Despite its startling Ukraine losses, Russia continues to expand its Arctic defenses, which leaves NATO edgy. CNN's Nick Paton Walsh reports. #CNN #News
Satellite images reveal changes at key Russian military bases in the Arctic

Despite its startling Ukraine losses, Russia continues to expand its Arctic defenses, which leaves NATO edgy. CNN's Nick Paton Walsh reports. #CNN #News
Ukraine should be given the missiles to attack those bases. Russian military should not allowed to build new bases while they wage a genocidal war.
@Сталинский советский n your a hole pound of taters short of a happy meal
@Deplorable Kulak there is high probability that the russian nuclear arsenal is not of high standarts .
Us (the second biggest arsenal) spend +/- 50 billion on upkeep ( prospect is around 680 billion over 10years)
Russia spends around 8 +/-billion for the bigest arsenal , witch is more in line with france and england spending of +/-6-7 billion .
You could say the west might spend more becous of lobbieng , etc .
But then you have china (also autocratic) that spends +/- 11 billion .
So back to russian arsenal , the low upkeep cost does not promise mutch good .
Specially after the observations of the lack of upkeep on there conventional warfare equipment .
@roeci6 I hope you’re right. I have yet to study geopolitics as much as I should. But whenever I say that I think to myself how much would be true anyway. I don’t believe anything that our government tells me about geopolitics in fact I think the opposite is going to probably be true
@Сталинский советский
What proof is there that Putin enjoys anale sex ?
@Deplorable Kulak the mistrust towards politicians is understandable .
In my opinion you have to think of it this way , in the end they are just people like you and me.
There are ofcourse somme outliners but that’s only in real special cases , the rest are just ordinary like you and me .
To understand those ordinary people you will first have to learn to confront and learn about the most selfish, “evil” version you yourself could be (when you for example would have money and power)
Then you can understand that you indeed will do selfish and bad things , like poleticians , but there are limits .
So based on your selfobservations you can start to understand what politicians will lie about and what they wil be honest about .
And yet all this military might can be brought down by one solitary, lack of, microchip.
I can literally envision the manufacturers going through Scrap heaps pulling out micro chips out of old fridges, microwave, washing machines to bolster up their military production.
And if we take it one step further. All the electronic waste that we sent overseas to Malaysia as an example. And they were upset because we’re dumping all our junk on them they must be looking at it going KaChing an opportunity!
@Massimo I liked the calm before Trump’s allies invaded Ukraine.
@Nonaya Beezneez And I’m quite sure they are tracking that ship by satellite back in early December all the way back to Russia.
There are many eyes in the sky and really there’s no place to hide.
@kos kok Russia did have some chip building capacity before western sanctions destroyed their ability to make them.
@Alex xelA There’s multiple independent reports of Russian troops stealing appliances for the purpose of using their processors.
@Alex xelA Trying to keep its personnel? LMAO, Russia is sending tens of thousands of unarmed men into the meat grinder.
Russia’s glorious air defense cant even see Ukrainian homebrew cruise missiles hitting their air bases some 500km behind the frontline and inside Russia.
@Серхио Бускетс You keep saying NATO NATO. Stop trying to pump your chest, you’re fighting Ukraine. It’s not like Ukraine is saying that they are fighting, Iran, North Korea and Russia. Stop trying to fluff things just because you’re losing ground. You talk too much propaganda.
@Серхио Бускетс So, you’re saying you couldn’t defend an island in the center of your navy’s stronghold from a country with no navy at all? You’re delusional. You aren’t fighting NATO. No one in the west is even thinking much of your shithole of a country. Inflation is something people can ignore. And in the US, the war is barely existent. No one is doing anything differently. You should pray the west does not get involved. If you were actually fighting us, you’d be glassed and Americans would already be vacationing in Sochi.
@Chris P NATO fully sponsors Ukraine. If NATO stops giving money or weapons, then Ukraine will immediately lose. Ukraine’s economy is destroyed if NATO stops supplying fuel, weapons, intelligence data and giving money. BUT it doesn’t matter, as I say, NATO will kneel before Russia. You will see all this when Turkey attacks Greece, then you will see how strong Russia is. Your countries will be destroyed quickly.
