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, expresses her concerns over Amy Coney Barrett, the president's pick for filling Justice Ginsburg's seat, and why she won't meet with Barrett ahead of committee meetings. Aired on 9/28/2020.
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SCOTUS Pick Is Being Shoved Down Our Throat, Says Senator | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The title of my book will be” an old man who pulled one of the most sophisticated fraud in America history.
Memoirs of Biden ,subtitled
The left keeps making blanket statements and can’t support anything they say. You’re deluded.
@snowflake killer No problem. You can start with this partial list of Trump’s felonies:
@Neil H.G. Trump is a total fraud and he’s going to prison.
Nawwwww, nobody would ever actually want to read a book about Joe Biden!
No more bible thumpers running things. We don’t need more ignorance we need people that are capable of critical thinking.
@MountainOf Everest you’re just guessing. Nominal Christians have been ignoring Christ’s words in favour of anything they can find in the rest of their bible to support their personal wishes. You can quote the bible to justify everything from child-murder to incest to slavery and war and tithing.. The law of god is simple, ‘Don’t do to other people what you wouldn’t want them to do to you.’
@jones So facile. So under-educated.
@Diane O’Donovan Pretending another Party doesn’t have a stimulus bill when they actually have a different one is an Old Tired game. Most Religious Citizens are conservative.. They give more money and time to charity than liberals. Conservatives giving money to a charity that boast 93 to 97 percent of every dollar given away in aid.. is much more effecient than building a big wasteful gov’t program that works as poorly as say.. the Post Office or V/A.
@MountainOf Everest No, what happened was that Mitch McConnell just blocked the continuing aid, for two months, until he assumed the people of America and the Democrats would be so desperate for relief that they’d abandon the states and schools and health workers and just accept whatever milk-and-water version the Republicans would create. The Republicans then picked the eyes out of the Heroes Act, mashed them up, added a lot of watering down, included some new provisions for the rich and then expected the Democrats to tamely take what the rich were willing to give the poor, sick, hungry and increasingly – because of their delay – the homeless. Their ‘bill’ was a bastardised and plagiarised version of the bill which would, and should have been passed in May. They were too mean-spirited, and more worried about the Democrats getting some kudos for the bill than for the people getting food and needed relief. Disgusting.
@Doreen Cloutier “Virtuous Citizens”?
Well that discounts Trump, his family and his grifting minions already. She’s clearly not bright.
Amy should not accept this post.. If she has any principles she would not take these post….
@Jo Nelson It has been the left that has had to be bailed out ever since Obama was in Office. The left is the very ones that wants to keep giving out Welfare and Food Stamp’s too, not counting all the Money that goes to the Abortion Fund. No the Left is the Socialist Communist. Biden said himself Socialist isn’t all that bad then he goes with China which is a all Communist Country. So let’s just see where the Communism is.
@Rebecca Roberts no comment on the lack of morals? Fyi Obama was not president when the banks crashed the market in 2008.
@Ellen Peba I’m really not a good fit, but you already know that. Don’t worry about it.
@Rebecca Roberts I am a tax payer that definitely pays 10 times more than the president pays and if you told me right now that MY money went to pay for the food stamps and insurance for one or two single moms and dads instead of going into the pocket of a lazy elitist’s golf course as actual Christian I would say that money was well spent.
@SN2903 is she a cry baby or is she just holding republicans like Graham accountable for saying even in term 1 of a Trump presidency no SCOTUS seat should be filled until after an election?
If you Google this Lady, she is basically in a Religious Cult. People with beliefs such as hers are a danger to society ..
@Rense Lange No, I wouldn’t classify ALL religions as cults. However, Judge Barrett and her family (from what I have heard) is a member of a Secretive Catholic group called “People of Praise” which was founded in Indiana, in 1971. Members of the group pledge a “lifelong loyalty oath” to the group, which assigns each member a personal adviser known as “Heads” for men and, until recently, “Handmaids” for women. It is described as deeply patriarchal with men making ALL the final decisions. Some people have definitely describe it as a cult, but I myself would not pass judgement on that until I have investigated it further. From what I have heard and read so far, there are roughly about 1,700 members. So, for this reason I would not describe her as a “mainstream” Roman Catholic, because of her association with this organization. I think her affiliation to that group needs to be addressed, BEFORE confirmation by the US Senate, so that a better understanding of her views regarding many important issues facing the US citizenry may be discovered. Margaret Atwood’s famous novel “The Handmaiden’s Tale” is loosely based on this group.

