1. I wonder if he was also talking about B lm, Middle East, South America. They do a lot more hate crims than W Man.

  1. So good for Arnold to share his story. He is older now, but he could still really get it. 😉

  2. My family is full of racists, too. Mostly the older family members. Others cannot tell fact from fiction. I had to cut them out of my world.

    1. ​@Lynn Many Fires Thank God! Hopefully by ur example future generation(s) will See…GOOD TRUMPS EVIL

    2. I’m sorry you have this going on in your family. I have 2 sisters who are also racists and it has cooled our relationship towards one another. We still talk and occasionally get together, but there are certain subjects that the 3 of us avoid.

    3. @Pablo and you’re part of the problem no one mentioned democrats till you came along let’s not forget republicans too hate goes to different places not just democrats i use to be democrat out of whatever but, decided to become independent to vote whoever can be a good quality person 🤷🏽‍♂️

  3. It does take integrity to speak candidly about such a shameful but real family history.
    I respect the fact that he’s addressing this from a human perspective as in: this is the dynamics I know exists, how it seeps through everything, what it does and the consequences of living by it or believing it.
    We can all sit and discuss the many ways of how terrible nazism is, but the experience of it within your family construction is a different type of monster.

  4. I’m a liberal, and I would vote for a Republican such as Arnold Schwarzenegger for president of the United States of America 🇺🇸

  5. A lot of respect for a young boy that grew up seeing the disparity that fascism leads to. We have people in this country pushing for fascism. This is a system that had failed every time it was created on this planet. Each time many die and are left in broken countries that take years to get back where they once were. When corporations get to much power they don’t care about the people or the country. They only care about profit.

  6. And it’s interesting that Arnold says “then they ended up losers”…wow…powerful. Hate leads to losing.

    1. Sometimes think about all the civilizations wiped out because they had the right amount of hate and not half assed like the Germans

    2. @some guy anderson mostly losers and tons had to die. Even those civilizations eventually fell. History just repeats itself. If you want to know the outcome, history like experience is the best teacher.

  7. Even with a parent that was racist he still made a decision in his life to treat people with dignity

  8. I love Arnold. I’m so glad he’s speaking out. Help us understand this, sir. There are too many hateful people in this country, and we’re going in the wrong direction

  9. Mike Tyson and Arnold should do a podcast together. Both fascinating men with fascinating lives and much more wise than they get credit for

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