Over the past months, we’ve seen big businesses thriving as many small businesses collapse. NYU professor and best-selling author Scott Galloway joins Stephanie Ruhle to discuss why small businesses have become “the poodles looking for a handout” instead of the lone wolves of the global economy. Aired on 11/17/2020.
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#ScottGalloway #Protect #MSNBC
Scott Galloway: ‘We Need To Protect People, Not Companies’ | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC
How much of the United States Will trump destroy before January 20th every day he take something down
Trump REBUILT the Military , gave us Wall Street record highs , Massive tax cuts For ALL American citizens , MORE FREEDOM .
but you DARE complain !! God is watching
Maybe you would like to add the 11 million people at our got sick over almost 250,000 that are dead I know you wouldn’t do that with you
If Democrats don’t win the Senate, getting Trump out of the White House will be only one of many things to come.
By removing Trump, but not the others, that still support him, to this day, the cancer will continue to spread, long after Trump is gone.
@xjaskix You just came in and commented without watching this video, didn’t you?
@AnythingAuto just like the woman on the video, he, she, whatever just came looking to confront anyone. Don’t pay mind to the remedial minded, just let them be ignorant.
Yes, it was a failure Stephanie. Just like trickle down economics is a failure. Give money to corporations and it just goes into the pockets of the already weathy shareholders and CEOs who hoard it. Give money to the people and they re-invest it in the economy.
SO TRUE!!!!!!!!
aint this the truth, an economy that is generated by consumer spending NEEDS consumers!!!
Finally. You have a guest who makes sense.
Ikr! Scott Galloway needs to work with the incoming administration.
Absolutely! We all seen it, but hardly, any media, publicly said it, till now.
@TLS Music Production right. Actually I wrote this message twice, and two others. They kept disappearing! Nevertheless I persevered – and I’ve got likes on all four now that the first two have reappeared. Cool.
This man makes sense.
Interview more people like this man, please.
Its great when you tell the people you have been screwed when allowing our Senate and Trump to issue bans on oversight……Thanks
All of the poorest counties are solidly red, yet they’ve been conditioned to believe that social programs equal socialism. The food lines in Texas and Florida that aired over the weekend are tell tale signs that they will never vote in their best interests.
We do have socialism in the USA …. but it is corporate socialism. The democrats have utterly failed to explain this in any meaningful way to american citizens. The only real effective starting point is a massive overhaul and reform of the federal income tax system. It really would be quite simple. The solution is the same income tax rules for everyone…. namely a corporate income tax. Essentially individuals become a corporation of one. All business entities of any kind including non profits, charities etc, as well as individuals pay tax just like corporations do. Which is essentially revenue less expenses equals profit which becomes taxable. The second major change is to treat all income exactly the same. Makes no difference if it is wages, capital gains, interest, dividends, business profit, food stamps, or whatever. This would broaden the tax base significantly and eliminate tax advantages and preferences for source of income. These two changes alone would very very significantly level the economic playing field over time for everyone. Unfortunately, nobody should hold their breath waiting for anything like this to ever happen. Biden will not be like FDR and make revolutionary positive changes. But rather he will just make minor changes around the edges that will in substance just be more of the same. Increasing the tax rate by 2 percent on corporations and the top few wealthiest will essentially change nothing much.
I’ve been saying this all along…give it to the people…8 months later and we’ve gotten a lousy 1,200.~~~we need 5000. Or so and WE will keep things going and our bills paid.
Just give us the money!
If we protected people and not companies we wouldn’t be capitalist. And Trump and his cronies in the right have all demonized socialism which protects people
Socialism protects people?…..Did every Millennial fail World History or is it just not offered in school now? Socialism has failed everywhere it has ever been tried and repeating a action that has failed measurably repeatedly and expecting a different result is as close to a definition of Insanity as i need.
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”
― Margaret Thatcher
@j Wilber no it hasn’t. We have socialism in this country in the form of Medicare, Social Security, minimum wage, infrastructure. Giving farmers, whose lives were really upended by Trump’s tarriffs, were given a “bailout”, said bailout being a socialist policy. Trump’s “tax cut” was socialism for the rich. It is long past the time intelligent people should react to inaccurate labels. We need to help the regular people as much as we can. Trump’s massive failure as a president and McConnell’s enabling of right wing discrimination has all but eliminated the middle class. For a democracy to function well, we need a middle class. What we have now are the very rich and the poor. That is why this great country is floundering so badly. It will take quite a while for humane leaders to correct the current imbalance. Getting rid of Ted Cruz and his arrogant ilk would be a good start.
