1. That’s a 3 month or less death sentence. I only have 25% of my pancreas, trust me, if I get that I’m a goner in weeks.

    1. @Brian Sammond I appreciate all of your detail and much of it makes sense. Where I completely differ with you is there is no way that she will get treatment for such an aggressive cancer (which indicates a breakdown in her system that her body is manufacturing abnormal cells) that will not hasten her demise regardless of the health she’s in because her body is one of 86 years. This is like the person who is frail Falls breaks their hip and then they die as systems start to fail due to the stress of the initial problem. Her body is just too old to handle this aggressive type of cancer and treatment. I have never heard of a death certificate having the cause of death as cancer it’s always heart failure renal failure Etc because that’s what cancer and the treatments do….shut you down. That’s my opinion based on my personal experience of having stage 4 colon cancer metastasizing to my liver Lung and pancreas. Every doctor told me I only survived because I was only 30 when this happened and I was in otherwise good health meaning no kidney failure heart failure diabetes high blood pressure and of course old age where my red cells would not grow fast enough to outpace the White and keep all the organs going well.

    2. YouWillbe Mocked No, I certainly don’t agree with your opinion. Both sides call each other names and trade insults, but in truth we’re all the same.

    3. YouWillbe Mocked I think you’re thinking of someone else. Justice Bader is certainly not a demon! The opposite, actually.

    1. She recognizes and understands the religious hypocrisy and absolute dishonesty of the Republican party.
      She knew and knows that many innocent lives depend on her votes against greed ignorance,and hypocrisy.
      She lives because we needed her to live.

  2. Some people are just resilient and lucky. Ginzburg was lucky that this cancer was detected in July at an early stage. I pray she will be fine.

    1. Patriots from every state deluged the SC operator with calls, last week, demanding proof of life… because all videos of her since Fox “accidently” reported her de@th in Feb have been proven to be deep fake or old. Her votes have been “called in” because she’s been “working from home”. The SC operator told everyone she’s “alive an well” and assured everyone she would be present on Sept 7!!! Now she will be unable to make this appearance……. You lemmings are being duped AGAIN!!!

    2. D Parks She’s a goner within 3 months. This, combined with her previous cancers, will definitely be the end for her.

  3. Wow that is tough. Thankfully she has had a very full life. I hate to hear anyone get cancer. Just horrible. Hopefully she pulls through this.
    I hope to make it that long.

    1. Joe K
      Some Guys girlfriend has to tuck his sack back when they go out on a date.
      That’s how Libturd Beta males roll.

  4. It’s sad, but I can’t say I’ll miss her. She been infected with the libtard virus and it’s gotten much worse in her old age. Supreme Court Justices should be forced to retire at a certain age… before senility takes hold. Maybe now Trump will be able to replace her with someone who is more rational. In any case, CNN=VERY FAKE NEWS

  5. My thoughts and prayers for her. From one who has seen pancreatic cancer take a family member, it’s a very cruel way to go. I’m not a liberal. However, I AM a human.

    1. the cancer bugs 🦀 are gonna eat her up alive and President Trump gonna appoint a new Justice ⚖️ and God Bless President Trump the people’s President 🇺🇸

  6. As someone who had cancer myself and did beat the odds, this type of cancer cannot be beaten no less at her age. I am a conservative and would like to see another conservative appointed however, it makes me sick to think of how her death will be secondary to many versus who replaces her. That’s a sad commentary on where we are as a country.


    1. Like a piece of meat tendon your dog cannot chew through. Good riddance for the old crow. Now she can torment the devil.

  8. Just retire and enjoy your family. Don’t be pressured by leftist to die on the court. I lost my mother to pancreatic cancer and it is deadly.

  9. Man, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. I say retire and spend time with family RGB!!! That’s what is most important.

  10. she sold her soul to Satan many decades ago and now Satan is laughing and opening the gates of hell to let her in. the sooner that happens the better for this country and she can quickly be replaced with an actual real person with a real soul . a Christian Conservative Judge . can’t wait

  11. God dam! It just means that trump will get another Supreme Court pick in the next couple of months or so. SOB!

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