@sal been Yes, and “Joe Biden” is a DEVOUT one at that…
And… Trumpski is what? He does NOT go to church services but has plenty of time to ‘Tweet” and play “Golf”. Holds the BIBLE UPSIDE DOWN – surprisingly with one hand as he could not do that with a glass of water! . Can’t or won’t quote a favorite SCRIPTURE. Thinks and talks of himself as “The Chosen One” from God. Is a Racist++++, that promotes HATE, FEAR and DIVISION. Feels he does not need to REPENT, because he believes he has NEVER committed ANY sins…..and on, and on, and on…
Good Grief 

@Betty Anne Wilkinson She isn’t forcing her religion on people through the courts, so why do her personal religious beliefs matter? By your logic you could say that ilhan omar doesn’t belong in congress either, she is a Muslim and that is a religion. Laws actually get made in congress. Google the 3 branches of government if you aren’t sure of their functions
@sal been Republicans are all fascists & should be dealt with accordingly.
@bryanatwku I tell you. They studied her for a lengthy 3 minutes and did thorough research in 1. And have doctorates with papers published already.

@RESIST THE MATRIARCHY Moscow Mitch goes in vacations rather than be in the room
You MAGA idiots can not spin this
@Akash Guha Thakurata Nah rather ask Republicunts
@Name … If there are ANY 2nd round of Covid Stimulus Checks
they are now being Cashed and Banked by the hoard of Trump lawyers, defending tRumpski on his TAX and FINANCIAL fiascos. In other words, PAID FOR BY THE USA TAXPAYERS.

@Akash Guha Thakurata Yes, ask the Democrats…..ask them WHY Moscow Mitch is holding negotiations up!

@RESIST THE MATRIARCHY WRONG, it’s McConnell’s fault!

