Mayor Darrell Steinberg of Sacramento, California asks for national leadership ahead of President Trump’s visit to the city, adds that he is "doing the basics" by visiting. Aired on 09/14/2020.
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Sacramento Mayor Asks ‘Where Is The National Leadership?’ As Wildfires Rage Across California
The fires in CA are (not) a hoax.
Big Bubba
I’m not engaging with you troll idiots. It’s pointless.
Jef Powers Do you know what I have learned from people posting on this site just in the last week? I learned that Trump is responsible for global warming, COVID, mass murder (all COVID deaths), the forest fires, 9/11, racism in America, rioting by people that hate him and our government debt!! I am guessing that this week I will find out that he is responsible for slavery and he caused the dinosaurs to go extinct! I just get all ‘warm and fuzzy’ when I read these posts from the ‘loving & tolerant’!! Think For Yourselves!
Trailin’ Annie
Do you remember when #ThanksObama was trending for 8 years? I do.
@Trailin’ Annie
I like what Trump actually says, I like hearing him in his own words, not what idiots claim he has supposed to have said.
Like in the interview: “I have always known. This is a real pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic….
“I’ve always viewed it as very serious.”
“15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”
You know, stuff like that, it makes me all warm and fuzzy. Hahahahahaha
@rugby3230 it was an annonymous witness though… It really did happen… Go ask the annonymous witness hahaha.
We have 5 seasons in California
Winter, spring, summer, fall, and the fire season
@Blair Haffly – Obama did try to do something about this in 2014. It needed congressional approval.
@Trailin’ Annie – The USA is 4% of the world’s population. We own 22% of the world’s COVID deaths. Today, we have had another horrible day. 803 deaths. UK had 5. Adjusted for population, that would be 25. Germany had 1 death. Italy had 7 deaths. France had 6 deaths. Spain had 0 deaths. Out of his own mouth, he called it a hoax 2 or 3 days after he was told that this was going to be the biggest threat to his administration. Only hard core sociopaths can do that. And only sociopaths can defend that.
@ra5928 you are right of course. Sometimes a little olive branch like that opens up dialog. I had really hoped that president Obama would do a new deal type program and send an army of people out to tend to our forests. I read your comments, looks like we’re on the same mission.
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr – Once again tommy … most of the California fires are on federal land. If you want them thinned out, then tRump should be sending federal workers to do that. Once again, you totally disregard facts and just spew. And most of those tree huggers that lost their lives and homes are Republicans. That’s how stupid you and your cult leader are. In 2018 the Orange County fires devastated that area. Cult leader called them morons. That’s why all 7 congressional seats went Democrat that November. First time in decades. Ever hear of Reagan country? God, you people are so uninformed.
@Christine King I do hope not it was not that long ago I remember my sister sending me photos of the sky and the flames just behind her property.
National leadership???? how about local and state leadership first!!! do you job!!
1. I am not trump supporter.
2. Everything starts from local level.
The Federal Government owns 60% of the forests!
I wish we sell California back to Mexico..
It seems every year you hear about calif. wildfires on the news..
Here’s a clue clean out the dead brush and thin out the timber
James Kim Do you know what I have learned from people posting on this site just in the last week? I learned that Trump is responsible for global warming, COVID, mass murder (all COVID deaths), the forest fires, 9/11, racism in America, rioting by people that hate him and our government debt!! I am guessing that this week I will find out that he is responsible for slavery and he caused the dinosaurs to go extinct! I just get all ‘warm and fuzzy’ when I read these posts from the ‘loving & tolerant’!! Think For Yourselves!
So fed own 60% land??? You point is? This mayor has been in public service since 1998. He has not say anything or did anything about climate change until now.
Crazy how we destroy the place we live instead of taking care of it
Big Boomer I have seen some groups in Portland setting fires but they weren’t Trump supporters…the cognitive dissonance is strong with you!
*Obama’s return to politics confirms his economic illiteracy*
Sept 2018
*Over the past three years, we have emphasized that corporate and business taxes are borne most heavily — 70-90 cents of every dollar — not by businesses and Wall Street but by workers in lower wages and fewer jobs. That is why this tax reform has led to an explosion of jobs and increased wages for average workers. Obama and the Democrats in Congress will not acknowledge this reality because it does not jive with their rhetoric, which trends more toward socialism every day.*
Obama’s economic “recovery” was no recovery at all, but the worst response to a recession since the Great Depression — precisely because he pursued just the opposite of the pro-growth policies of Presidents Kennedy and Reagan that are embedded in the 2017 Republican tax reform. Deficits under Obama soared, doubling the national debt, because of his near-zero economic growth, business-crushing regulation, tax rate increases and rampant expansion of federal benefit programs with relaxed work requirements.
Obama reopened his assault on President Trump and congressional Republicans with a claim that tax cuts increase the deficit but that Republicans really don’t care about deficits and national debt. This, from the king of deficits and debt, under whom the United States had record-shattering deficits of over $1 trillion four years in a row.
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) originally estimated the GOP tax reform, as passed, would lose $1.456 trillion in revenue over 10 years. But as Larry Kudlow, President Trump’s chairman of the White House National Economic Council, reported on CBS’s “Face the Nation” last month, “Even the [latest] CBO numbers show now that the entire $1.5 trillion is virtually paid for by higher revenues and better nominal GDP.”
