Greenland lost 12.5 billion tons of ice to melting on August 2, the largest single-day loss in recorded history and another stark reminder of the climate crisis. #CNN #News
Scientists find troubling signs under Greenland glacier

Greenland lost 12.5 billion tons of ice to melting on August 2, the largest single-day loss in recorded history and another stark reminder of the climate crisis. #CNN #News
Rich people have essentially built their homes on every square inch of coastline making it impossible to visit any beach. I think it’s poetic justice that their homes will now become an artificial reef.
And I shall go scuba diving for their stuff when the time comes…!
@support your local antifa Says the soy boy welfare babies that scream at the top of there lungs LMAO. You guys are clinically depressed because Trump is your president. We all know the left are pissed off everyday seeing the right WINNING everyday. Imagine needing 10+ people to take on 1 dude LOLLL. #ANTIFAlivesDONTmatter
So you’re just a pathetic loser that’s too stupid to create wealth and buy a home on the coast?
Trump will continue to deny climate change till his Mar-a-Lago BROTHEL goes under water.
Trump applied for grants on his Irish golf course for damage done to his golf course through global warming.
S1962 W In the 70’s there were 4 papers on potential cooling 60 on warming but the newspapers went with cooling
@Alistair Razi Do you forget the lady smuggling in stuff down her bikini, hacking tools or such, along with her link to some madam connected to Mar-a Largo.
Good luck with the world fungus. Remember us.
I really thought the roaches would get a shot next.
Learn from us.
The issue of global warming reminds of the battle with the tobacco industry and doctors back in the day. Who are you going to believe when it comes to the health hazards of using tobacco, the doctors, or the tobacco industry who profits from it? When it comes to global warming, who are you going to believe, the fossil fuel industry, or the scientists who study climatology?
@Raider 2747 did you feel like a hero on hill with your cape in the wind when you said that?, this the paris agreement propaganda to get billions from the tax payer, no corporations will be effected. But hey let’s just do something right?
We are all connected
If you can convince the IJC to stop flooding Lake Ontario as they have for the last three years I would believe that you may have a glimmer of hope convincing others of the issue. I have no faith in our own government let alone a foreign one.
Look up “2019 Lake Ontario flooding” on YouTube to get a glimpse of what government destroys.
MAGA COUNTRY it’s not about controlling nature it’s about tipping the scales the wrong way, as we did with the ozone layer and CFC’s
Collin M how much money would a scientist get if all the richest countries in the world, all the richest companies, the richest people in the world who all owe there existence to oil, could point to scientific evidence that global warming was not happening, they’d be on every television in the world overnight, Fox would have them on 24/7, instead they have non scientists, economists.
Trump will be drowning in raising ocean water and still say it’s a Chinese hoax.
Your drowning in BS now. And you say it’s science.
He’ll blame Hillary’s tears after the election loss.
@Janet Airlines So, because Al Gore has a jet, you say F the planet? Wheres the “but Hillary”? You wake up from a 20 year nap?
What do you expect from an orangutan and his cultist deplorables who are proud to ignore scientific facts!!!!
We’re beyond saving. There aren’t enough PSAs and pamphlets in the world. Take a deep breath and learn to swim.
@Bryon Kidder Jeanne tripplehorn is still hot.I liked her on criminal minds.
@ray ray Since there is no God,we will evolve.
@zambot264 No less ice mean less light refecting back in space creating more heat and the cycle continues.
@zambot264 Did you ever visit the ice wall? I have and met a few ninja emperor penguins with m16s and full suits of armor protecting the ice wall.
@Social Network well thats quite an egoistic way to think – i myself would hate to live in a world where it might be very unresponsible even getting kids.
but scientifically, yea it could be quite interesting, but as far as i can see all thats gonna survive extreme heat and cold is gonna be spores or some other small organisms. might not be that exiting to watch for like the first 1000000 years
This information will probably not air on Fox. The science is too easy to understand and Fox viewers don’t want to be convinced global warming is real.
if you admit it’s real, you might feel guilt for not doing anything about it. and fox news viewers only want to see and hear things that back up what they already believe.
@rapunzel eh? its not belief its critical thinking , this is not science;”the warm water is touching the ice”?, this is about power ,when public opinion starts to swing back to the right the world will end until dems get back in power of course
Danny v climate change is only political in some parts of America Ronald Reagan, George Bush and Margaret thatcher were fully onboard with what was required in relation to climate change. This is not about taxes nobody is asking you for money! It’s about moving towards a low energy, reuse, more efficient use of our planets resources. What do you have against clean air and water?
Trump’s real estate development just got scaled down. Now includes 18 hole mini putt.