@c johnson Clown, they hit the island with Western artillery, and there was also a US military drone there all the time, we cannot shoot down the US drone, or rather, we did not do this, because this would lead to increased escalation. But Ukraine receives data on the location of equipment from the United States, and then hits these positions using satellite guidance. The island was difficult to defend in such conditions. There was 1 or 2 short-range air defense units. It was there unprotected in a small area. But Ukraine was able to take the island only after three attacks, many missiles were shot down. The ship that sank Ukraine was discovered by satellites and US intelligence, they gave data to Ukraine and they sent missiles there. Ukraine also received anti-radar missiles for aircraft and used them several times. But these missiles were destroyed. Also, after one attack, Ukraine lost two aircraft. They were shot down at a distance of 217 kilometers beyond the radio horizon, which shocked NATO. Russia will not show you all the secrets, but you will see when the war starts.
You are right that we are not at war with NATO, it is NATO that is trying to fight against us. But we have not yet begun to strike at your countries. But once we get started, you’ll quickly realize that it was a bad idea to tease the bear.
At least the Russian military is capable of capturing and holding large, desolate ice sheets…at least that’s something, right?
@Alex xelA “Russia’s losses – December 2022
16,000 killed,
830 tanks and other armored vehicles
21 aircraft
84 helicopters
220 self-propelled guns
52 multiple rocket launchers
8 air defense systems”
Yup, a totally not made up statistic.
Your fake news about Von der Leyens misrepresented comment has already been debunked.
Go spread your post-truth misinformation somewhere else.
… At least until the local wildlife start shooting back.
Just how the Americans held rocks in Afghanistan and Iraq lol
Lots of funny really started something here

It’s not.
Instead of the war machine Russia should spend its resources on improving the well-being of the country.
@Andrew Bennets there are people here that don’t want to be part of this country. When trump won how many people were trying to leave our country publicly saying it. There will always be countries/people that will not like something. Thats what Russians are f up by trying to take land and integrate other nationalities into Russia and people will always hate it. We are doing it smarter way making situations where people wanna come here on their own grateful for what we do for them at least the majority and integrate into our country.
@james jackovich your military industrial complex would beg to differ.
Why would they do that!?
Their experience shows that as soon as people start living better, they are getting ideas
‘ which they say is capable of detecting stealth jets’… let’s remind everyone that Ukraine built Neptune missiles in the last few years which sunk the Moscova, which had Russias best air defense systems on it. Also to remember that Ukraine has been able to blow up military targets inside of Russia, very close to Moscow.
@CMDR Volo You are you there or you just took what CNN says as your source if with what CNN has been saying Ukraine would’ve been in Moscow by now
@T MacMillan Had they’ve also taken Moscow
To be precise, Moscva was obsolete and its air defense while capable was not modernized.
@Bull Gator1991 That is just not true. Russian Radar systems have a huge problem. They do not work. Just as all of Russia’s lies. Do you really think the US would deploy stealth systems if Russia could detect them? The best radar systems were used in the development of the US Stealth systems. That is radar systems that Russia can only dream about. Currently, the former tech the US was using has been replaced with a more effective system. The old stealth system made a cargo plane look like a ping-pong ball. Russian radar cannot even see it.
@JT and then russia would intentionally bombard ukraine cities with missiles in habitated congested zones, and ukraines historic district which is largely untouched.
“Complicated” is Russian for “Humiliated”
I bet the soldiers up there are deployed in summer uniforms
I hear they got footwraps, so they should be good :).
Time for all countries engaged in territorial disputes with Russia to make moves.
How come Russia is losing in Ukraine with an expansion of military bases. Many not believe in this western media lies all the time
@VaXfiles This isn’t Red Alert 3. Da fuq you talking about? Russia can barely occupy Ukraine.
Said Michael the Fool.
@Иван Ларзалев Did Michael order an invasion of Ukraine and get utterly humiliated?
@mile_high_topher Irrelevant question. I don’t respect him because of his simple-mindedness. Just know, I’m Russian, I absolutely don’t consider myself guilty and I NEVER will!
