San Francisco sued over ‘nightmare’ neighborhood conditions

In SF's Tenderloin district, after the number of tents jumped nearly 300%, residents, businesses and a nearby law school are suing to force the city to clean it up.
#CNN #News


    1. @Joel Kobs that’s hilarious… Those infections shouldn’t have happened in the first place!

    2. @wesley rodgers I’ve made choices in my life that greatly reduce the chance of that happening. And I hope I’m never homeless also.

    3. Julien Kurtis um, bc they will just take their corporations to another country, along with all those jobs.

    4. @Joel Kobs LOL they have the most cases of COVID and deaths by a landslide. 1/4 going on 1/3 respectively. These homeless a here because of US policy. Obama and Bush opted to bailout Wall St back in 2009. By doing that the failed to bailout Main St. The end result was the foreclosure of 6 million homes and forcing people from all over the country homeless. Now If I’m a person without a home, I’m going to a wealthy part of the nation that is warm all year round. I’m not going to sleep in a ten in Minnesota or Alaska. I’m going to put my tent in my care and move south. Of course I’m not going to pick a state like Texas or New Mexico or Arizona that lock you up for being homeless. I’m going to opt for California. They are there because they have no choice. Most of them have jobs as well. They are called “The Working Poor”. My guess is you don’t know how to read stats very well or how to interpret them. Some require basic math steps to present the data so feel free to give that to me once you figure it out. It’s grade 4 math so I’ll expect the reply in 2 years.

  1. And send them where? In another town? How about creating affordable housing for people?


    2. @Dmitri Fukov NO, Democrats WILL..BUT people like “Moscow Mitch” continually BLOCKS just about EVERYTHING good that comes before him REPUBLICAN Senators and TRUMPS signature. 🤦‍♂️😡

    3. Uffi Sachs Hey Sach Sucks!
      I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election,” former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified in 2017.

      Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, according to the transcript of her interview, was asked about the same issue. Power replied: “I am not in possession of anything—I am not in possession and didn’t read or absorb information that came from out of the intelligence community.”

      Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice was asked the same question.
      “To the best of my recollection, there wasn’t anything smoking, but there were some things that gave me pause,” she said, according to her transcribed interview, in response to whether she had any evidence of conspiracy. “I don’t recall intelligence that I would consider evidence to that effect that I saw…conspiracy prior to my departure

    4. Uffi Sachs Sounds like more COMRADE OBOZO KGB paper trails are gonna be DECLASSIFIED this week! I luv luv COMMIE OBOZO paper trails, don’t you? P O S RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA! TRAITOR

  2. US is rich person’s heaven. There is no room for poor. Hope the government can do something for it.

    1. @Hawkzblade Unfortunately, yours won’t snowflake, because it’s really just a fantasy.

    1. @Mr Kane speaking TRUTH Bothers You??? Stop voting DemocRAT and watch How Real Americans Run their States

  3. Excuse me. I thought there were 500 hotel rooms in San Francisco that were being paid for but not being used exclusively just to help the homeless during covid-19. Yesterday’s report said that San Francisco was spending $33,000 a day for empty rooms.

    1. @moo cow Why stop voting Democrats if the current crisis has been exacerbated by the corrupt, incompetent and criminally negligent Republican Senate under chief crook Trump.

    1. @0 0 and the truth is there for everybody to see. Look at history of Detroit. During republicans control it was the best city economically in the world and is now a ghost town compared to what it was. Being able to pull wool over Americans eyes is their specialty. They perfected it in order to survive the abolishment of slavery and have been doing it ever since.

    2. @James Gray YES, certainly looking forward to TRUMP and his cronies ALL “going to jail”…👍

  4. This seems to be happening all along west coast from LA to Seattle. Thats what you get when you only help the upper 1%.