Many people have trouble understanding the relationship between tax policy and the economy, and the economy’s effect on tax revenues resulting from differing tax policies. Some of those people are candidates on the ballot this year, asking for your vote and criticizing their opponents for supporting the Trump tax cuts. Some of those people work in the media, and their ignorance only feeds general confusion.
The bottom line: when the economy grows, tax revenues grow, and when the economy declines, tax revenues decline. Today, the economy is booming in response to the 2017 tax reform, and the resulting effect on tax revenues is so strong that even state and local tax revenues are increasing.
When Kennedy entered office in 1961, the top income tax rate was 91 percent. He led Congress to cut income tax rates across the board, from the highest to the lowest, by about 23 percent. That produced an economic boom in the 1960s and federal tax revenues started growing almost immediately………….
Crazy how humans have the hubris to think they can control nature!!! These annual fires are not a measure of how poorly we take care of the land, but rather how foolishly we think we can.
If I built a home on the beach, but built it below sea level, and I wondered why it flooded every time the tide came in, it would be my fault for thinking that building a home there was an intelligent choice. Simply put, California has been running out of intelligent places to build new homes. So, think a little harder about buying a home in a heavily-wooded valley that is prone to droughts and annual fires! You might save some money that way!!!
@mik3ymomo You actually saw some groups setting fires and you did nothing? Also, were they wearing shirts that said, I’m not a Trump supporter?
Diane Frohwerk only on TV, unfortunately I have to work to keep paying for your handouts.
The state government is the problem not the federals problem
Your governor should have had this under control. Climate has nofhing to do with it. You get nothing from my tax
Funny how all those nonrenewable companies didn’t start the fire in the first place.
Are they mostly peaceful fires?
Warning fires. The next fire will be the last fire.
No i hear they are suffocating men to death on the street. Thank god someone is recording it.
Latinos for the protection of private property
It is because of Calif laws …
California that is why burning
What does it mean, “Where is the national leadership on the root cause?” Wasn’t it Trump’s leadership and advice that California refused when he demanded you rake the forest floors or else? Now THAT is leadership!
@Trailin’ Annie uh oh!
The Federal Government is responsible for 90% of the forest in California. Maybe Trumps family can rake the forest.
Ben I have lived in California since i was 5 and until I was 48 years old. I also lived in the woods. I can tell you first hand what you are trying to shell out as some form of truth is garbage. Every home owner in the woods and mountains know the importance of clearing our property and we do it every year, if not the fire department goes around and cites you for it. If you do not comply they will come back and do the job and send you the bill. The forest is not private owned land it is Federal Land. It is the responsibility of the Federal Government which we as California citizens pay into the Federal Government to maintain the clearing of the land. Since Donald has taken the job as president he and his administration has cut the budget for Federal Land. So clearly the responsibility is not the fact that people “did not rake” but the fact that the government in office refused to budget thus pay for the job to be done properly. This if you knew of Donald’s history is how he runs his businesses. He refuses to pay and then blames others.
@Mea Frenchie It was a sarcastic remark. While clearing debris from your land to help limit the START of a fire, it hardly is feasible to rake millions of acres to help stop the SPREAD of forest fires. I agree with you that, if it were feasible, it would be Trump’s responsibility and, like everything else he does for blue states, he has failed miserably.
@Ben Theredonethat I am sorry I did not recognize the sarcastic remark. I am very sarcastic myself in truth. However the stupidity that so many people that do not even live in the area feel that raking the Federal Forest is the responsibility of the population that do live in the area, when in truth those very people pay taxes to have it done is so wide spread as real argument I did completely miss the sarcasm you were posting.
It’s not my fault that I didn’t do my job, it’s the fault of my boss’ leadership.
Joe Biden thanks you for your support
Those fires are on Federal Land, just another example of Donald Trump’s failed leadership
Biden 2020
Friendly Anon Do you know what I have learned from people posting on this site just in the last week? I learned that Trump is responsible for global warming, COVID, mass murder (all COVID deaths), the forest fires, 9/11, racism in America, rioting by people that hate him and our government debt!! I am guessing that this week I will find out that he is responsible for slavery and he caused the dinosaurs to go extinct! I just get all ‘warm and fuzzy’ when I read these posts from the ‘loving & tolerant’!! Think For Yourselves!
Ironic that practices of environmentalist lead to mass destruction of the environment.
Well Sean a smart man knows what he doesn’t know and will admit it.
Wow buddy don’t live in a place that always had immense fires. Just a suggestion.
Why isn’t this guy asking Newsome where the leadership is? Newsome is a crooked politician who has done nothing good for CA. Or the people of CA.
Wildfires are in the wilderness not next to freeways and roads.
Lol..National Leadership?…its your LOCAL leadership that failed you
Is there anything that leftist don’t have a hand in burning down?
Yes. Our democracy. That’s on you facist loving traitors
trump is busy at his chest beating rallies, that’s his priority. He was forced visit CA, look at his face, so disinterested.
Democrats can’t govern. It’s that simple. Always blame the President.