I think it is more about oil than military defense/offense
The more bases they have in the arctic the more area that they can claim as territory
Not much different than China building artificial islands in the South China sea
Well, China’s islands sunk…
Not saying you are wrong but Russia already has a lot of oil. I think they are 3rd (right behind Saudi Arabia). They just don’t have any skill at getting it other than sticking a straw in the ground. Artic oil wont help them much.
@The Yankee kid Its about claims. Having alot of oil doesnt mean the supply is infinite. Even the Arabs feel the pressure of diminishing oil wells and waging war against fellow neighbors. War over limited resource is nothing new.
Zelensky visiting the front line while Putin cowers in his bunker is a stark contrast in leadership style.
You guys need to check other sources other than CNN…. and no, not fox News either….. I think you’re in for a big surprise… im no Russian fan/supporter, but I am worried
Putin knows all his troops hate him
@Toby US “vassal”: South Korea
Russian vassal: North Korea
I know which one I’d choose
@patrick oconnell You need to visit russia :))), u have no idea what u’re talking about, russia u seen in ukraine is the best u get, reality is far worse. That country is done.
@Toby Was Zelenskyy president in 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea and Donbas?
2nd best army in the arctic!
@Fur Lover every country in this world borrowing money from China. What are you talking about?
Great Line!!
@Slowpoke Tube china needs us to be in dept to perform economically .
The debt os us in china is linked to lower wages in china , if the us would not have the debt they would manufacture at home sins oversees labor prices would go up .
So no debt , no strong chinese economy .
@roeci6 US have 24% of the world GDP ,mostly for energy sector like middle east oil etc.You need to spend more than want you earn to protect it like funding military all over the world and giving money to allies so they don’t switch side.
Many Russian sailors have been reassigned to units on the ground in Ukraine
Or from the Moskova to their Submarine service!
I saw an inteview with Rus prisoner who claimed to have been a sailor, who was reassigned to the infantry front lines.
You mean underground.
There’s a big difference between a tyrant and a leader. A tyrant shuts himself away in an opulent palace making arbitrary decisions from a far a leader joins his men in the thick of it and feels their sorrow and struggle alongside them. I salute you president Zelenskyy your the leader Ukraine deserves

Zelenski visits his troops at the front line. He encourages them and build moral. He lets them know we are all in this together. He makes sure there is equitable rotation of troops so they don’t get burned out or lose their moral.
Pooptin hasn’t visited his illegally annexed territories once. He never visits his troops in the field. He has done nothing to explain to them why they are dying and have no food, fuel or ammunition. He does NOT care about the moral or condition of his troops. They are toys for him to play with, disposable objects. He is an abject failure as a leader and commander.
There are thousands of deserters in the russian military. Just last week, an entire battalion threw their weapons down and refused to fight. Commanders had to take the whole battalion out and relocate them to penal duty. Tens of thousands more russians have surrendered, and continue each day to contact Ukraine surrender services. They know Ukraine will treat them better than their own country.
Let’s talk on the above telegram username for more enlightenment….
To call anything Russia does “defense” is beyond laughable.
@Memespeech I’d ask you to try to justify that statement, but we both know you can’t.
@Trailing Accomplice keep your ifs and buts with you.
Please inform us, what NATO has done. Fact is, only conflict that NATO has ever been involved with was Afghanistan at a minimal support capacity. Russia is the aggressor, no other country has done a damn thing to threaten Russia. Preventing Russia from brutalizing their neighbors, would only be conceived as a threat to someone as delusional as Putin & his sheep.
@Rasheed H
I literally used “if” 3 times within 4 comments. How about a rebuttal, sh*t for brains?
Two people two leaders must meet
US Turkey France should be peacefully aggressive to end war in Ukraine with talks and muscle rattling by both Russia and US before something more dangerous does not occur
with today miltary technolgy and missile, those base will last about 30 second and with no easy way to resupply/repair! waste of money!! Logistics is always what win and lose war from Roman to Ukraine!
One marvels at Putin’s leadership when his artic units (on empty ice sheets) have equipment and warm cloths but his “troops in contact” don’t
Putin: “We must deal with traitors!”
Also Putin: “I am also going to be sending 100000 additional troops to die for me while I get rich. “
Putin is shown on TV giving awards to his various oligarch billionaires, while Zelensky gives awards to his troops. That’s some nice imagery right there!