The suspect accused of stabbing Salman Rushdie on stage before a lecture in New York pleaded not guilty to attempted murder and assault charges.
RELATED: Salman Rushdie attacked: 'The Satanic Verses' author has neck stab wound
Salman Rushdie, "The Satanic Verses” author who was stabbed Friday as he prepared to give a lecture in upstate New York, has been taken off a ventilator and is able to talk.
The USA TODAY best-selling writer, whose work has previously led to death threats, suffered wounds to the neck and abdomen when an assailant attacked him as he was about to give a lecture at the Chautauqua Institution in western New York.
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#Rushdie #Stabbing #SatanicVerses
Thank goodness.
its very important to read or have the right to read whatever you want , if you don’t agree with it that is fine but your allowed to read or write anything you want …….except Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler , that book is banned due to hate speech , currently Mein Kampt is illegal in most nations and I think it should be banned , books that promote hate speech , disinformation and target a particular religion should be banned
We need to find out which imam directed Hadar to murder Rushdie and hold him responsible as well.
Hes had a hit out on him for decades
@Sina Bagheri Sarvestani Mein Kampf of ALL books should be allowed.
Here’s some education for you: There no such thing as “hate speech” there is free speech or none at all.
The second you allow others to dictate what you can say and think, you are already a slave. You keep limiting other’s freedoms and thoughts, it will only be a matter of time until YOU are staring down the barrel of the system you helped create.
I will NEVER allow anyone to decide what I can or cannot say or think. At least give that some thought.
@sudilos117 Here’s a clue: Those people were already disturbed and awful to begin with. A book, TV show or a video game won’t make you do those things. People DECIDE to.
Before you blame media, try looking at the person committing the act first.
@Sina Bagheri Sarvestani banned where it’s on every book shelf in England
@Keksi grow up and stop listening to fairy stories
Long live our 1st Amendment right’s. Down with those that try to silence others.
@Ahmad Dakhlallah yes, my grandfather fell to a hail of bullets belonging to the Third Reich. he believed he was giving his life for those in the future. Was he wrong? maybe
Hoping for a speedy recovery. He’ll be even more badass with an eyepatch!
@Ibn ʿAbdulaziz LMAO!!!!
Sir salman is messiah for non muslims
Wish him for a quick recovery.
Good for you Salman. Get healthy and KEEP CALLING OUT THESE RELIGIOUS CULTISITS!
@My Wife’s BoyfriendNo, Its not that simple.
@My Wife’s Boyfriend actually he proposed ( in a book ) that mohammed could not be a holy leader, or what he claimed to be by pointing out a verse in the Koran where he had been possessed by the devil and uttered a single verse while influenced….bit more than speaking your mind.
@Electro Static Sure it is.
He never called anything but himself the cheapest writer that ever existed. There are too many topics to write about Islam’s greatness; picking up the part abused by radicals and terrorists just to get famous is dishonesty. The vast majority of Muslims are not what this slick cheap dude described.
Guy is stronger than any Muslim. He need to be more careful . Sad he lost an eye but he will be fine .
Apparently he wasn’t
@jp4revolt he survived and will be fine Mohammed
“Previously received death threats” is a severe understatement considering the Iran government placed a $3 million bounty for his murder
*$3.5 million
Why is the attacker being arrested. I thought anyone attacks salman rushdie would $3.5 millions reward
@Ismail Ali IKR, the bounty against a British citizen should have been treated as an act of war by the Iranian government. The British military should have sent an ultimatum to withdraw the fatwa or face oblivion.
Going after him now that he’s an old man, pathetic
Hello how are you doing beautiful, nice meeting you
75 years old and still survived multiple stab wounds. Very strong man. Hoping for his continued recovery.
Brutal attempted murder. Life without parole.
1 year is enough
A life inside with bacon, morning, noon and night…lol
I think the pandemic has taught people the importance of multiple streams of income unfortunately having a job doesn’t mean security. Great video. Thanks for sharing
Hmm yes I am a human commenter too yes, no bots here
Hello my fellow humons this is a totally real conversation thread and totally not just bots, just buy product and get hyped for next product humons
Hello how are you doing beautiful
@Melanie Welch Hello how are you doing beautiful
@Melanie Welch Hello how are you doing beautiful
Good. As an Iranian I am happy he survived the terrorist attack. Hope it will disappoint other terrorists and extremists from attempting new attacks.
It will encourage them more, the root cause of all this trouble is their holy book and prophet
It takes a lot of guts to speak out against others …especially when your life is on the line …a great example to all of us
Hello how are you doing beautiful, nice meeting you
Cuando entenderán los Musulmanes que “Alá no ama a los traidores” (Corán 8 : 58); por tanto este Ataque, no tendrá recompensa porque fue hecho a traición.
“Alá no ama a los traidores” (Corán 8 : 58); por tanto este Ataque, no tendrá recompensa porque fué hecho a traición.
Anyone with a bounty on their head is always going to become a target! The motivation was MONEY! He was a bounty hunter!
Oh, well. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences. That’s what that means.
No ome has right to talk in religeous matters of others…if u do…such things will happen…
Usa national security department should look into this matter more seriously