Andrew Scheer has fired his sister-in-law, who was working at his constituency office, after the Tories criticized a Liberal MP for the same thing.
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To the Early Squad Reading This: sending Virtual hugs to everyone who needs it. Always stay safe
read my name btw thx bye ok..
Disappointed is an understatement I would say
Hiring family isn’t wrong at all. Trust is a huge thing. More important than experience, for sure.
When it comes to government you shouldn’t hire family, this isn’t a family business.
This is hilarious. All there doing now is hiring each other’s relatives. Nice loophole.
THE WAY CROWN WORKS only marry one another also
Poor sister in law…she had the job! Now she’s jobless. Lol
The woman must have been HONEST
so the news just keeps hiding the reset
so in other words no more conservative then, right? for conservatives in the past always conserved themselves through such practices. so what to name the party now that they have denounced their ancient ways and traditions?
Kind of like the school teacher son of an ex prime minister entering politics and using his name to get elected.
More like Jason Kenney giving an untendered job to Stephen Harper’s kid, days after he laid off 11,000 healthcare workers, during a pandemic, which he most certainly DID do.
ethics in the government, this shouldnt be a shocker for anyone
The relevant oversight bodies said it was okay.
Great, another micro manager. I’m surprised he’s keeping Scheer on at all.
Lol at least the Conservatives actually act on their ethical concerns. The Liberals simply prorogue to hide their crimes
Canadians will always be pissed with Conservatives after the Harper government. This yappy is just more noise.
Trudeau is causing more harm than Harper could have ever dreamed of.
@Ken Shackleton In what way…
I don’t see the scandal here? Is she being overpaid? Is she not qualified? I’ve been to other constituents offices and it’s not rocket science so how does this hurt anyone or thing? I think some detail is needed to explain why it’s a scandal
MSM doesn’t want to report the real news.. just the fluff
They just want to point the finger at the conservatives when the real problem is trudeau
Another politician who often berated others for nepotism and cronyism caught with his own pants down once again. Credibility lapses are no stranger to Andrew Sheer.
i think it’s fine if she doesn’t gain advantage being the family, that she went through normal interview and is capable of the job.
Seems like a none issue to me.
Boy that’s big news…not
We preach ethics Are you talk about family hiring inside the government guess what it’s the same thing with Prime Minister Trudeau because his father was a Prime Minister before so why is he still a Prime Minister start doing your real ethics