Premier Scott Moe discusses the COVID-19 situation in Saskatchewan as criticism grows over his government's handling of the fourth wave.
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Saskatchewan government numbers must be different from the world wide pandemic statistics. Must be the amazing delta variant. Lol
In physics “delta” means a change… maybe a poor choice of words on their end where there is a delta between world numbers and theirs.
Saskatchewan health care has been running at maximum capacity for years, and the government has just kicked that can down the road for years. This predictable surge has been warned about for years by many groups, now the surge is here and the citizens are being punished, freedoms taken and money NOW spent to try and catch up.
Bed shortages in seniors care backed all the way up into emergency wards many times, top heavy management and indifferent inflexible attitudes by bureaucrats and politicians just put off the inevitable weakness until it has finally arrived.
Precisely. It’s not a health crisis, it’s an infrastructure one. 2 years to try and bolster a system that has been declared ‘over capacity’ by SHA themselves since 2015.
@Galeanthropist Its both sadly
@Keatrith Amakiir a crisis of the unhealthy.
Get rid of these monsters.. not only out of office and off air but directly to jail..
we ALL wish but HELL AWAITS their arrival !
@OugaBoogaShockwave Hell isn’t real, hold them responsible now, not in an imaginary afterlife once they’ve done as much harm to others as possible
@Keatrith Amakiir Wrong again. Hell is very real.
This guy wants to make Saskatchewan Australia. Stand up now. Or lose it all.
Kind of reminds me of Andrews.
Ya you can tell by all the nonexistent restrictions lol
Never seen so many clowns so desperate to feel important in my life.
gotta justify the 80k to 150k a year salaries we’re paying for all of these worthless unelected administrators and bureaucrats while laying off over half of our medical staff during a “pandemic” you know
@superhobo666 True, those “essential workers” never missed a pay cheque did they?
@superhobo666 tam gets 400k+ ayear….
We’re all overwhelmed
Maybe stop kicking heroes out the door. Shortage solved, your welcome.
Don’t support anti-science nutjobs in a science based field. Ever.
@Keatrith Amakiir What science? Provide evidence.
Unvaccinated health care providers have no business working with patients.
If healthcare workers believe anti science conspiracies, they don’t deserve to work in the healthcare field. I hope they all lose their ability to work in the field ever again.
I, I, I I just did what the wealthy and anti-Christ Evangelicals told me to do.
Don’t blame me, Kenney next door is doing the same.
@Shannon Lowe What ICU patients? Prove they exist.
Our Lord is coming soon brother. Things will get worse before though. Remember 1/4 of the worlds population will soon expire from war, beasts, disease and famine.
@Shannon Lowe you mean the CPR mannequins dolled up in ventilators?
@Harry the third says the guy who believes in a made up lord. lol
@Hanna the Humble Bard LOL
Incompetence and no accountability. Period
eight ICU beds.. and they are overwhelmed. Add less doctors and nurses because they quit and you have your news for the night.
84 just COVID in ICU. In addition to all of the usual ICU patients. Try reading.
Hmm how about those powers to take any property or land and modify it indefinitely during any emergency… hmmm sounds convenient.
If you want to know the real problem look up “Density of hospital beds in Canada from 1976 to 2019”
Exactly. Public health care tax theft to prop up systemic govt corruption.
Yep it’s a failure of the healthcare system, NOT because of covid itself. Alberta health services last year in April drew up different scenario’s and how they would deal with them, and their “probable” scenario, ie. the likely scenario, was 240 ICU cases. They said they would easily be able to handle that, and have a surge capacity up to 1,000 ICU beds if needed, along with adequate staffing. Nothing of the sort happened until Sept, more than a full year later, and suddenly, they can’t handle 240 ICU cases, which was their probable scenario last year? With claims that the healthcare system is about to “collapse”? When they said they could have a surge capacity to 1,000 beds, no problem? Something is very very wrong with the healthcare system in Canada.
i would be totally enamored with a politician who actually owns their failures. i have yet to witness this. and i’m old. it’s insulting that so many think that the general population is that stupid.
Overwhelmed ICU’s and ER’s? Maybe a tik tok dance off would help?
Or maybe adding more ICU beds
It’s from the arm thingy.
They are putting mannequins in the ICU beds and blurring the faces. That way it looks like a person.
That is most definitely not true.
A crook before office and a bigger crook in office
Scott Moe is no better then any other premiers. I thought that he would be one who tell the truth
“No, no, I don’t think…” period.
Moe really needs to be removed from his position! He majorly is a problem, especially as he has not the courage to admit his errors. He will not change his ways.
Sha closed the field hospital in saskatoon (it never saw a patient)