Samantha Power, the former U.S. Ambassador to the UN, joins Lawrence O’Donnell to explain how foreign actors like Vladimir Putin were unable to “delegitimate the democratic process” through foreign interference in the 2020 election and why fired Trump admin. official Christopher Krebs “did such important work keeping the election straight.” Aired on 11/18/2020.
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Drawing upon his experience as a former chief of staff on the Senate Finance Committee and as an Emmy-winning executive producer and writer of "The West Wing," Lawrence O'Donnell examines the compelling and impactful political stories of the day. O'Donnell convenes diverse panels of guests, including a variety of politicians and cultural voices, to offer unique viewpoints and perspective. In his signature style, O'Donnell highlights the latest news developments and offers his take on the political stories driving the national conversation.
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#VladimirPutin #2020Election #MSNBC
Samantha Power: ‘Putin Was Denied’ Interfering In The 2020 Election | The Last Word | MSNBC
Hopefully he’ll be rehired when Biden takes office!
He will.
I hope so… and with his salary doubled.
I say that as well.
Of course he will. Thank God
!! He a loyal man, Biden will pick up all of those Trump fired cause he know if Trump fired them, They was loyal to our country.

@Jackob Sikma It’s like being a free agent in football leaving your old team telling you that you’re over the hill and sign with their rival showing you aren’t over the hill
IT SEEMS???????????????????????? THEY ARE!!!!!!! The russians (= putin) are our enemies and we know that – but the republicans are the CLANDESTINE enemies of the American People – that’s even worse – these guys – moscow-mitch, graham, pompeo, mnuchin, meadows, jordan, nunez and the other republican trash on state levels – are working to destroy American Democracy from within – for their own profit and in cooperation with russia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Ba Doai unsubscribe from cocomelon
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He’ll get an evenbetter job,have a break,get back into it later,obviously a good man
Or rehired by Biden
Please prove me wrong, but getting fired by Mr. Trump seems to me a very positive fact in your future resume !
Resume: Fired by DJT
Employee: YOUR HIRED
you still have your balls intact
@Ba Doai

One would rightly think so. But who knows with ‘alt-logic’ conservatives.
@Noel Ryan “I wouldn’t want to belong to a country club, that would allow someone like me to become a member.” – Groucho Marx
Trump and the Russians failed. Trump is hurting the country. I wish Putin order Trump to stop.
@Mo Byron

Putin should not be in the picture at all!!
True story..I’ve been binging on news recently, like CNN, MSNBC, so I can be uniformly informed. Well, now I’m starting to suspect that a couple of my neighbors may be Russian spies, working for you know who. The thing that tipped me off at first was the MAGA hat.
To be honest, early on I couldn’t make out if they were Nazis, or if they might be KKK white supremacists, or if they were simply deplorable mysogynists, or, to cut to the chase, if they were what my gut was telling me, namely living, breathing Putin operatives!
I was vigilant, constantly snooping around until finally I had what I was looking for, my evidence! One night as I was peering through their windows, I saw them watching RT, and when I saw Larry King staring back at me, I suspected they were KGB..
Btw, I wake up some times in the middle of the night suddenly in a cold sweat screaming “boogaloo boys!!”. Should I get that checked out?
@David Duffy It’s right, literally!!!!
@Mo Byron Exactly!!!!
I remember Samantha Power. When she was our ambassador to the UN. Strong Courage Patriotism. A very smart woman
tRump was Putin’s weapon of mass destruction!
*is… at the moment. Still.
Toddler of Mass Obstruction.
Welcome to ROT, the republic of trumputinstan
Russia was listening but could not vote this time around.
@Laika24102007 Get a better job or start a hobby, just stfu.
@Diane Hooper I have a hobby, election system USA. I am interested how banana republics do vote !
@Laika24102007 LoL,we don`t worry, bots like you are a dime a dozen.we have plenty of info on your boy putin.
@mark kimbrell Of course kid, have fun!
@Laika24102007 Wrong. Most Dems (including myself and 15 family members) voted by mail LEGALLY. No such thing as “extra” votes.
Putin ain’t putin’ anyone in the White House this time!
Record numbers of ‘we the people’ decided this election. 
Lets pray no hidden residuals of putin isn’t hidden out within pretending to be on Biden side.
@Kellie Carter
I’m sure Putin is unhappy the Americans stood up and decided just who we want to be our President. Now if we could only get that blood sucker Trump out of the White House faster, we could get on with rebuilding our country to make it great again. Here’s to you Putin and Trump.
@Janis Payne Hear, hear!
I’m ordering a shirt with writing: I’d rather be an American than a Republican.
@Ba Doai