@j Wilber Define what you mean by socialism and your comment might be worthy of a response. As it is you make it sound like Sweden and Denmark and probably even Germany are failed states. Nobody in the US aside from a few quacks are talking about anything like what happened in the countries you seem to be referring to.
@GlennC777 if you cannot understand what l said and the comments and examples l gave, l cannot help your closed mind.
@Nancy M. Ross I think you replied to the wrong person. Your comment was spot-on.
Don’t let people that make money off of money decide any of this.
we can save the stock market put money in corporate runned by billionaires, but nothing for families, the works of congress nothing but monsters
Something in fundamentally wrong in America. Smh
I can’t see this guy getting any traction at all …..he simply makes too much sense for America, left right center, to absorb
the government knew exactly what they were doing.
they gave bail out to buddies and zero to the people
Well not zero. I think it was around 20% of the TRILLIONS went to people who needed it, when you break it down.
The GOP and Trump are the Direct cause of this… Make no mistake…
@GlennC777 they’re all dumb as rocks , knew just enough to fill a bag with money and scuttle off. when will we learn GOP leadership is self sabotage.
Trump’s Great American COVID Genocide!
As much as I hate Trump, both parties are to blame for this. It’s a fundamentally broken system, where our representatives are either rich before office, and that’s how they get there, or they take cooperate pack money to get into office, which turns them into a pawn for the rich. And once they start getting rich themselves, good luck getting them to understand the common folks problems. The system must change by getting money out of politics.
Trump just took credit for it, like everything else. This is the GOP 100%.
Yeah, it’s both parties. We MUST vote for term limits. No congressperson should be in office for 6-7 6 year terms. It’s wrong.. they consolidate power and money.
Capitalism as of today is unsustainable. The top can not exist at the expense of everyone else.
That’s because capitalism has turn into greedtalism !
Capitalism is actually more sustainable today than at any time in our history. American voters are extremely supportive of politicians that take bribes and just plain old handouts of their tax money to give to corporations. They can’t wait to get laid off and eviction notices to show how thankful they are for the corporate leadership of our private political Parties.
The point I keep trying to tell people is that China has allowed, through cheap labor and intern, cheap products, the middle class to still feel like they are gaining more luxuries than their parents generation. Cheap Chinese labor makes up for the difference in the cost of basic goods, such as a computer. If we made computers in the US only, the price would be 3 times as high, and the middle class would struggle to afford them. China has allowed us to feel like we are doing better, while in fact, making less money after inflation. After china, I don’t see how we make up this disparity between the poor and the rich. Take away china, and the middle class become poor. Don’t take away china, and we are depended on an adversary for our day to day lives, and we don’t have manufacturing jobs. The rich keep piling it on, and eventually, there will be nothing left for the poor.
@Rocket Boards Very good assessment.
@Rocket Boards We’ve lost more manufacturing to automation than China since the 80’s. More technology requires less workers for more efficiency. But yes, China did help produce much of the cheap crap Walmart goods the middle class relies upon though, but that’s changing. China is now turning into a US consumerism model while sending the jobs to Thailand and India.
They’ll probably be ahead of us before long and start a UBI model to keep their citizens happy, housed, and fed, while the Corporations lobby to prevent any kind of assistance to US workers. They already lobby against unions, minimum wages, healthcare, and other basic human rights, so they’ll most likely continue to hold us back and pretty soon the US will be the “Sick Man of the West” in a cruel twist of fate. Or at least that’s how I forsee it if we keep putting anti-science anti-regulation pro-oligarchy neocons in public office. The nationalist propaganda machine has been in overdrive for the past decade with the omnipresence of the personal computer, so my expectations for our country are pretty gloomy.
Perfectly stated. But Mitch McConnell knows this we have to take the Senate or America is done. Trickle down economies don’t work.
I thought for sure that rat …Mitch McConnell would be voted out by a land slide…how did that not happen?!
@Crystal Telf Rigged Election? The one’s claiming a fallacy are typically the ones cheating.
Giving one guy, in one state, this much pull, over all of the US, is down right ignorant.
Just like the Filibuster, and the Electoral College.
This is the only guy that I’ve heard that makes sense on stimulus.
Or tell the “truth” about what is really going on with Stimulus.
In Canada the money when to people. Spending that money keeps the economy moving
MANY Countries took care of their Citizens. Even poor Countries. Not America!
You guys enjoy your free health care, while our Government say’s “It cannot be done!” LOL
Trump’s PPP loan distribution was as bad as his Covid response = Trump is a dismal failure.
Even capitalism is getting the message. Socialism for the rich never works. Socialism for the poor strengthens Capitalism.