CTV News' Science & Technology Specialist Dan Riskin on how scientists are using unique sea ice from Canada's Arctic to track global warming.
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2900 years is not that far back when scaled to the age of the earth
Israel went back 2000 years and they just got a country a microsec ago too…
More than enough to track differences between natural and AGW.
@Stanley Goddard maybe if you believe dinosaur never existed and the earth 5000 years old
@Arkout Arkout So now you don’t believe dinosaurs existed and the earth is only 5,000 years old. Are you a religious person with no science background?
@Stanley Goddard interesting how you got that from my statement.says more about your believes then mine
You need scientists to figure out that there are fluctuations of temperature over decades? Really…?
yes..you use natural records to tell the story of earth
not the bib lickable lies of ab rha ham mickey sandwiches
@garrett knecht human’s life didn’t exist 4.5 billion years ago. So WHY would that be interesting?
@Dan Kortebein are you being serious? I fear that any explanation would be lost on you.
@garrett knecht you do realize the Earth revolves around the Sun on a 23° axis giving the Earth its seasons. I state this to check your overall science literacy, mainly EVERYTHING you stated this far has been utter nonsense or by someone who doesn’t even have an Elementary school student’s grasp on science or scientific facts.
@Dan Kortebein
It’s 23.5 degrees.
SAIT grads only in the comments section…
Nah, you’re here and it’s obvious you’ve never graduated.
We still have Arctic Sea ice??
it is getting salty and full of russian trawlers now…
@marty meathead – Is their a bias in that you don’t mention China ?
@Bernie McCann China does not have the forward bases to do that…
it can barely leave the china sea …it needs bases to operate ..USA or Russia has that..
which base you think they are leasing then?..
Yes, if you were paying attention the rate of melt is about 13% per decade.
Is there going to be Arctic sea ice in the Spring and Summer months when the Sun actually shines on the Arctic ocean???
There will be a big Climate change event in November, the Liberal tears will cool the planet BIGLY.
Science is not a liberal conspiracy.
@Pokarot are you going to write a paper on how Liberal tears effect the planet?
@davidbrennan5 Wow, you’re really not a fan of science are you.
@Pokarot I read papers all the time.
@davidbrennan5 We both know you’re lying here, why are you bothering with this? Are you trying to convince yourself?
Has anyone been to the Arctic lately to back this Claim up???? NO!!!! Thought not. It’s all BS, Too Tax you into Oblivion
Ummm… but there has… or does EVERYONE need to visit the Arctic? Lol
BS want true science type in Tony Heller on youtube
Tony Heller IS NOT a scientist and has been debunked by Peter Hadfield known as potholer54 for years now.
“You want true science type in Tony Heller on YouTube”… (Facepalm) The species is doomed… LOL
That is a blatant lie. Where is the roman warm period? Where is the medevial warm period? Where are the hottest years in 1930 to 1940.
@Richard C
I just adapt to your childish behaviour.
@Oldinea Miller Unlike you, I’m literate. Sorry.
@Oldinea Miller What is your opinion on gravity? remember, your thoughts are important.
@Stanley Goddard
Why you ask me stupid questions?
@Oldinea Miller Because your skill at stupid answers is unprecedented.
Yes you know run off dictates temperature. It might indicate precipition…..This fake science. How does aluminum get from the shore to the lake? What a joke.. Do you even consider the validity of what you report. Less and less credibility everyday.
Here’s an idea…tax only the idiots who beleive in climate change…i bet the scientist wouldn’t be saying to much then about it lol
Maybe their research is wrong… they said neanderthals were extinct too but here you are
If they abandon the idea then they don’t believe in it. Right now they jump on the idea, because there is money to be made.
No, you just have to remove subsidies for fossil fuels and give it to the renewable and no more taxes than before.
This is how it will be done.
Also I do not have problems to pay my taxes.
This is an obvious case that given enough facts you can create any result you wish. 2,000 years is just a tick of the tock.
In science, you do not get to create any result you wish. Others take a look at your work, and others may perform the same or similar work. It’s like AGW, where it is statistically impossible for all agencies, all scientists, all organizations from all types of institutions to come to the same conclusion if they were all “creating any result they wanted.”
last week the same crew were drilling for the lake sediment in the same place
looking for titanium dust
It was pointed out to them that the ice prevents a yearly deposit on the lake bottom ,
so today by a different method we get the same new “proofs”
Great. Another source of LOCAL climate change data that can be cherry-picked and misapplied to further fuel the fear-mongering for GLOBAL climate change. After all if it happened in the Arctic it happened everywhere else across the globe. This is junk science.
no way of knowing when it was warm enough to melt several years or decades of ice into 1 homogeneous sediment line
corrupted data
easily questionable at best
DEMOCRAT/LIBERAL’S predictions about climate change doomsday have failed.
1. Why are the polar ice caps still floating?
2. Why are the Himalayan glaciers still here.
3. Where is the 50 million fleeing countries to avoid the rising sea levels?
4. Why did the United Nations admit there is no correlation between climate change and extreme weather?
5. The fires? Were proved to out of control because of poor management. The plastics, go to China and India where just one of their countries plastics exceed all others.
6. Where are the entire nations that were supposedly going to be wiped off the map?
7. Why are the Netherlands still habitable?
8. How come California shows no signs of being flooded with inland seas?
9. Why do the children still know what snow is?
10. Why does the arctic still glisten with ice in the summer?
11. Why ban fossil fuels and cut carbon emissions immediately, at the expense of our jobs, likelihood, and liberty?
12. Why do you believe politician Al Gore and his plethora of gas guzzling vehicles, one private jet, 2 mansions and huge carbon imprint?
13. Gore spends 34x more on electricity than average human 22,000 in one year.
14. China produces more carbon than USA in one month.
15. Al Gore, David Blood, Generation Investment Mgmt. – Spent 650 million Bio mass and Bio fuels
Pretends to care about rainforest while lobbying Govt for
Sugar Cane Ethanol industry
Expanding into the Amazon river basin to produce more Ethanol sugar cane. Why? He says he simply forgot.