Sanders Confirms Obama, Biden Conversations Before Ending Campaign | All In | MSNBC

In his first TV interview since suspending his campaign, Sen. Bernie Sanders talks to Chris Hayes about the decision to end his candidacy for president, Joe Biden’s movement in a more progressive direction, and the coronavirus response. Aired on 04/09/2020.
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Sanders Confirms Obama, Biden Conversations Before Ending Campaign | All In | MSNBC

Sanders Confirms Obama, Biden Conversations Before Ending Campaign | All In | MSNBC


    1. @l vd yes and most are in trouble;;;;;;;
      In a shameful abdication of responsibility, fellow countries in the European Union have failed to give medical assistance and supplies to Italy during an outbreak. China is filling the void.
      Europe’s selfishness is morally lamentable, and it’s unwise, because misery loves company. A struggling Italy will drag its European friends down, too, starting with their economies. But the cold response to Italy’s plea points to a larger issue: How would European allies respond in case of crisis even more devastating than the coronavirus—say, a massive cyberattack that knocks out power for a prolonged period of time? Without electrical power, other critical functions quickly cease to function, too. Brno University Hospital— home to one of the Czech Republic’s largest COVID-19 testing labs—has already been hit by a serious cyber attack.
      european healthcare is hanging on by it’s fingernails.

    2. AMANO NOVINYL laughing stock, but still number one. also its astounding that you people cant get it through your head that even if minimum wage goes up everything else will become more expensive, so an increase isn’t going to do much.

  1. Haha, Bernie is probably the only politician with the words “yes” and “no” in his vocabulary. 😂

    That was a shock to Chris.😅

    1. @kevin almeida GOT YOU! 👍 thanks for the answer. No, i didn’t mention China. You did. And your answer had nothing to do with what i wrote.

      So, agent or bot?

      What’s the place where you script these phrases? Russia? India? China? 😂😂😂

      Hehe, as a bot, i now gave you lot of keywords to pick from. As a human agent – surprise me.

    2. I told you guys before that they would steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders again. And look what happend guys, here we go again. The only one who had a movement besides Trump is again screwed and stopped from the nomination by the DNC. At least Bernie could have given Trump a run for his money.
      What are you guys doing about it? Wake up. Imagine what would have happend if Elisabeth Warren also dropped out of the race at the same time, just like the other candidates did who endorsed Biden. What would have happend if Warren would have endorsed Sanders at that time? Now Sanders is thrown before a bus again. Really guys this pathetic. You are fooled again. They forced him to endorse Biden. But deep in his heart he knows……So give me a break!

  2. Welp it’s over for us y’all. Who else can be a better president than one that can rock one AirPod?

    1. Not OVER yet. They’ve scared and they can’t hold control of all the elections locally.

    1. @Rose Lilly they already did dummy when they voted FDR for president. You must not read to much like the word social security is a socialist program good How’s that 3rd education working out for you

    2. @Jason Olson You radical far left nutters are very rude and angry. President Trump will WIN BIG again in 2020! You need prayers.

    3. @Jason Olson You won’t be laughing much when our Great President gets re elected in November! I’m certain that you radical Dems gladly took the stimulus check he gave us?

    4. Vasamard thats ok. God has better plans for Bernie to help Americans even not as president. You know the presidency is not the be all amd end all. Lets just join hands & support. When they win, we win!

    1. Bernie got rejected by the Country, feel the burn. Contributors are unemployed, they want their money back.

    2. @Bryan S If by the ‘country’ you mean the establishment, than YES. if you mean country as in the ‘people’, than NO. It’s interesting because even in recent polls, Bernie was leading Trump (and Biden) as Biden is even with Trump. Since Comrade Conman Trump is incumbent, he’ll win the election if it happened today.

    3. @Bryan S If by the ‘country’ you mean the establishment, than YES. if you mean country as in the ‘people’, than NO. It’s interesting because even in recent polls, Bernie was leading Trump (and Biden) as Biden is even with Trump. Since Comrade Conman Trump is incumbent, he’ll win the election if it happened today.

  3. God Bless you, Bernie
    Thank you,you showing that you really care with distributing your champaign money into people healthcare 🙏🏼👏🏻💕

    1. @27 Pinstripes As do all covernments worldwide,what`s your point? He worked, as ( I hope ) you do. Many might not find what you do worth calling it a job, would you do it without getting paid?

    2. @27 Pinstripes if you believe that free education and affordable health insurance is communism then you deserve Trump. How many democratic countries in Europe invest in their people? If he taxes the rich like Amazon and Trump it is going to be more than enough. And I said taxes like I pay. No handouts.

  4. Watching Bernie smile and push the progressive agenda even outside looking in is priceless. #NotmeUs #Bernie

    1. @Dionysus you can’t redefine language. Progressives are normally the visionaries that think of ideas before they become mainstream. Once upon a time black people couldnt sit on busses, workers rights were non existant and we didn’t have a weekend. Corporations will get every penny out of their workers that they can. Its up to government to regulate those businesses so workers are treated fairly.

    2. @Forza Juve you are full of it kid.
      just for you,hull.
      You will notice this redefining of the language whenever you read liberal publications or watch liberal broadcasts of the evening news. Prolific readers may recognize the term “Newspeak,” from he George Orwell novel 1984 about an oppressive socialist world. Socialists, Marxists, and liberals want to, need to redefine words.
      get real kid,you need help you have been

    1. Chris Durgin for real. Disgusting mainstream media strikes again. Although Chris seems to be one of the rare decent ones

  5. Bernie 2020 for me.
    If I have to live my life with the Corona virus.
    Then I’ll live with the illusion that Bernie is president.

