Schiff: Blocking Sondland’s Testimony Is ‘Additionally Strong Evidence Of Obstruction’ | MSNBC

House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff speaks to reporters after learning that the State Department blocked European Union ambassador Gordan Sondland from testifying to Congress. Aired on 10/8/19.
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Schiff: Blocking Sondland’s Testimony Is ‘Additionally Strong Evidence Of Obstruction’ | MSNBC

Schiff: Blocking Sondland’s Testimony Is ‘Additionally Strong Evidence Of Obstruction’ | MSNBC


  1. INNOCENT people want to be completely transparent and get all of the information out to PROVE their innocence.

    GUILTY people do what Trump does. More obstruction of justice from Trump.

    1. @Maharajji NKB It would be a real shame if the CIA agent/ “whistleblower” turned out to have previously worked for Joe Biden, wouldn’t it?

    2. @Michael Smith Sorry. I decided to delete my last comment. Too much speculation flying around. I don’t want to contribute to spreading rumors. The identity of the whistleblower and his/her affiliations will likely come out, one way or another.

    1. @oltedders do you honestly think conditional favors and deals are done between countries? Just admit you dislike the prez but dont try and create ground for impeachment for this! I dont like the prez but this is not impeachable they are wasting time.

    2. If you only listen to MSNBC this is what you say. In the real world listening to BBC, France TV, AlJazeera, RT you will see this is a sham and Schiff is a pathetic little dweeb. Wake up quit electing morons. When they get together for a photo opp it looks like a freak show. Pelosi being the head clown.

    3. @rome3724 If you want to meet more people with brains, come join our social media discord server.

    1. @I’MPEACH That’s cute. Did you come up with that all by yourself? and that username, its so….original. I bet you’re the top of your class. I’ll give you a little advice since it’s obvious you have no clue what’s going on lol. Trump will NOT be impeached, i repeat. Trump will NOT be impeached. You can listen to all the media’s lies until your little heart is content, but it won’t change the fact that Trump will get by this witch hunt #2. I’ll come back here to this comment section after it’s all over with and teach you all why this was a conspiracy from the start! Cya then kid!

    2. @wasatchm
      “obama. blocking key witnesses from testifying at a house hearing. ”
      the only place you here that is on right wing rags
      those that like to throw out accusations with sans proof

  2. The pieces to where this is going in plan sight….DT will be nailed with obstruction along with his string of crimes, this will be a show for the history books

    1. @Tom Long No, but supporting a Nazi makes one a Nazi. Trump is a Nazi. I don’t agree with democrats on abortion and some other issues. I’m Danish and support our Christian Democrats, a right wing party here in Denmark. I fully support Bernie’s social plans and understand why he wants the social issues to play the main role in his campaign. It’s like Jesus would have wanted it to be.

  3. So you issue a subpoena then they ignore it, then what ? Why can’t we send law enforcement to arrest these lawbreakers??

    1. Arthur Schnapka Well we saw it in the Senate. Democrats changed the rules to end filibusters on federal judges only and kept the rules intact for SC justices because Republicans were blocking all judge nominees from Obama. Then when Republicans got into power, they changed the rules again ending filibusters on all judges including SC justices who serve a life term. Republicans have a terrible sense of equivalency. That is why Democrat’s must be careful. They need to find the person whose holding the smoking gun and use the full weight of their power on them only. I don’t think this EU ambassador has it. It’s got to be Rudy Giuliani. Because believe me, If Republicans ever get the house back, they’ll arrest someone if they refuse to testify about who left the toilet seat open in bathroom citing that Democrats did it first. That’s how dumb Republicans are

    2. Except that isn’t dumb, it’s evil, and it only serves to further corruption.
      Of course I get it, but it’s still frustrating.
      I’m a Democrat, but it’s the democrats who are dumb, for believing that the GOPutin has any integrity, or is actually in it for something other than corrupt power.

    3. DrMossydog In NC, The Republican majority leader told the minority leader that there would be no votes taken in the morning so that members could attend a 9/11 memorial. Guess what, while Democrats were at the memorial, every single republican showed up to the capital and held a vote to override the democratic governor’s budget veto which they had been trying to do for months. You’re right, Republicans everywhere are evil

  4. Wow! I thought that this dude testifying was locked down for today. What changed? Oh yeah, nothing’s changed… Obstruct, Impede, Deny, Deflect….. the Trump Playbook. I hope Schiff keeps his backbone and keeps up the pace of slamming subpoenas on people that resist, and hopefully mandates immediate penalties on any who balk the authority of our US Congress!

    1. @Annie I agree 100%! I’m not sure, but I think there’s a process that Congress has to follow. It seems like they have to make a ‘request’ first, wait the two weeks or whatever, and then they can issue a legal ‘subpoena’. I think if a person *then* defies the subpoena, that Congress can impose penalties up to including imprisonment until they comply. …… LoL… if for nothing else, we can all thank Trump for making us brush up on our Congressional laws and procedures! 😉

    1. @Hunter Sykes Stop deflecting and projecting, this is a typical tactic of the guilty, blame everyone else. It isn’t going to work.

    1. @Anthony Browne – Can you show us on the doll, widdle Tonee, just where the Bad Orange Man hurt you? Do you have the mads? Or the sads?

      Keep. Dreaming. Never. Gonna. Happen.

  5. Sure is a lot of obstruction by SpankyPants tRump for a perfectly “good call” like Spanky likes to state. Lets have a “perfectly good impeachment & resignation.”