There is no glamor or prestige in being a ‘midnight appointee’ especially when she allows herself to be used as a political tool or to whitewash a case for the biggest tax evader in the history of America.
@Crush Inverted Totalitarianism She belongs to a cult Praise the People! I am a Catholic, but she is a religious fanatic!!
@Elizabeth Anne ,
every one of her colleagues has praised her and yet we should ignore them but trust your well founded opinion.
@Elizabeth Anne In recent years I have studied Catholasicm. I was born Jewish. I have found so much of the religion to be profoundly beautiful and helpful. Also, as an artist, I have been acutely aware of the inspiration it has provided to many artists. A few years ago I read a novel called “Beneath A Scarlet Sky” by Mark Sullivan. Such a sad but poignant story! I learned for the first time how many Catholics helped hide/save/ guide Jews across mountains to escape the Nazis and other fascists.Many of my distant relatives died in Germany and Western Europe. Many of those Catholic souls lost their lives in their attempts to do what they believed was right. Religions can be so pure and beautiful, but all of them somehow become at many times the tools of greedy, unkind people. Stay well and God Bless you Elizabeth… Ruth
@beside myself Surely must be talking about your side the Socialist, Communist. That is what Biden stands for as with Pelosi Evil. Biden has went in with China and that is a Communist Country. If Biden win’s that is just what this Nation will be, Socialist, Communist Country with China and Biden helping each other and you and the rest of us out here will be the ones that will be hurting. They will have all the Power and Controling.
@Rebecca Roberts Don’t you know that the early Christians practiced communism? Communism was demonized by the capitalists because they are afraid they would lose their wealth and power once the people are educated correctly on communism.
A Republic because of God not man
@charles allan Bible thumping loser
Did Judge Barret ask her husband for permission to fill the SCOTUS seat?
Very good question, what about her 7 children, did she get approval from them??
@Nine Fools Wise Very good point. I hope you don’t mind me using it in FULL to post to another misled and misguided person… “For those who believe no explanation is necessary and for those who do not believe no explanation is possible’.
@Ellen Peba I think you missed the point of the initial remark.
@Fifer McGee I want to be in a cult where the dogs are in charge. They never lie and they seem to have a lot of fun with very simple things, and I have yet to see a dog try and take over the world.
@jones Oh? How so?
This nomination is trumps way of saying forget everything and sell out to me
One necessary condition IF she is confirmed and IF there is an election dispute, she MUST recuse herself from that.
“person of faith” is a politically correct term the rightwing use as euphemism for religious zealots showing disregard for Separation of Church and State.
speration is nowhere in the constitution
@DJ FX Kenya nor is marriage equality.
@DJ FX Kenya You might want to brush up on the First Amendment.
Just like “person of color” is leftist code for felon.
@Ricky Spanish enjoy your trolling, comrade. Hope the rubels are worth the hurt you cause from casual racism with malicious forethought.
this situation reminds me of how billy barr fooled everyone and here we are again.
Just because she has 7 adopted kids doesn’t mean she’s a decent person. Lots of people have kids and treat them one way and then another in front of people.
@jonathan li major showboating going on there. 7? 7. Seven….? Bah!!
I don’t think you should comment on whether she’s a good person or not. Morality has nothing to do with this. I understand if you have an issue with her politics(I do too) and the decisions she might make, but personal attacks just dilute the point you’re trying to make.
@jonathan li the question is, who’s really raising them? She can’t take them to work with her.
@jonathan li Amy Barrett has adapted 2 children. She gave birth to 5. Rachel Campos Duffy has 9 children.
This is why we have too many people.
Trump picked her for judicial favors. She is going to work as a Bill Barr for Donald Trump Loyalist .
Every one Trump advances are not known for telling the truth
Talking about the Socialist, Communist. None of them know anything about Truth, principles, morals, integrity and compassion for other people, they sure don’t have Compassion for the little Baby they Murder None of them. How many of them would spend the time in a day to get thing’s done ?None. How many would give up thier Salary to help other Organation’s ? None. Start with your Party before trying to mow the Right’s Grass. People in Glass House’s should never throw Rocks.
@Paul Wilson clearly you do not. A simple Google search will show you!!!…smh
Paul Wilson seems you do so tell us Who she is ? But no lies pls
@Rebecca Roberts what are you talking about? As far as abuse of children how about the children in cages or the 9000 children they dumped in Mexico with no warning the Republican party and wonderful Trump Christians have certainly shown a lot of compassion (not)
I don’t know why barely anyone’s pointing this out but she’s also a racist just like Trump. Ibram X. Kendi, one of the nations leading anti-racists, accurately pointed this out. Educate yourself people!
if she was a decent person she would decline the nomination out of respect for Ruth Ginsburg. that should be a good take-away for the senators to consider.
John Traka Republicans by definition aren’t decent anymore.
@Richard Born you think they’re not decent; you should see me. holy moley…
That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read today. Liberal talking about decency!!!! LOL
A decent person would refuse the nomination on ETHICAL GROUNDS.
@Hugh Mondrich well it’s your dream, you can make it as big as you want to. If you like, you could also believe that Democrats would do the same thing given the same circumstances.
Rebecca Roberts I’m sure she’s very well educated. On the ACA I just hope hope all the Judges agree that there needs to be something to replace it as good or better before it’s eliminated. That’s not too much to expect. Right now none have been presented.
You don’t quit a job UNTIL you have another lined up, as good or better.
What exactly are these ethical grounds? Keeping the crooked Democrats happy aren’t ethical grounds.
@Rebecca Roberts another thing is I was a Republican before the last election. This will be my 13th Presidential Election and Democratic Party isn’t pushing socialism or communism. The only thing the Democrats AND Republicans are doing is saving Democracy in our Country, the current President is striving for Authoritarian Rule. Fascism is a real threat when you have a Country’s Leader obsessed with Power and has already said that he has Absolute Power above everything. Deploying Unmarked Military Style Police on the American people, disregarding people’s rights. Some people think wearing a mask is a violation of their rights… wow, people better wake up and look around.
@Hugh Mondrich The Democrats want to turn the US into a socialist lawless country. Joe Biden didn’teven know the riots were going on for 90 days.You cannot be President when you are afraid to come out of the basement.
This is Trumps final “F-U” to the american people. At this point Trump is scared stiff that he could lose the election, and as the clinical narcissist that he is — he figures he is going to take the country down with him. This way it’s not “Donald Trump” losing ….. it’s america losing…. not his fault … not my responsibility ….. don’t know anything about it …. never heard of her ……… 1
Shouldn’t true believers in Jesus be pushing for free healthcare just like the messiah did?
Health-care is never free. The idea behind advanced democracies’ universal health-care systems is that a person shouldn’t have to pay twice – through taxes and at the point of service. So the costs are mostly borne from the taxes already paid, and you pay a proportion of such things as medicine-costs, or pay extra if you want a room all to yourself. The main thing is to stop the excessive exploitation of citizens by selfish profit-greedy organisations. A basic need should be met from taxes and available to all. What Americans often imagine about universal health care is deliberately distorted, so better to look at countries which already have it. Norway, Sweden and (still not entirely wrecked) England and elsewhere. The countries with most comprehensive health care, and most enlightened heads of states did best in the western world’s battle against covid-19. They did worse depending on whether or both (a) no universal health care (b) self-centred head of state.
The senator doesn’t need to meet with this judge to know who she is. It’s clear who anyone who gets Trump’s approval is.