    1. @Lauri that is why you have a vice president. Are you wishing bad on Biden? Your comment reads like it.

    2. @S. Lee Mccauley ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!
      I meant if it happened BEFORE the election?! I’m sorry but he hasn’t been in perfect health.. I would never wish that on Biden .

  6. I love BERNIE!!!🤣🤣🤣❤
    NO , is a complete sentence.
    Yes, is a complete sentence.
    Thank you Sen. Sanders ❤

    1. That creepy guy cannot even give a complete sentence! His ONLY supporters were ignorant 20-30 year olds obsessed with the climate change hoax. He never had a chance.

    2. They are answers that leave much to be desired. Why are you not concerned that he talked to Obama before deciding to suspend his campaign and endorse Biden? Bernie should have talked to all of you instead.

    3. ​@Rose Lilly Are you dumb? Some kinda Trump cultist? both? I would guess both… no one is creepier than rose lilly that is for sure….

  7. Americans missed out on electing a man who actually cared about them and had their best interests at heart.

    1. Dionysus the reason this country is going to eventually fail is because of people like you, that are afraid of change. I understand you may be a die hard capitalist, which you have every right to be, but even the president is practicing socialism right now. But instead of helping the middle class and lower class, he is helping big corporations and companies.

    2. @idkwhathappenedtomylife There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism – by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.

      Socialism is the doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that his life and his work do not belong to him, but belong to society, that the only justification of his existence is his service to society, and that society may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good.
      “Socialism rests on the premise that man, by his nature, is unfit for freedom.”

    3. Dionysus, I understand that you may be scared of the terrible outcomes of communism, but democratic socialism is completely different, and if done right, can be beneficial to the people. Look at FDR and how he brought the country out of an economic depression, he was a democratic socialist.

    4. @idkwhathappenedtomylife as per usual,you speak with no research,just what has been fed to you by your indoctrinators.
      Although historians and educators tell us that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ended the Great Depression, in reality, the New Deal prolonged chronic unemployment in the U.S. in the 1930s, Cato Institute scholar Jim Powell said early this month.

      “The New Deal was substantially financed on the backs of the middle class and the poor,” Powell said at a Cato Institute Forum. The Cato Institute is a libertarian think tank.

      Powell spoke, along with Michael Barone of U.S. News & World Report, on the findings of his new book, FDR’s Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression (Crown Forum, 2003). Powell’s book brings together evidence from the recent findings of several dozen economists at Princeton, Stanford, Columbia, Brown, the University of Chicago, and the University of California at Berkeley.
      you are full of it kid,just marxist talking points,not one shred of truth.
      X democrats for TRUMP 2020

    5. @idkwhathappenedtomylife SCARED ,no
      you are scared,because you know i am right and we x democrats will re-elect president TRUMP in Nov.
      X democrats for TRUMP 2020.

  8. I believe Bernie Sanders is/was the only politician who truly cares about people. I am heartbroken. He is my hero.

    1. JWolfe Shelton – Instead if blaming the “1% and big corps” for Sanders’ loss, maybe blame his supporters who didn’t come out to the polls to vote? Or maybe blame Sanders for not motivating more Democrats to vote for him? Nobody altered votes after they were cast or forced anyone to vote for a particular candidate. Biden won fair and square. You may be disappointed, but don’t whine and pretend like someone unfairly took a sure win away from you. It’s only a sure win if you actually get people to vote for you.

    2. Sure he cares about people. That doesn’t mean that his policies will work. The belief that “if we just care hard enough” has been the basis for some of historical blunders.

    3. hugo bonin – Or he understands that Trump is a national threat and is helping remove him from office? A guy who says he has “total authority” and tweets that we need to “liberate” states while referencing the 2nd Amendment should be nowhere near the levers of power.

    1. If I want more than basic coverage, I can pay for it. As it were, the basic coverage I get for free is still good. It would be silly for me to expect it to cover everything.

    2. Why would it be silly USA is one of the richest countries on earth. Many other nation cover everything and everyone. And if u do get really sick and then try to purchase the premiums will rocket. One of many reasons for bankruptcy is medical debt.

    3. Because its *basic* coverage. I don’t expect it to cover cancer.
      Again, I’m fine with the basic health coverage I get through my state.
      I don’t expect the federal government to cover all health care for all US citizens. You can advocate for that, but it is unlikely to become a reality.

    4. @Selfish Capitalist over 4 trillion dollars handed to corporations and the owners have you trained like sheep to say ‘if you take care of the actual people with tax money..thats socialism’ Lets get rid of social security, medicare, medicaid…..lets stop all the democratic states from paying more in to support the socialist republican states of america ….like kentucky and the others that leach of the economic surpluses of blue states. I want all that socialist money back that was taken from democratic states and handed to failed farmers in red states cause of trumps pathetic failed trade war….in capitalism..we do NOT hand out money to people who fail right?

  9. The thing that sets Bernie apart from all the others is his decency. The fact that he has a disdain for gossip, the focus of his campaign being on the betterment of the USA, that he speaks well of others… it’s things like these that speak to that decency and make it real.

    1. And the fact that he’s a socialist. But let’s gloss over that fact, because he has “decency”.

  10. Sanders doesn’t sound like himself here. Too many of the wrong people have been whispering in his ear. I started drafting a letter and sending it to popular activism groups in hopes that it will trend and gets seen by Bernie and his staff. The letter is a request to get him back into the race. Virtually everyone supports his policies. This disaster proved that. We need to help Sanders.

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