Sandy Hook Promise’s New PSA Shows ‘New Normal’ Of School Shootings | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

Parents who lost their children in one of the worst gun attacks in American history are taking matters into their own hands. Sandy Hook Promise founder Nicole Hockley joins Stephanie Ruhle to discuss the group’s shocking, new PSA and Congress’ “holding pattern” on gun reform. Aired on 09/18/19.
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Sandy Hook Promise's New PSA Shows ‘New Normal’ Of School Shootings | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

Sandy Hook Promise's New PSA Shows ‘New Normal’ Of School Shootings | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC


  1. I said it before and I’ll say it again, if the horrific actions at Sandy Hook wasn’t enough to bring about change I don’t believe anything will.

    1. After a future massacre is carried out with something like this Weapons as Political Protest, From Forgotten Weapons. that works this well ronzor7 (Be sure to take note of where and when the news report comes from.) is built as easily as this or a weapon built like this, Gun control is dead.
      Or using a completely new weapon or an old one improved by modern technology. (Like something you might see on Jörg Sprave’s slingshot channel.)
      Will you then be interested in growing up and doing the hard work of solving the actual problem?
      Back when you could order Machine Guns, Grenades, and even Cannons through the U.S. Mail this didn’t happen. So Availability obviously isn’t the cause.
      Since race couldn’t be reliably filtered through the mail we can eliminate race as a factor too.
      In fact it wasn’t until the Progressive Deinstitutionalization Campaign shutting down the asylum system on the theory that asylums were unnecessary with modern medications was well under way that the first of these mass shootings happened in 1966.
      So why are we less safe now?
      Because obviously accessibility, availability, and race are not the problem.

    2. Yeah they should have armed security instead of not having any that’s why there are shooting cause the schools have no armed security

  2. a medical doctor showing the photos of the bloody exitwounds of a child hit by a AR 15 is setting the bar not high enough for the senators blocking new gun legislation

    1. Mountain Dew, After a future massacre is carried out with something like this Weapons as Political Protest, From Forgotten Weapons. that works this well ronzor7 (Be sure to take note of where and when the news report comes from.) is built as easily as this or a weapon built like this, Gun control is dead.
      Or using a completely new weapon or an old one improved by modern technology. (Like something you might see on Jörg Sprave’s slingshot channel.)
      Will you then be interested in growing up and doing the hard work of solving the actual problem?
      Back when you could order Machine Guns, Grenades, and even Cannons through the U.S. Mail this didn’t happen. So Availability obviously isn’t the cause.
      Since race couldn’t be reliably filtered through the mail we can eliminate race as a factor too.
      In fact it wasn’t until the Progressive Deinstitutionalization Campaign shutting down the asylum system on the theory that asylums were unnecessary with modern medications was well under way that the first of these mass shootings happened in 1966.
      So why are we less safe now?
      Because obviously accessibility, availability, and race are not the problem.

      Here is a video that touches on the Deinstitutionalization campaign a little. here is the Infogalactic entry on the Deinstitutionalization campaign.

    2. @David Grover so if I can summarize, you’re saying the problem is people right? Stress, mental health perhaps, it all comes down to the individuals right?
      Well, I’m fine with solving those problems, but until we can get society to a state where they’re less problematic (however you want to frame that) I’m for limiting the chance people will hurt themselves by limiting and regulating the things with which they hurt themselves.

    3. JamieLan2011, You can’t control those inanimate things. With access to any western grocery store and probably most modern ones anywhere you can make basic explosives.
      With access to any decent hardware store making advanced explosives, grenades, machine guns, and far more dangerous things is easy.
      If you try to control the knowledge your technological based civilization will collapse eventually. (The current state of technology education is already a massive failure so making it more restricted won’t have any good effects.)
      If you try to control the people generally you have built an Orwellian nightmare society.

      And given that the same people who campaign for Arms Prohibition are responsible for letting the most dangerous people loose on the streets.
      For example.

      From Investors Business Daily.
      “It was the left, most prominently the American Civil Liberties Union, that in the 1970s successfully pushed to end “involuntary commitment” for those who do not meet that standard. *Bruce Ennis became legal director of the ACLU in 1977 and was known as the father of the “mental health bar.” In 1974 he said, “My personal goal is either to abolish involuntary commitment or to set up so many procedural roadblocks and hurdles that it will be difficult, if not impossible, for the state to commit people against their will.”*
      The Deinstitutionalization Campaign was about shutting down the asylum system on the theory that asylums were unnecessary with modern medications. Here is a video that touches on it a little. here is the Infogalactic entry on it.

