Public safety specialist Mubin Shaikh discusses the manhunt in Saskatchewan and how long it could take RCMP to track down the remaining suspect.
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Gotta love Canada’s justice… or rather injustice system that this guy is NOT behind bars for his entire life! He has at least 50 convictions against him, and is a known violent offender particularly when drugs snd alcohol are involved. It’s disgusting.
yup up north i heard of someone doing less then 5 years for 2nd degree ! dude is free now
Whoever helped him hide since May is likely helping him still. Could still be in the community.
You called it. He went back to the res.
cops can easily get search warrants and get intel from community on his whereabouts
A go fund me……really…….Justin might steal it….
59 convictions on his record , Nice Justin real nice
Yeah the PM personally decides individual convictions in the eyes of the conspiracy theorists LOL he must just jet from city to city, court to court, all day long

@tishwitch tell that to Tamara
Nothing to do with Justin. Our laws have been in place for decades.
@missmayflower Baloney laws have been changing all the time. get educated
Our parole system is so messed up…
ikr they need to upgrade the system just like the ps5 it has a heatsink and other hightech upgrades unlike the ps4 which is so outdated.
@Toad you tried….

The whole justice system is a joke
Hes got to be hiding out there! He has to be get tracking dogs and horse back riders goibg
got some grammatical and typos there, bro
@Karma * some grammatical and typos ?
Y’a think?
I see the ban on handguns is working out great!
He killed anyone who knew he was there since may.
Lmfao RCMP are a joke
Until they are searching for you.
I don’t think you can get any more personal than stabbing someone, how could that not be personal?
remove Treadu call for an election
You’re kind of off topic here.
This guy is “ex-CSIS”

Doesn’t the cops have drones
Of course they do.
@missmayflower Idk why there not using them to look for Myles
Well they could not of bought legal fire arms with a Criminal record that’s for sure but 1 of those victim with a legal gun could of saved a lot of lives. 4th time saying it, my Condolences to the families!
I agree 10000%.
I guess we should ban all knives
Keep your guns.