Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman sent a hit squad to Canada for an attempted assassination: lawsuit

A U.S. lawsuit alleges Saudi Arabia's crown prince tried to assassinate a former intelligence officer in Canada. Kevin Gallagher has more.

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Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman sent a hit squad to Canada for an attempted assassination: lawsuit


    1. Dan Basler we hate Alberta oil because oil. Why do Albertan think that we hate you because of envy? We hate you because of your far right conservatism and your destruction of the planet. Get over that or fix yourselves.

  1. Close the Saudi embassy, order their diplomats to leave and cut almost all diplomatic ties until they admit to their involvement and issue a formal apology

  2. Hey this is the guy that asked for my social security number so he could resque his wife ! I hope my money helped

    1. If I was one of the employees building them. I’d put some sort of device in it that renders them useless. Maybe some sort of sensor that would lock the door so no one can get in or out lol.

  3. Mr Two Face shut down Canada’s energy sector but still buying well over 3.5 Billion in Saudi oil. Selling the Saudi’s assault weapons while banning them in Canada. Makes a lot of sense

    1. Bea Electric
      How did he shut down the oil industry? The oil industry is down because the price of crude is down around the world.

  4. and I am meant to be surprised by this?
    this is standard operating procedure for “royal families”
    the world over,
    have opponent, must kill (a ref to Have Gun, Will Travel)

    1. Hey, Putin is not from a royal family, yet he kills all his political opponents inside Russia and abroad, and the president of Algeria is not a king, yet he gets rid of all his opponents in and outside of Algeria, the president of Syria, the president of Belarus, the president of Egypt, the president of South Africa etc….

    2. @Fierce Terminator The Philippines is also run by a murderous corrupted lunatic and is actually liked there LOL.

  5. wheres our feirce and feroucious leader in regards to this? the cuddly guy in the silk got splainin to do!! stay safe and take care everyone

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