      You now would have a more serious and potentially disastrous problem.
      You are antagonizing professionals like me, and after loosing the most important 4 things in my life to Obama’s Illegal Operation Choke Point backdoor Gun Control scam.
      I have no capacity or desire to give one more millimeter.

      If that last problem bothers you feel free to call the FBI on me.
      It wouldn’t be the first time someone has, and I really like FBI agents generally so maybe I’ll make some new friends.

  3. The problem will be addressed when Moscow Mitch is shot in his sore arm or one of his relatives is killed by an AK47.

    1. William C, I’ll admit Congress was tougher back when progressive terrorist’s successfully attacked the United States Capitol in 1954 but I wouldn’t base my hopes on it if I were you. You Progressive Authoritarian Scum May find Republicans are made of sterner stuff than you.

    1. Michael Perkinson, They have had those and much stricter laws in France for decades and they didn’t stop The Paris, Trèbes, Orly, Or Thylas shootings.

    2. Texas *was and is* an ‘open carry’ state, David…
      And yet *all* those innocent people are *still* so very *dead* …even the ones *that had* guns on them.

    3. CynAnne1, El Paso is a notorious Blue county and many of the shops in the area were marked no guns allowed.
      He went on his murder spree where he was safest.
      Odessa was a spree type killing and initiative favors the attacker. Since his first encounter was the police over a minor traffic violation the myth of the advantage of the armed professionals of the State is in the garbage can.
      Since there are reports his weapon was a home build and the police had been called on him multiple times for using a gun unlawfully we have another killer that could have been disarmed legally that wasn’t.

      He was supposedly not capable of owning a gun because he was declared unfit but for some reason he was left free in society with access to all the dangerous and deadly implements of same.
      It is a good thing he didn’t understand basic chemistry.
      So this one is on the ACLU.

      From Investors Business Daily.
      “It was the left, most prominently the American Civil Liberties Union, that in the 1970s successfully pushed to end “involuntary commitment” for those who do not meet that standard. *Bruce Ennis became legal director of the ACLU in 1977 and was known as the father of the “mental health bar.” In 1974 he said, “My personal goal is either to abolish involuntary commitment or to set up so many procedural roadblocks and hurdles that it will be difficult, if not impossible, for the state to commit people against their will.”*

    1. David Grover your a dreamer who lacks a moral compass and I have neither the want or need to get into a conversation with you about anything.

    2. Pete hilll, You want to “storm the Senate” with a sub minority of the population and I am the dreamer?
      Oh KEK! Your self delusion is sweet.

    3. @David Grover I am not a boy and I don’t have a problem with “grenade attacks”. I really don’t know what you are talking about! If you suggest I should be arming myself, I will do the opposite. I will not be fear mongered into contributing to a sick society… Have a nice day sir, God bless!

    4. G. Rekv, I expect you to continue to be prey and pretend what is happening isn’t happening.
      Also the English language particularly in the written form assumes male until other data is available.
      So get over it.

    5. Sounds like its better for you to get yourself armed and make a change to the school to have armed security 🤷‍♂️

  4. On CNN’s clip there was a commentator who went on a rant about right wing conspiracies that say Sandy Hook never happened. People like that commentator can make resolving this preventable disaster from happening again.

    1. Catherine Williams, If progressive “news” outlets actually wanted to stop this they would not make the perpetrators famous while reporting the crime.

    2. @David Grover Most don’t. But, then most “progressive” news outlets don’t It’s only the for profit Cable News channels (who’s business models require splashy, entertaining news broadcasts because they have to generate revenue for the parent company.) And unfortunately, making the perpetrator famous is required to get eyeballs watching their programs.

      You remember that old saying “if it bleeds, it leads”.

    3. Catherine Williams, Actually the worst offenders for making them famous are the big 3 non cable networks last time I checked. But their cable components do love to replay them Ad Nauseam.

    4. @David Grover Again, they have to get eyeballs on their programming. It’s all about appealing to advertisers and getting those Nielson ratings up. It’s pretty sad actually. Though, for a while no one was saying the name of the Odessa/Midlands shooter. I don’t know if he was ever identified or not.

  5. I watched the video but I came here to see how people would react because there is no comments allowed on the video.

  6. This twisted my stomach with anxiety and sorrow…which was the *exact point* it was intended to do.
    Our poor children *are paying* the ultimate price for “Grim Reaper” McConnell and feckless #45’s *venal inaction* …👎

  7. All my classes are on the top floor the fact that I have to break my leg to get to safety from a shooter without the person noticing, is absolutely disgusting!

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