Senator Bernie Sanders joins CNN's Jake Tapper to discuss why he thinks Democrats going all in on the abortion battle ahead of the midterm elections is a mistake. #CNN #News
Sanders says it’s mistake for Democrats to go all in on abortion battle

Senator Bernie Sanders joins CNN's Jake Tapper to discuss why he thinks Democrats going all in on the abortion battle ahead of the midterm elections is a mistake. #CNN #News
My guy Bernie gonna stick to the message. Americans need better health and financial freedom
@Bass INC nothing. Just like Bernie.
@Bass INC Don’t have kids if you can’t afford them. A $1 rubber solves that issue.
Once again Bernie Sanders nails it.
@Nera Kar No, Republicans have never said it a single time. Prove me wrong. I dare you to even try.
If he’s right, it is a first.
@Tessmage Tessera Liars don’t have to be proven wrong
Empower the common people… you know, as they would do in a democracy.
@Traditional American So, you would like a dictatorial regime? Is that what your comment means?
@Traditional American America is continents, not a country. They not teach you that in the Russian Federation? I guess they don’t also teach you that democratic republics are a thing. You made it clear that you are against the idea of empowering common people and that you try to push your narrow views with hateful comments, so, that says all we need to know about you.
@Traditional American’s account was created in June, 2022 and its description says, “1950’s America was the Pinnacle of Men.” Blatant troll. Report fake accounts like Traditional American’s.
He is right. The economy!!!!
Wealth does not trickle down, but lawlessness does.
I know. Poor lazy people just fall further behind
@Dave Waldon poor lazy working people keep country going, not lazy inherited rich like Trumps
@Swagman21 Who do you think is giving the “poor lazy working people” their jobs in the first place?
No, wealth does trickle down. If I’m a millionaire with a successful business, I have people working for me to give me my wealth. I pass down some of that wealth in the form of a job. Without me and my money, there is no business and there are no jobs from that business.
“This country has Socialism for the rich, and rugged individualism for the poor.”
@Middle Guy of course not… it’s too lucrative for both. But it seems like people are waking up to the idea that THEY control the government, not the other way around. Perhaps The People will organize and petition for change.
@Phillippa C. I hope they are. Cuz personally I’m tired of the government’s bs
@Middle Guy Me too… I believe what happened in the 2 0 2 0 election opened a lot of people’s eyes and they started making noise.
@Phillippa C. Look at what’s happened n the past 2 years. It’s like clown world
@Middle Guy Exactly
“The best weapon of a dictatorship is secrecy, but the best weapon of a democracy should be the weapon of openness.”
~Niels Bohr
I have yet to hear a Democrat answer the question on full term abortion. They avoid it at all costs, because most people in the world find that idea abhorrent.
No shortage of secrecy in the US. Or any other nation.
Thank you Bernie for all the help that you’re trying to do for everyone
@Tex AJP It is supporting American values. Something your ancestors did during WW2
If only people listened to this man. He is fair, wise, and for the people. Not giving billionaires tax cuts, when they barely even pay taxes!
@Ian Alan because I think they should help their fellow man just like the average American already does through taxes, they’ll still be insanely rich regardless, stop defending billionaires
Let me give it to you bluntly, without billionaires and their courage and hard work to reach their dreams this country would be so much weaker. Have a nice day.
Bernie’s right. Kroger wants to merge with Albertson’s so they can control food prices. Inflation sucks, and corporate greed has a lot to do with it.
Let’s get this straight, Tapper says focusing on economic issues is a losing battle for Democrats. It is even more important for the party in power to drive home the economic message. That is exactly what governing means, otherwise why run.
Recent polls on MSNBC are suggesting that’s true
Bernie Sanders is very consistent I will give him that.
Consistently socialist.
I love Bernie. His views are always the same! No waffling from Bernie. Stand up for the Americans who need help!! Have the richest ones do their part to help.
Bernie stopped talking about taxing millionaires after he got a book deal.
I like this man because he don’t care who it is he let you know when he’s not happy to order some thing and this is the type of people that we need in power neither one that is lying to get your vote
Bernie does a good job of spending other people’s money.

I can only hope to imagine how frustrating how frustrating it is for Sanders to repeat his agenda for all the decades he has been in politics. I am a old fart and started protesting for women’s rights, to save our environment and equality for everyone in our country no matter their religion, sexual preference, or the color of their skin for 5 decades and feel we have been slipping backwards.
Bernie reminds me of my uncle, 50 years after he already died at the age of 92.
Bernie didn’t say Democrats shouldn’t go all in to oppose abortion. He said it shouldn’t be the ONLY issue. He correctly said the economy is a bigger issue for most voters.
Once, again, Bernie Sanders is absolutely correct.
Sanders is Right as always!!
Excellence In Broadcasting + Silence No More
Bernie is just always keeping it