Schmidt On GOP’s Trump Loyalty: They’re Wonderfully Adept Bootlickers | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Fmr. Republican and MSNBC Political Analyst Steve Schmidt discusses the lack of a new Republican Party platform and Trump's RNC and the way Republicans on the Hill remain in lockstep behind Trump. Aired on 08/24/2020.
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Schmidt On GOP’s Trump Loyalty: They’re Wonderfully Adept Bootlickers | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Schmidt On GOP’s Trump Loyalty: They’re Wonderfully Adept Bootlickers | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. @James Christie Which explains why the crowd for Donnie Disaster’s first speech sounded like maybe 2 dozen people.Heard ole Eric had to take the 5th just today.Guess he might have been the back door link with Bannon and his little crime family.

  1. I tried to watch some of it (the RNC Convention) and couldn’t. They live in a different world! It’s like a Sci-fy movie. Pod people.

    1. I’m a Canadian citizen and like much of the world, watching what’s going on in your country. I watch several news sources to try and be well informed and balanced. BUT WTF!! Was that last night 😂😬.I just couldn’t. It was giving me anxiety.
      Good luck in November!! I think your going to need it! 🙏🤞

  2. You know the old saying, “Dems fall in love, republicans fall in line?”
    Guess who else fell in line?
    Nazi Germany.

    1. @Fernando Silva Google FDR’s “Second Bill of Rights” .THATS what America was supposed to be, but Republicans stopped it. Europe soldiered on , took FDRs game-plan and made it happen.


    3. Poor USA in the hands of thieves and murderers. And now experiencing TITANIC SINKING. THE RICH SAVED MIDDLE CLASS MUST MAKE THEIR ONE SALVEGE BOATS AND POOR LOCKED UNDER Water line to drawn. 😳😳☠️☠️

    4. Sad Saeed do you remember the movie poltergeist? He is the monster one isn’t it? (COME TO ME, ONLY I CAN SAVE YOU WHAT YOU HAVE TO LOOSE???), IT’S GONNA BE BEAUTIFUL. HE WILL DISTROY AMERICA TRYING TO WIN 😭😭😭😭☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️

    1. Haha speaking of a bootlicker. He’s mad ‘coz his kind was ousted from GOP. The grifters acting like they are woke liberals 😂😂

  3. The Republican party looks more like 1939 Germany every day, sheep mindlessly following a preacher of hate.

    1. @Anthony S He would be taken out by law enforcement. It’s the civilians with their military weapons, who will be terrible. I think they would stop at nothing. I hope that there will be military police to stop them, just like they were there to stop PEACEFUL protestors.

    2. @Jill Salkin listen to what ur preaching… you hate police yet you think it’s perfectly fine to have military police remove ppl you disagree with…

    3. I always wondered about 1939 Germany and that was even possible. Now I have a front row seat to this phenomenon and see how its possible by watching the sheep we have under Trump’s spell.

    4. @acool6401 hey I’ve been searching the ole interweb and can’t seem to find policies that Trump is implementing mimicking those that Hitler implemented to take property, freedoms and lives of millions of people.

    1. @Lee Anderson To use the words of King Edward I one of his London Magistrates: “I does matter not. He is your king. On his lands you were born.” – There’s only one way the break free of that law. The colonials did it before you.

    2. @Just Curious Do some reading on the subject and perhaps you may reach a more elevated insight on the impact of a monarchy on a society.

    1. I have so much respect for him. Hard to believe there was a time when most Republicans shared his values and courage.

    1. @E Hole That “moron at least has the courage of his convictions” and dares to oppose the dear leader who owns the republican party right down to the janitors.But he’s not an elected official so he doesn’t have to worry about being the victim of Trump’s twitter finger.If the REpug party had the collective courage of it’s convictions Trump would have been history 6 months ago.

    2. @Andrew Karp Yeah,the move to hitch Palin to the McCain wagon was a desperate ploy by a campaign that could see the handwriting on the wall.Good thing she never became VP.

    3. paul herring Without a doubt. I haven’t read any of the post mortem books about the McCain/Palin campaign, but it certainly seemed like a Hail Mary to pick someone so dreadfully ignorant and proudly stupid.

    1. True. Per my investigation, Trump is master in creating propaganda & conspiracy theories to scare & brainwash his followers, divide the nation, and then highlight himself as the only savior & hero against the fake news and the mess he himself created!
      Please read my investigation report on how he is running the biggest propaganda & conspiracy theory machinery in US history under the umbrella of SOCIALIST Falun Gong’s media channels
      (Link to the PDF FORMAT of my reports is also available in comments section of the videos – there are more reports on my channel on propaganda & conspiracy theories, including WHO, HCQ, etc.)
      Please SHARE & SUBSCRIBE

    2. @Vincent Vega too bad that will only happen in Trumpworld where alternate facts are believed without question!

  4. This election is so monumental. Never in the history of the USA has there been a President so vile, deceptive, misogynistic, corrupt and racist. In this RNC, I surprisingly saw a kinder more subdued version of Trump ( as if trying to emulate and copy Bidens successful DNC speech) desperate to show that he is empathetic and caring after-all—– but falling short of it because its not his true nature.
    No one that has carefully tracked him these past 4 years will be fooled by all those deceptive and manipulative last ditch efforts to change people’s minds. Its much too late for that!

    Trumps base are just naive, gullible easily-led sheep that are either brainwashed to be haters or letting Trump more deeply reinforce the hate they already inherited from past generations and have carried with them all their lives——– but the rest of us know better than to be fooled this by this evil bunker boy. The vast majority of Americans know a genuine CON MAN when they see one.

    1. Per my investigation, Trump is master in creating propaganda & conspiracy theories to scare & brainwash his followers, divide the nation, and then highlight himself as the only savior & hero against the fake news and the mess he himself created!
      Please read my investigation report on how he is running the biggest propaganda & conspiracy theory machinery in US history under the umbrella of SOCIALIST Falun Gong’s media channels
      (Link to the PDF FORMAT of my reports is also available in comments section of the videos – there are more reports on my channel on propaganda & conspiracy theories, including WHO, HCQ, etc.)
      Please SHARE & SUBSCRIBE

    2. And with the inclusion of mail in ballots countrywide, turnout will be historic. Our primary turn out was record breaking due to the absentee ballots, and Trump knows the more people that vote, the less chance he has.

    1. All I can say about “Hair Fuhrer Trump” And the GOP Fascism Party is #OathBeforeGodBetrayed #DementiaDonnie #ConspircyTheorists #Traitor45ForPrison2021 (and where’s Hogan when you need him?)

  5. I don’t see how they can look at themselves in the mirror. They are spineless, especially Mike Pence.

  6. President Jim Jones.. They’re all drinking the orange Kool aid.. The blind eye party will go down in history as treasonous..

    1. That is what the GOP will say after the election, when Trump loses or is gone. It will be GW Bush 2.0 again.

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