Make them! I’d buy a couple

I’ll take two in blue please.
Makes us sound like Trumpists
Lost for words,it’s obvious what’s happening, can’t someone step in, this is corruption,
Republicans refuse to even consider it.
Agreed… more like Treason imho!!!
He is Hitler reborn and has taken every single page out of Hitlers playbook… denying his Jewish heritage, committing Genocide, his own “unmarked” army attacking Peaceful Protesters and Blue State’s, Criminal Endangerment not only due to downplaying COVID-19 and the bounties put on our Military from RUSSIA…. the only thing he hasn’t done is dye his hair black and pop into a Dollar Tree to pick up a fake black mustache!!!
The 25th Amendment should be used to remove Trump.
Like the scene out of Hitler’s downfall, I see him in his office, his belly flopping because he couldn’t put his girdle on, shrieking and crying, furiously crayoning red over the blue parts of an election map, endlessly shouting ‘ I WON I WON’. Finally, his staff retching as he soils himself as the Secret Service cuff him and drag him backwards.
Keep in mind that when Hitler understood, finally, that all was lost, with the Red Army feet away from the bunker, he did what Trump will never do.
@Karen Byrd The difference between megalomania (possibly) and Narcissistic Personality Disorder (at the very least). To be serious, I would not expect or desire a suicide, the level of destruction is magnitudes different. If he started firing off missiles it might be a different.
Trump fired the Homeland Security Director for not allowing Putin to interfere and elect Trump again..he did it in 2016?
Yes! Where have you been?
Trump openly called out for Russia’s help when Campaigning for President in 2016.
Krebs was a patriot who contradicted Trump’s pathetic lies. Because he is not a liar, a crony, or a bootlicker, he can no longer serve in the administration.
True story..I’ve been binging on news recently, like CNN, MSNBC, so I can be uniformly informed. Well, now I’m starting to suspect that a couple of my neighbors may be Russian spies, working for you know who. The thing that tipped me off at first was the MAGA hat.
To be honest, early on I couldn’t make out if they were Nazis, or if they might be KKK white supremacists, or if they were simply deplorable mysogynists, or, to cut to the chase, if they were what my gut was telling me, namely living, breathing Putin operatives!
I was vigilant, constantly snooping around until finally I had what I was looking for, my evidence! One night as I was peering through their windows, I saw them watching RT, and when I saw Larry King staring back at me, I suspected they were KGB..
Btw, I wake up some times in the middle of the night suddenly in a cold sweat screaming “boogaloo boys!!”. Should I get that checked out?
@Lee Harbick Wow, impressive, and still someone at that level should not make such statements …
It is all political and you love it, it not based on any a scientific approach …
But clear you do not know anything on cyber security yourself …
Anyone who disagrees with Trump is considered his enemy. He only wants “Yes People” around him to build up his low self esteem, and deep seated insecurities.
Seems we should make this administration go now instead of loyal Americans.
Bc men who recognize truth is what is called a Man.
Christopher Krebs, is a Hero, not just of the USA, but, the world!
Laika24102007 How about you state some evidence, or at least be specific in your allegation so that it can be evaluated.
@Donald Lee
Issues with full ID check … still present today.
You know who Carter is?
@Donald Lee It is still down-top instead of top-down in many states, that is the reason Georgia missed votes and Michigan duplicated votes …
When it is still down-top how can Krebs know everything is ok?
He barks, he does not know …
Trump is a known serious problem, but why do so many believe a man like Krebs?
@Petite Pouliche You’re a hypocrite as well?
Renee Brown ,

As a narcissist, Trump believes he controls Putin, not the other way around.
I that’s a very good point
I don’t know. He has such deep business ties to the Russian mafia, which is led by Putin, I think he has simply made a decision to make Putin happy by harming America.
Donald trump has deep ties to the regular mob doing real estate work in the city as well it doesn’t matter who ya know , the problem is he owes a lot of different people a lotttttttttttttt of money.
I think little Donnie and his Vladdy Daddy know exactly whose foot the boot is on. Just remember Helsinki….It’s highly unlikely the Donald has a peepee tape on Vlad, nor, has he ever asked Donnie for a rouble.
Being fired by Trump is a badge of Honor into the People of Integrity Club
everybody around trump. ‘Mr ex-president, could you put out a tweet saying you’ve fired me, please? I need it as a reference for my new job’!
Not if you were hired and agreed to work for him.
Having Balls is what a REAL Man does.
I would not be surprised if one day we might find out that Trump is a Russian agent.
The first president ever not to love his own country
Evict Trump, evict Trump, evict trump.
He’s Fired! He’s Fired! He’s Fired!