Scheer says pipeline fights should go directly to Supreme Court

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer was asked how he would assert federal jurisdiction in getting pipeline projects built and said if elected, his government would have "robust and dynamic consultation processes."

Scheer also promised that a Conservative government would immediately send pipeline disputes directly to the Supreme Court.

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Scheer says pipeline fights should go directly to Supreme Court


  1. Obviously the first order of business would be to get rid of all the corrupted Liberal appointed Judges, lawyers , friends and relatives.

    1. What province did the Conservative Government put in legislation to shut down? Can you name something they did to hinder the Ability of a province to make money off it’s resources ? While you scream global warming and environment remember Norway and Canada are at the top for environmental standards.

    2. The approval process was not done yet . Once approved then you can . Northern gateway was approved but was killed by the Liberals .

    1. You’d rather continue spending hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on hundreds of lawyers and get nothing accomplished?? 30 billion in investment has left Alberta for Texas. That translates into billions of dollars less for bloodsucker Quebec.

  2. scheerdeau at it again laying out what we all know he is exactly like trudeau.
    if he made it to pm he could veto and make it happen.

    remember he calls himself
    center left .
    that is a liberal.

    1. really? because all Scheer can talk about is Trudeau this and Trudeau that. Maybe its time for him to nut up or shut up.

    2. @Clay Earth the fact that all he can do is talk about Trudeau’s flaws instead of his own strength. It is as bad as when Trump ran against Hillary and all he could do was talk about how bad she was instead of selling himself and his party. The big difference is that Canadians aren’t that gullible – with some minor exceptions of course.


    1. I prefer FIRST seeing if we can get it through via the supreme court, and THEN moving to the nuclear option if we must.

    2. @Starky513 in a perfect world I would agree with you. I have a major problem with the integrity of the Supreme Court.

  4. There have been enough consultations. The National interest takes president over any and all personal desires. In this case; build the pipeline.

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