Rep. Adam Schiff, D-calif., spoke against the possibility of a trade for witnesses if others, like Hunter Biden, are called to testify in the impeachment trial. Aired on 1/22/20.
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Schiff: 'Trials Aren't Trades For Witnesses' | MSNBC
correction… three juries… 1.) the senate 2.) the american people 3.) the world…
@mon santos Give me a Fact go ahead
@Cephalotripsy Syndrome down You could defeat Bumbling Bernie Sanders
@The Blade Am I going to fast for you?
@Freedom & Liberty Bot Grubby little lap dogs of a pathological liar who dodged the draft when his country called him. Yo’ gran’pappy would be so proud of y’all…. You uneducated pillick.
This trial is a whitewash by the Republicans, pure and simple.
Closeoutracer also can I ask – because I still do not understand it – what the fascination with the identity of the whistleblower is?
He raised an alarm – notifying through formal channels both the House & Senate… and it’s been proven to have some serious grounds for investigation (and impeachment).
Seriously interested to hear your thoughts.
It’s a republican slit a Republican president get away with what Donald Trump’s getting away with then they do not have the right to say anything about a Democratic president and I cannot change the rules in the middle of the game because what’s good for the goose is good for the gander and if it’s Republican president gets away with it then the Democrat and get away with it
No witnesses, no docs fake trial, fake DEMOCRACY for Drumpf is now a tyrant for sure allowed by his bullies and psychos.
@Mocha Joe lol… you must be watching only CNN which is what they have been feeding you for years. Perhaps you should watch real news. You will be shocked to see the results which most of us with a bit of brain, already know. Pencil neck shiff would need a miracle to dig himself off along with his cronies.
@End this police corruption The trial is a farce created in a attempt to remove a POTUS they ZERO chance of beating in a election …I think we all know that much at least .
@End this police corruption blame the court because your case SUX…smh
If the Republicans really wanted to stick it to the Democrats and those against Trump, they would bring forward the documents and witnesses and show the proof?
Why don’t they? Go on about witch hunts all you want, but if you really wanted to put those opposed to Trump in their place, you would prove it.
The only reason for serious people to not prove their case, is because they are not serious, and they can’t prove it. Don’t tell me, show me.
Looking forward to reading history books in the future. History will not be kind.
@George Santana Adam Schiff is 2 times the man you could ever dare to be. He is defending our honour as true, red blooded, bleeding heart americans!
be very careful when you speak on Adam Schiff, lets just say, hes got friends in “high places”.
After the Trump traitors get their “win”, they will turn Trump loose on the rest of the world with the knowledge that he is now officially above the law.
@Lexy Swope Hello butt hurt pseudo intellectual Anti American Leftist ….I hope losing is fun for you #WinningIsFun
@S M “A president doesn’t even have to be convicted of a crime to be impeached.” Lindsey Graham 1999.
@MVE he’ll be like Lex Luthor! Hahahahahaaaaaaa! Where’s Superman?
@S M
semantic gobbledegook and name callng.
It is not a trial if you don’t have witnesses at least a fair trial.
Lindsey Graham stated that and so did Moscow Mitch. Now they wanna kiss up. Trump and throw their morals out the window at the expense of the American public I think not.
@Nameless Progressive Clone They are allowed to have relevent witnesses already so long as the syncophantic GOP allow witnesses.
What morals…?
@Nameless Progressive Clone You mean the fig leaf of Hunter Biden? It’s Trump’s criminal actions on trail, not his attempt at deflection.
Washington Post gave Schiff a 4 Pinocchio rating … No wonder why dumb’s look up to him.
@Joanne Park Watching from NZ..What an appalling situation..Even I know Clinton complied and supplied..Go Adam!
@Greg Mccumber No they are not..
He’ll be acquitted, that’ll be the headline in 2 weeks
It’s a foregone conclusion: Trump will walk and get worse … better get tough and determined next election —-> VOTE dammmit !
In the meantime: complain with every GOP politician’s office, intensely. Punish them for what they’re all wrapped in, a criminal scheme.
Protest in the streets. But don’t just sit there doing nothing ! ACT.
@Wallace Mulls Yeah because he’s polling so well right?
If His Wretchedness and his lawyers want this to end anytime soon they will have a proper trial and allow the relevant witnesses and evidence. But he doesn’t, he wants to scream ” martyr” ” witchhunt ” for many more weeks and months. He is not an underdog he’s a manipulative anti American swine.
I agree with you in principal but your comparison is really an insult to any swine.
