President Trump will get the chance to solidify a conservative majority on the Supreme Court likely for decades to come by choosing someone to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who passed last week at age 87. We'll look as how a few Senators may have hard decision to make.
Also on this weeks episode, A Kentucky grand jury finds the three Louisville Metro Police officers involved in the shooting of Breonna Taylor not culpable for her death, despite one being indicted on charges of wanton endangerment.
Next week, the first Presidential debate sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates will be held at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. Moderator and Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace has released a tentative list of topics that will be covered.
Finally, wildfires are once again ravaging parts of the American West. Are we seeing the dawn of a destructive planetary age defined by fire? One group of young climate change activists are pushing to curb the trendlines which may help mitigate some of the fire risk.
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Vote in person! Too many Trump votes are disappearing and this seems to be a trend. ‘Discarded’ Trump ballots in Pennsylvania!
Don’t worry, I’m voting for Joe and doing it in person!
Oh, by the way. I thought Trumpee wanted the ballots thrown away. That’s what he said! Stable Genius!
Trump said the elections is fixed. Why would you bother to vote? It’s rigged!

Breanna was not in her bed as reported by activist Journalists initially. Everything you know about this case is a lie. We’re going to riot anyway. We need to put innocent officers in jail.
“If only she weren’t my daughter, I’d be….just like it used to be when she was 15.”
Trump wants to distract Americans from Covid-19 when Americans keep dying? Good luck to him
One thousand died yesterday and will do so today.
Trump should appoint NOW a judge to SCOTUS! No real reason to avoid that!
Biased title, fake news media!
How bout another illegal or a common criminal
Catholics/Christians, should you vote for Biden or Trump? Go to CatholicVote dot org and read the Biden Report. Consider voting for Trump.
I’m a new subscriber and I though USA Today was a central based news channel. Then this pops up with no actual facts in the the Breonna Taylor case. Here are the facts, her boyfriend had a warrant for his arrest. The police knocked on the door with a warrant. Here boy friend shot at the cops and they returned fire. It’s unfortunate that she died but when you know that facts it’s clearly not murder.
I wish there was a news channel that didn’t give BS opinion pieces but actually reported the news.
I’ll keep looking and I suggest your other subscribers do the same.