Brian Decaire Lol this is a climate change video. And your TDS just couldn’t help itself could it? bahahahaha oh wow.
@hydra xc trump will be voted out in 2020
@hydra xc Hey moron, Trump’s dismissal of climate change as “a Chinese Hoax” is directly related to this video. Trump is perpetuating damage to our environment so his fossil fuel donors can rake in even more billions. People like you are completely ignorant.
*He was trolling you fucking idiots – hook – line – sinker.*
In your dreams Face it there are more sane adults than gays or kids living off their parents.. The only people that believe this hoax @jonny s
anyone not willing to help protect our environment should just kill themselves.
you science deniers are a burden to the rest of us.
Some day all you earth worshipers will meet your creator and the creator of the earth you worship. You will not be able to save yourselves. God’s judgment and wrath is coming. You are to worship the creator not the created. Spew all the hate you want, it doesn’t change a thing.
Begin with Trump and his cultist deplorables, most decent people knew trump would be a serious threat to this planet.
@george washington unfortunately what you say is totally right, Trump and ha cultists are a serious threat to the world
Whjerts 56 this is something that I will never understand. If you are a religious person and you believe that god created the world, he created the mountains the seas and all the creatures, how can you accept that it is treated with such disrespect. Don’t you feel that mankind turning the oceans into a polluted sewer is something that god would be pleased with or that those that let it happen will have a reckoning?
We don’t have “climate change” we have a “climate crisis”
john blaze Pollution is undeniable and isn’t natural fucktard. Don’t come crying to me when you get cancer from pcb laden fish.
Lamont Cranston INC. That’s a stupid comparison. One person isn’t responsible for everyone using the internet and I’m sure driving 1 hour pollutes a lot more than one person charging their phone, moron.
What happened to science education in America? How can your population be so illiterate about the scientific method but so up on the latest loony conspiracy theories, weird.
@Kelli Barnhouse yawn your propoganda rant was ineffective and pointless. I’m more concerned with improving quality of life than I am concerned with global warming. If you want to reduce people’s carbon use efficiency is the way to go. And considering the majority of builders in America and car manufacturers have already adopted that as production policy without government what exactly is government going to accomplish? If you want the government to spend less on the military than stop voting for more taxes. If you want the government to stop creating drug dens stop voting for more taxes. If you want to screw the super wealthy the only way to do it is to sop voting for more government suppression of the population through taxes. If you don’t like the price of your gas realize the majority of the price comes from taxes and government stopping drilling. oil companies treat their employees better than Amazon and Starbucks. Oil companies like you a lot better than your doctors and police. Oil companies want customers liberalism wants slaves. Doctors want patients not to heal but more patients more money. Your just angry that your selfishness isn’t as deep as it should be the most selfish people are the most selfless. If you want to save the environment or what ever garbage the best way to do it is similar in concept to if you want to save an animal put it on the menu. If you want more rainforest the rain forest needs to be profitable and you need to get the USA government to stop plowing under American fields to keep American prices high so we sell more internationally and less people in the rainforest will burn down the forest to get food because they make money off the forest which they use to buy their food. People are animals that can think the best way to get them to be less distructive is to change things so they want to be less destructive. A logger cares more about the forest than an environmentalist because the logger relies on the forest for his lively hood it benefits him nothing to destroy his paycheck. But an environmentalist will burn a forest to the ground because their idiots who think they care when they don’t
This is the video future life forms will use to educate their young as to how human beings extincted themselves
Lmfao idiots they have tried this for almost 100 years to tell us this. Google 1922 polor ice melting. God has the thermostat and i think we are ok.
Its a sure bet you have no kids or a souse of the opposite sex.. so really your impact ends with you lol…… 50 years ago I thought that generation were the biggest cry babies… well congratulations you kids won the title
The sun is getting hotter and brighter and will continue to do so until the earth is like mars in a billion years. It’s called science bruh, you should probably read more scientific articles and turn off the CNN.
Wait….Civilization collapses, mass population collapse to the point of pockets left of humans to fend off extinction, but Computers and the internet survive?
At that point, humans will be back to caves hunting the wildlife that adapted and survived. Banging rocks for fire and creating a god that will bring the wild boar.
@DanSk451 sounds better than Facebook Twitter. Lol
When you start seeing the celebrities selling their seaside property, that’s when you know it’s time to move.
If the world is ending why are banks still giving out 30 year loans? Why aren’t all rich people gone? They have access to the best info.. If the world were ending they’d be all in one area eating drinking and fking 24/7 Yet they are still here….. I have lived long enough to see 13 presidencies and this is the biggest bunch of cry babies I have ever seen.. Everything hurts their feelings.. If we had to fight WW2 again we’d lose…. punks in yoga pants and man buns WTF? Most don’t know their own gender We need peace time draft to slap some sense into the kids
To whom?