@Uffi Sachs Soon you will hear, you are a real son of a trump, mother trumper, stick it up your trump, don’t use the “T” word on TV, trump you trumper, Im gonna take a trump.
The GOP has no real leg to stand on so they debate the process and attack the other side personally. If trump is innocent>why not prove the Dems wrong? Hmmmmmm
James Champaco pencil neck is done
@Tyler Hensley
That part is over. That ended in December. Democrats ended it.
They’ll be able to add extra evidence and/or testimony after normal arguments have been made, provided that they also allow the defense to do the same. Not complicated.
@Jim Milne
We’ll see. That phase isn’t for s couple weeks.
There is something you can do. Call your Senator. Don’t wait…pick up the phone right now. It literally takes 3 minutes. It’s better then nothing.
That is nothing. They are already bought and paid for. Nothing will sway them, other than amnesty or more money.
@Death Rattle cynic
Lee Danger Brewer I just did. I told Lindsey Graham to put quid pro Joe and a Hunter on the stand!
No witnesses. No documents. No sworn testimony. This stinks. Even by GOP standards, this stinks. What EXACTLY is Trump hiding? #WhatIsTrumpHiding
Washington Post gave Schiff a 4 Pinocchio rating … No wonder why dumb’s look up to him.
@The Blade Exactly, i just wonder how long it took you to figure that out.
Vote #HillaryClinton2020!!!
Trump hasn’t understood half of what Mr. Schiff said today – trumpsters understood even less.
@Drake Fire That’s why Trump is staying busy running the Country and we are stronger than ever huh ? You make perfect sense considering the Dems have been on a obvious witch hunt since Trump’s win . The Left has nothing to offer besides ” orange man bad ” along with open borders a nanny state everyone who disagrees with us is a racist Nazi …open you eyes man step outside your echo chamber and let’s win together
@S M Yes, the person who spent how long playing golf is “busy leading” in your eyes. Says a lot. What positive things Trump has “done” are just continuations of a trend set before his presidency.
You keep saying “witch hunt” yet you continue to ignore the evidence presented. You might want to read what was released by the OBM today.
But you’ll ignore it. Just like everything else.
@Drake Fire oh ya our country is doing great because of Obama I forgot lol you live in a echo chamber of deceit denial and delusion . You see EVERYTHING through orange man bad colored glasses …and you wonder why you are stuck in the losers bracket …if Trump cured cancer you would say he hates people with hemorrhoids .
Dotard is scared of one person that is Schiff !
Nom Nom
Schiff is a clown!
Nom Nom
I believe that would be wrong. Trump fears nobody because the dems handed him an acquittal and handed him the 2020 election with this failed impeachment
He is actually above the law. Ridiculous, allowing a tyrant to dictate terms.
@Tim Thomas So, Sondland wasn’t a Republican witness? I mean, he did stab the Republican party with the sword he was meant to fall on, but he is a Republican.
Nancy “Jim Beam” Slurrr-losi did try to dictate terms to the Senate .. they weren’t listening, or perhaps couldn’t understand the slurred speech and weird mannerisms.
Vote #HillaryClinton2020!!!!
Question: what can you LEGALLY do to a person that takes an oath and systematically breakers it? Does “so help me God” mean we have to wait for judgment day to see justice? If so what is the point of taking or administrating an oath?
@Will Frank The answer is PRISON!!! Levenworth for those in office. Be a great place to see the current LIAR in charge!!!
@A G

Teflon Don and McDonnell’s Mafia is covering up the largest EXECUTIVE BRANCH criminal conspiracy in our history;
“Everyone was in the loop”
Criminals all…
@Kevin NYC …”literally nothing happened.” Lolrof. And YOU called HIM stupid. Clearly you watch right wing media where alternative facts have given you an alterative reality.
@RON KING – What, pray tell, how deflecting to anything about the Clintons is relevant to the tRump fake trial??
@My Own Private Idaho So bobo what exactly happened? What has President Trump done wrong? Look into the corrupt Joe Biden and his crackhead son?
The worlds greatest governing body should have witnesses in this removal trial.
This is a good ol fashioned Soviet show trial. They’ve determined the outcome already but they know they have to do it for appearances.
Your Big Head Cousin exactly, Doonese!
@Courtney Lynn I’m only allowed upstairs.
To allow witnesses. *What are they afraid of?*
They had every right to call witnesses in the house. They rushed it. If anything, blame democrats for a incomplete job. Like if democrats would’ve spent a extra 2 months investigating, they could’ve got the testimony needed.
Now they will present the case for what it is, supposedly damning, and will probably go on to no witnesses and the acquittal of trump.