  6. When will Democrats arrest these people? They ignore requests and subpoenas. They keep gettin away with this!

    1. So many dictators said the exact same thing liberty Ann. They aren’t real subpoenas. They have no real power. What schifty Schiff is doing is just sending out “angry letters”

    2. @Tom Long That is exactly what Shiff is doing. There is no judicial subpoena power without a vote in Congress.

    3. @Steven Lindsey Hey. Read this and spread it on social media, please. It’s solid gold. It’s all about Biden and Ukraine.
      –> bit (dot LY) /2Mgb36u
      You’re also welcome to join our discord server, if you like.

  7. While the president cannot be indicted while in office…this does not apply to the president’s men who in this case should be indicted on cover-up charges.

    1. The cowardly Schiff is LYING to you! Ambassador Vogel stated NO QUID PRO QUO. Schiff literally MADE UP a conversation and then dismissed it as “parody.” I mean, how insane is that? Don’t let your hatred of our president blind you to the facts.

    2. The Whitehouse is just telling them to hold an impeachment vote or no cooperation. It will probably come down to a Supreme Court interpretation of the constitution. Sense it’s always been done that way there is precedent so the odds are in Trumps favor

    1. The cowardly Schiff is LYING to you! Ambassador Vogel stated NO QUID PRO QUO. Schiff literally MADE UP a conversation and then dismissed it as “parody.” I mean, how insane is that? Don’t let your hatred of our president blind you to the facts. Also fact, our unemployment rate is 3.5% (LOWEST IN RECORDED HISTORY) and our economy is SOARING!!! WTF are you even talking about I mean come on! How are you this brainwashed.

    2. @Will Mac How can you believe in such lies? Or did you make it up yourself? NaziTrump has literally admitted there was a Quid Pro Quo and tried to do another one with China on live TV. Yes there has been created a lot of very low wage jobs. The economy is terrible thanks to NaziTrump’s stupidity. USC (former USA, now with the Nazi’s in charge, the United States of Corruption) is on it’s way to a recession thanks to NaziTrump’s stupidity and lack of understanding on how economy works. Or maybe he has? Guess he knows that the richest will benefit heavily from the recession NaziTrump is leading USC against. It might even be orchestrated by Rupert Murdoch and other multi billionaires. How can you be so brainwashed? How can you believe in the lies the NaziPigs are telling you? Maybe you’re just one of them?

    1. @AkamirNN It shows the hypocrisy of the left. Rules for thee but not for me mentality. You’re getting a taste of your own medicine now. Difference is you can’t handle it. 😀

    2. @Cankle’s Fupa What do you mean “a taste of your own medicine”? What are you assuming about me, exactly?… Also, if acknowledging that “well, these guys did it” and implying it’s *wrong* to do, that means the original person doing it is wrong, too. Meaning it everyone seems to agree breaching the terms of a subpoena is clearly not ok. Why is this an argument?

    3. @AkamirNN At this point I don’t care if Putin himself comes here and puts all you libcunts in concentration camps. You’re out of control. You are ungovernable and should be deemed domestic terrorists and an existential threat to our Democracy and Country.

    4. @Cankle’s Fupa Holy crap dude…. That is incredibly hateful and isn’t allowed by YouTube users according to their community guidelines. There are rules.

      Also, you never answered my question, but you seem to have elaborated on your assumptions. I never said if I was a liberal, or democrat, republican, or anything. You also assumed my nationality by saying “domestic terrorist”. Please say what or who you think I am by proper legal labels.

    1. @M Murph Ok, I will. Biden doesn’t hide evidence, doesn’t sue to keep evidence from being reveal by investigations, doesn’t attack people on twitter, doesn’t make up several different stories to excuse what he did.
      Biden also doesn’t withhold aid and then extorts a foreign power for political gain.
      So yes, Biden does act like an innocent man. because he is.
      How about we apply your conspiracy theory logic to Trump now? For someone who supposedly didn’t collude with Russia, he sure seems to love them, do tons of things for them, and seems more focus on lifting sanctions for them instead of helping our country. Hmmmmm…

    2. Starman Dx What has he done for them? Nobody said Biden withheld aid for political gain. He threatened to withhold aid for corruption purposes. Trump didn’t brag about it at the CFR he released a transcript showing that’s a tinfoil hat story

    1. @M Murph, the Russian hoax that Trump broke obstruction of justice laws 11 times trying to avoid incrimination on? That Russian hoax?

    2. 2010realitycheck Yes the one Mueller testified under oath that his investigation wasn’t hindered in any way by the president. Yeah that’s the one

    3. @M Murph, the the Mueller report where he testified that he found 11 cases of obstruction that can be prosecuted once Trump is out of office….that one, do you mean?
      Besides those cases of obstruction will just be added to the countless cases of obstruction since then…..😂😂😂😂🤦‍♂️😂

  8. Could you imagine if you or I refused to testify in court? They’d be at my door immediately to take me to jail! lol – RIDICULOUS PRESIDENCY!!! GET OUT!!!

    1. Denver Could you imagine getting a subpoena for political purposes about a conversation that has already been released in a transcript? I doubt you can put yourself into that situation

    2. The accused has a right to defend themselves against accusations. The house needs to have a vote so the accused can have legal counsel.

  9. The Great Hatred of Donald is really Stone Cold Fear of Lawful Donald!!! Donald’s Deal w/America, The Unlawful Get Drained & The Lawful Help Donald to “MAGA” !!!

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