    1. You idiots debating if it’s dems or rep fault need to open your eyes and realize it’s both parties fault because neither one has the average Americans interest in mind

    2. Unfortunately this happens all across America – housing has become unaffordable everywhere. The rules for public housing are unreasonable since the majority of homeless on the streets are mentally ill people.

  5. We’re talking about the richest country on Earth, that’s absurd! The US really have to start thinking collectively about not leaving anyone behind, Covid or no Covid!

    1. No one in the USA has a right to live anywhere, including homes they own, free and clear, with no mortgage. If you have too little money to pay the tax which provides you with the privilege of living in your house, you will be evicted. Kind of a strange system, don’t you think? With that fact acknowledged, why do we find homelessness so puzzling?

  6. Homeless are everywhere I know they’re Americans some of them are vets but I don’t know what the solution would be.

  7. Respectful advice from a Canadian: Six feet between tents is no solution to homelessness.
    Not San Fran, Not California….this is an American problem.

    Oh yeah,…congratulations on your, very powerful military Mr President.

    1. @Sampson Simpson 2 @Sampson Simpson 2 You’re such a tough man! Big American hero! So, please go out in your COVID-19 infested country and let us know how that goes! I’m sure your bigly tough American immune system can overcome anything, and at the very least you can spread it around to all your bigly tough American buddies and see how they do too! If all else fails, just inject Clorox into yourself, spray Lysol down your throat and irradiate yourself with UV Light! I’m sure that’ll solve the problem permanently!

    2. @UCnM8rRENLXur8aR8aTH69kw How about you make yourself useful and go save some Koala bears instead of interfering in US affairs you feminine twerp.

    3. @Sampson Simpson 2 hahahahaha you’re hilarious… You know America sucks, but are so brainwashed and delusional about it because you watch Fox News constantly. Anywhere is better than the $hithole that is America. You couldn’t pay me to live there!

    4. @H krnz My father spent five years in England, France, Belgium, and Holland, where he was wounded in ’45. He didn’t get back to Canada til ’46.
      He got busy quick and I came along in’47

    5. @Jonathan Brady Yeah America sucks but you Foreigners steal and copy our culture. You watch our Sports, you watch our movies, you all come to our Universities to study, I mean i can go on and on. You are delusional kid. #CultureVultures

  8. I drove through downtown SF the other week, there were tents everywhere & homeless people on every corner. Looked like a post apocalyptic scene

    1. Have you seen rent prices in sf since the technology sector has moved in HBO did a great documentary on it. But tent California in general is a joke they let people build expensive homes but dont demand that a percentage of those be for even police firefighters nurses level of income it’s just crazy.

  9. This is just the beginning! With curb side business dealing you’ll probably see business owners with tents, next.

    1. it’s free in the desert. move there. or get two or three jobs. or move to a state where you can afford to live.

  10. About time make the tech companies pay for it they are the ones who created this disaster in the Bay Area!

  11. When Sacramento cleans it’s own house of the powerful landlord lobbyistswho have blocked Affordable housing efforts for decades. Pass a comprehensive renters rights bill. Excessive rental rates are chocking renters to point of being impoverished. How can you ever buy a house when majority of income goes just for rental. Traps renters in a vicious cycle of permanent rental servitude to landlords. Thats what they want. Lobbyists are also blocking affordable housing efforts to keep the housing shortage in tact. Housing costs can no longer be ignored, needs regulations.

  12. The City of San Francisco gets federal subsidies to build fantasy stadiums using tax payer money, but refuse to use government funds to house it’s homeless.

  13. “we invited the mayor to come on and comment and she declined”
    Shocking!!!!!!! Just like the decline of America.

    1. Dems have destroyed the city , pelosi and gang shoud be embarrassed , they have turned the city streets into a giant latrine , feces , filth , needles , garbage everywhere , and the dems want to run the nation , voters , wake up .

    2. Not America. Liberal run cities is more applicable. Socialist cesspools are not America

  14. They had so many years to “get the homeless out of the streets” that was during good times i doubt they will be able to during bad times like this

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