Lamont Cranston INC. banks have stopped giving insurance to many homes in the UK because of the affect of global warming through flooding, the world isn’t ending, nobody in science is saying it will end, it will become unpleasant and cause massive migration
@Flavius Stilicho funny wmhow reality and the libtard virtue signal never connect
They laughed way back when Jacques Cousteau warned that man would pollute the oceans,well there’s still morons laughing when some scientists are warning that at some point global warming will be irreversible.
If global warming is such a crisis, and catastrophe is imminent, why are libtards, et al, all worked up about immigration (a major contributor to “global warming”), phag rights, and “gender change”?
Online You may be right, I was a member of ‘The Cousteau Society’ and it was more concern about the over hunting of Whales. I don’t think people back then was as concern about Global Warming, though I would image the Society is now.
@Severus Rogue Unironically, you just made that up or parroted a dummy who did. Cousteau was warning of man-made coral reef damage at least as early as 1974. Therefore what you say is inconsistent and to be ignored.
@GasconyKid In the sense that you poor flyover state Trumptards largely can’t afford to live along the coast,perhaps!
Nature doesn’t care about politics. If humans don’t take action to reduce CO2 emission, nature will force humans to adapt to a new reality.
Drill baby drill
A runaway greenhouse effect won’t require that. Extinction requires only death.
Oh. I just like that movie 2012 ,wake up they immediately went on about the Paris agreement that won’t don’t anything for global warming opps I mean climate change
7,5 meters higher sea level – the weight alone will affect major faultlines, volcanic activity…
Load transfer will definitely create more tectonic slips. Also takes mass from the south pole and spreads it throughout the globe. Makes one wonder if this will have an effect on the axis.
philip pocock seriously doubt that
@cary becker just like the movies libtard
@cary becker Definitely a maybe. Who would weight a spinning top in the middle?
Yep, thanks to the wealthy and their complicit politicians, we are all screwed…
I thought Pete Buttigieg was screwing you?
Can’t wait for Florida to go under. They voted for it.
@Lamont Cranston INC.
” Yet Disney a multi National company with the best experts …”
at what?
certainly not climatology
what the hell would Disney need with that?
your stupid little arguments are lame, kid
Libtards have the attention span of a gold fish, they immediately pivoted that we have to get back in the paris agreement and give GMO’S billions that won’t change China and India’s policies this is propaganda
A lot of Florida already is flooding
God damn trollville up in these comments. Doesn’t matter if you believe it idiots. When you’re underwater, then you’ll believe. That’s what it’ll take. I’ve realized that the only way people will believe, after it’s too late. Thanks idiots!
It’s so stunningly beautiful, and devastatingly tragic. It breaks your heart.
Glad I live in the mountains. I will just wait for the ocean to come to me. Sad for the animals. Finding it hard to care about the people (especially the Republican ones).
@Dorothy Mack With wind currents changing due to heated oceans etc you may not get water to your mountain in the future making it a no live zone. If that does not happen all those who today live in habitable zones will seek refuge at your place once their’s become no live zones. Global warming affects everyone but the richest who can afford things like private armies and buying huge properties. Those rich people who for the longest time claimed climate change was a hoax and did not care one bit for the world will not care one bit for you and may force you out of your property. Since they own the media you will not have a voice either.
The Republican party is ok with concentration camps with babies in cages at the border. The cognitive dissonance with them is absolutely insane.
@Chris Johnson cognitive dissonance from someone that calls places concentration camps lol…..and babies in cages? Wow lol you believe anything you’re told, I see. How about blaming the parents for putting their damn children at risk? And Obama built those “concentration camps” and more died under Obama also. Blame the Democrats for abetting illegals and basically telling them to come here
I live in the mountains too. I don’t want to wait for any ocean water to come to me. It’s sad for the animals and the humans, _even the Republican ones._ If you find it hard to care (even for the Republicans) or anyone else then how can you be any different than the “guilty” that caused or contributed to the problem?
@Sleepydog Absolutely agree. My state is already experiencing an influx of climate and economic refugees from California. You assume I’m not rich. Really, my comment was just joking, but climate change is no joke. I’m not worried about myself. I am worried about the animals. The climate is changing too fast for them to adapt. I have a degree in Geography from many years ago, and even back then the early computer modeling showed us where we were headed. Conservatives stayed in climate denial just long enough to ensure we don’t just have a climate crisis, but that we have a climate disaster.