A large explosion heavily damaged the Kerch bridge that links Russia’s mainland with annexed Crimea, in a devastating blow to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war effort in Ukraine. CNN’s Fred Pleitgen reports on the aftermath. #CNN #News
Satellite images show Crimea bridge before and after explosion

This is our gift to Putin in honor of his birthday.
Happy Birthday Poutine.
Nice but it needs 66 more candles.
Too bad we can’t spend money on gifts for Americans like we do on gifts for russia.
I hope peace gets established in all parts of the world including between Ukraine and Russia. War, hatred and certainly sheding innocent blood are not the solution.
Russia needs to leave Ukraine and peace can return
It’s not like Ukraine had any choice in the matter.
Say thank you to America for this war!!!
Please be so kind and tell so to the city fathers of Carthago.
Bridge is more important than the lives of people according to Russia
That bridge is power to some individuals
One Love president putin
Condolences to all the families who are losing their loved ones in Ukraine.
@Milton Milkthistle I love everything they’re doing! End to the bigots & all the good ol boys Lmafo
@Milton Milkthistle Has yours?
@None Ya

Wait, Putin annexed Zaporizhia. Doesn’t this mean Putin just attacked his own people?
@Martin McNickle You don’t know what sarcasm means. Like others said, you were being snarky or facetious. But whatever. FAIL ON MY PART!!! My life is ruined.
@Pat Doyle You are missing my point if you think I’m trying to justify anything. I am stating the Russian perspective. They DO think that territory is part of Russia.
@Nunnles dude, it doesnt matter if the part that russia attacked is held by ukraine. The civilian population of the oblast is “russian”, according to russia. The whole oblast was “annexed”, so yes, according to putins own declaration of annexation, he just attacked russian civilians.
Neither you or putin seem too clever.
@TheVino3 Wtf do you mean it doesn’t matter? What would any country do if in their eyes an enemy army was occupying part of their country? Have you ever learned anything about any other war? I’m not justifying the annexation, but it’s still complete nonsense to say Russia attacked its own people. Russia attacked what it considers to be an occupying force, however silly that sounds to others. Obviously, they are trying to take the entire territory. That means fighting.
@Antonio Manuel Caetano I do care about Golan heights
it was a missile that detonated above the freeway, hence the scourgemarks on the surface of the road and the downward pressure folded the pavement around the central pillar. Had the truck been carrying the bomb the surface of the driveway would be much more locally damaged and perforated, maybe even a hole punched trough the deck. the scrapnell of the missile set the train on fire. They probably aimed for the train and my guess is they timed it wrong because they probably wanted to hit it while it was crossing the shipping arch.
the blast came from beneath the bridge.I surmise it was from a low profile autonomous boat filled with explosive.Cheap and easy to build and use.I guess it had possibly been there a while and detonated when there would be little or no civilian traffic thus minimising collateral damage.The concrete of the rail bridge is probably compromised due to the thermal damage fron the fires.I wouldnt want to take a fully laden train over it.
@Evil Fingers Don’t believe everything that you read on YouTube
@bigmull Probably detonated to catch that train as well.
@Evil Fingers Neptun version 300+ км
@A Taxpayer well then, do you have a viable explanation of what was actually used to cause the explosion?
Dude is 70 years old with all this stress he’s putting on himself he might not be around much longer one could dream
Yeah it’s pretty stressful sending over missiles
His replacement will likely be worse.
Using $1.5 million anti aircraft missiles to hit people’s houses is a sign of desperation.
Say what you want.. no one wins in a war.
Russia has been desperate for a long time now.
The fact that Russia purposely targets civilians tells you everything you need to know about the character of these Orcs.
@Michael Morningstar hell yeah finally some fucking common sense thank you for being educated
@Tespri like to think of them as goblins shaven don’t deserve that much hate
there’s been a lot of speculation about this being a ‘suicide bomber’, but what most of those people seem to ignore is the fact that you don’t need someone to ‘push a button’ to make a bomb go off. Ukraine has demonstrated that they have special forces teams *inside* Russian territory, so how hard would it have been for one of those groups to find out that, say, a shipment of heavy munitions were scheduled to be shipped to Russian forces fighting inside Ukraine? you know that, and all it takes is demolitions package connected to a detonator controlled by a GPS receiver hidden among the munitions crates to make for a very effective IED, one capable of ‘dropping’ a bridge.
The truck was privately owned though.
@Door Spook My guess is that they didn’t have enough explosive. I’m sure they’ll fix that next time
@Boudicca and you think that Russia *doesn’t* use private contractors to haul war material? seriously, pretty much *every other* nation in the world uses private firms to move everything from ammunition to fuel to (occasionally) troops in ‘rear areas’. so do you honestly think Russia doesn’t?
The only trucks that we see in the surveillance footage were moving, so if it was really a truck that exploded, it could be a suicide bomber since there are no ways for a driver to escape the bridge except if there is another vehicle waiting for him…
Huge brawls have broken out between the new conscripts and Russian soldiers at Russian army bases. The soldiers got beat up so badly they had to lock themselves in rooms and had to call the police. Remember what happened on the Russian front lines in 1918?
@BongoAboutBedfords Continue shilling for glorious mother Russia, comrade, and Every day you’ll get all the red cabbage you could want, da?
I don’t remember 1918. I wasn’t there. How was it?
No. No, they haven’t.
WTF??? They need to finish the job and take it COMPLETELY down. No traffic at all over that bridge.
The bridge is no longer functional.
@SNOOPY SNOOP and they fight me
@Toradog that’s cheating

Its amazing how that building held together considering the strength of the missle.
@Chris Monticello good for you.
Yeah I must have been union workers on that job
It’s not an attack, it’s just a special reconstruction project.
special deconstruction by using demolition. lmao
There is still one side of the road bridge operational but I saw photos of the beams under that stretch and the beams closest to the blast have been blown off the foundation pilons underneath and twisted. I wonder how long it will stand, let alone be safe to drive on.
Here is the recommended clip that say it :
https://youtu.be/QbHAaWyFCz4 !!
who says its safe to drive on??? just because they show some cars crossing doesn’t mean its safe!!!!
If u are reading this there’s a reason No matter how good or bad you have it,wake up each day thankful for your life.Someone else is desperately fighting for theirs

Praying for Ukraine we stand with you
Frame by frame. It came from below. The other side’s rails are still there which would have been laid over away from the truck had the truck been the source. The downed sides surface is not burned where the truck was. You can see explosion below the bridge. .
It’s amazing how both directions of the bridge got hit at the same time.
yeah amazing…
@Donn Buchfinck what does that mean?
Ukrainian Strong. You guys are an example of unification to defend your country. Much respect to all of Ukrainians that are fighting against this senseless war that the Russians started.
Good job Ukraine special forces using a civilian truck. You got stamps dedicated for you.