17-year-old Sandy Hook elementary school shooting survivor Cyrena Arokium speaks with "CNN This Morning" ten years after the shooting that left 20 first-graders and six adults dead. #CNN #News
Sandy Hook shooting survivor speaks out 10 years later

17-year-old Sandy Hook elementary school shooting survivor Cyrena Arokium speaks with "CNN This Morning" ten years after the shooting that left 20 first-graders and six adults dead. #CNN #News
Bless you Sandy Hook kids! We weep with you. You deserve the best!
I wouldn’t worry about it because you dont know them
My heart goes out to this young lady, to all the survivors, & most importantly the victims and their families. The lives of these babies and educators cannot be in vain:
We need to enact and enforce universal background checks, national red flag laws, ban high-capacity magazines, and at a MINIMUM, make it EXTREMELY hard to own an assault weapon, it Not ban them.
#NeverAgain #EndGunViolence FOREVER!
Well said
You don’t seem to understand how a constitution works…
I also find it interesting that you have absolutely zero mention of making schools more secure.
You are an immoral clown
13% 52%
My heart goes out to them as well. Knives and cutting instruments are used to kill, on average, nearly 4x as often as ALL rifles. The numbers are even less for the ones you like to call assault weapons.
Make the NICS system available to citizens for free if you want anything universal. An app would work. Or..
Agree to private sales by showing proof of a CC permit or reciept of FFL purchase within the last 180 days. (This is what most of us do anyway)
Make politicians and their families abide by red flag laws first.
Bring back the international arms dealer, who sold real weapons of war if you want to be taken serious.
All anti-gunners should be required to have 25 hours range time with pistol, shotgun, rilfe, and muzzleloader to make comments about guns.
If Marty had a time machine, what law could we have him put in place that would’ve prevented Adam from doing what he did??? Please, list your laws below!
Crazy to think this was 10 years ago. I still remember the day it happen and where I was. I was too young to remember 9/11, but this event is sadly one that will be ingrained into my head forever.
If Marty had a time machine, what law could we have him put in place that would’ve prevented Adam from doing what he did??? Please, list your laws below!
You didn’t fail sweetie. Your government and so-called leaders have failed. That said keep up the good work. You have support.
Survivor guilt is so hard, especially at a young age. Childhoods, stolen, or stopped completely…how can anyone think that is acceptable? They are innocent. Kudos to those brave teaching staff who stood up for their classes, lives on the line. That’s agape love.
If Marty had a time machine, what law could we have him put in place that would’ve prevented Adam from doing what he did??? Please, list your laws below!
December 14, 2012. A date which will live in infamy.
Lol, I still can’t get over Jan 6!
One year ago
79 Palestinian kids killed by American ammunition delivered to Israel !
May Karma keep burning you , it’s our only ally !
Congratulations Cyrina college is much more fun than highschool! Your life has been forever marked by the massacre. Advocating for gun safety is so very important. I am doing what can in my State and also my federal delegation is well aware of my opinion on preventing gun violence.
Thank you for all you do!
If Marty had a time machine, what law could we have him put in place that would’ve prevented Adam from doing what he did??? Please, list your laws below!
OMG! 10 years later !!
God bless you beautiful girl 
May God bless you and keep you, Serena.
You have a calming tone in your voice.
I was 6 the first time a gun was pointed at me life in the hood is rough.
did you ever own a gun or are you terrified at the sight of guns because of this incident??
@GOVIDIOT Sheep I own one. Yes I don’t like it when guns are involved in ways where they are not needed.
and I could tell you’re a real person and not any blind sheep! Most of these people involved with these sketchy stories all have this inorganic fear and desire to end the second amendment! It’s the weirdest reaction and that’s how I know when something is phony being reported on the news
I’ll never forget how Gene Rosen rescued those children….. True American Hero…… And not to forget the teacher that packed 15 children and herself into a small restroom and waited for over four hour’s to be sure it was safe to come out….. Another True American Hero……
I’ll buy that for a dollar! Gene Rosen was caught rehearsing his lines! I’ll never forget that! Too many old news clips have been.scrubbed so, I understand if you think I’m talking nonsense!
Stop having kids y’all! No one asks to be born, & no one has the moral right to inflict serious, preventable harms upon others without their consent—harms being pain, fear, worry, sickness, injury, grief/loss, fatigue, death. Besides, it’s morally wrong to place someone in a position from which death is the only escape
How do you inflict fatigue on somebody?

Louise ( Lyse Doucet ) Johnson ( Linfordh Christy ) 60 57 : we From East Europe , we Like England for its rainy days , clean , quality made roads streets , and fresh air , such streets as Regent Street , Oxford Street , Baker Street , those kind of streets , Like Finchlley Road , for exemple , more gulobol , a bit , etc … Engulland finds itself North , and its people is very edyukeited , trustworthy , reliable , my father used to say that the best police officers in the whole world come from the Republic of Ireland ….
Why not report on how first time gun ownership is up because people notice the spike in crime
Maybe they could live a normal life if the media would STOP SHOVING IT in their face 24/7.
May God bless this little girl. She is purely amazing.
It is our job to listen and hear what young survivors have to say when they stand up and speak. Uplifting that first occasion moves us all forward and creates the path to further speaking and for other survivors to find their footing and readiness to speak to us and the world. Thank you Cyrena Arokium.
We too must find our strength in this.
never happened
If Marty had a time machine, what law could we have him put in place that would’ve prevented Adam from doing what he did??? Please, list your laws below!
@GOVIDIOT Sheep theres no law that stops terrorists from killing, psychopaths always will kill

I was a block away from Sandy Hook, then I turned around to run home and grab my scuba gear, when I heard the shots!
no you didnt
you fkn liar
So brave ♥️

The risk of a person in the U.S. dying in a mass shooting was 70% lower during the period in which the assault weapons ban was active.The data shows an almost immediate—and steep—rise in mass shooting deaths in the years after the assault weapons ban expired in 2004.
In relation to a 2001 study the National Research Council in 2005, stated “evaluation of the short-term effects of the 1994 federal assault weapons ban did not reveal any clear impacts on gun violence outcomes.
We can go back and forth quoting stats all day, in the end there’s no right answer only skewed numbers. Most research I’ve read stated 10yrs isn’t long enough to outline clear changes from anomalies.
I just don’t believe her, or that it happened.