Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Friday she is undergoing chemotherapy to treat a recurrence of cancer. The treatment is yielding "positive results."
The liberal justice, 87, said she remains "fully able" to continue in her post.
Earlier this week, Ginsburg was treated at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore after having a fever and chills, and undergoing an "endoscopic procedure to clean out a bile duct stent that was placed last August," the court said at the time. Ginsburg said her cancer treatment is unrelated to this week's incident.
#CNN #News
Regardless of your politics or religion or lack of, thoughts and prayers to Ruth X
@snoop alert
nor will trump always a bullet in the barrel for that sick KANT.
@Hawkzblade ya twat
@King of America
yeah trump IS.
@snoop alert TOAST
She’s a strong woman, Cancer will be denied again…..

And no Covid 19
And yet daily young children don’t survive cancer.
@Hashirama Senju agreed there’s no place for that
@Jeri barber-medford you have said worse things about Trump and his family
@Todd Jenkins I think you’re deluding yourself that a 87 year old woman with multiple health issues is going to beat cancer, I give her 3 to 6 months at most.
I think the bench should be bipartisan automatically. Having one side rule, doesn’t seem like they would be working for ALL Americans.
@RandmGye pay backs are just plain hell….arent they….
RandmGye no I don’t think the court should have majority either way. The court should have a wide range of beliefs. There are republicans that vote for democrat legislation and vice versa.
John Freedman you’re not tight. Merrick Garland was filled by Obama after Scalia’s death. Not even before Scalia was out to rest, Mitch McConnell said any appointment made by Obama would be void because it was an Election year. Obama should’ve been able to make that appointment. Especially because the death was in February and Obama had 9 months before Election Day.
@Erica Amaya People demand an impartial and unbiased court, then complain when the justices appointed by their party don’t rule their way on an issue. Ideally, justices should rule based on a neutral interpretation of the Constitution, but if you look at certain justices’ records (RBG) you find they rule straight ideology, even when such rulings are directly and blatantly contrary to the Constitution. This would be why RBG is so beloved by liberals. Ideally, no justice should be favored by either side, as they all should have made unfavorable rulings to both sides at some point in their tenure. Chief Roberts would be a good example of this.
Erica Amaya doesn’t work that way
Supreme court really need to be reformed, its really idiotic if they have left/right influence, it should be independence or at least has balance cap to make sure the odds are same.
The Constitution doesn’t define a specific number of SCOTUS justices. There can be more.
Must be frightening to be going through this pandemic while on chemo. For anyone really.
@Richard C You know what’s evil? Somebody that supports abortion!!!!
@Big Bear Hungry I think all the police should leave New York and leave Bill de Blasio and the Cuomo boys all by themselves let them fend for themselves!!
honey badger Of the truth 2020
No, not at all. You are.
@Richard C I have a feeling you support abortion don’t you?
@Richard C hance your evil and you support an evil party and that old battle-axe
Prayers are with Justice Ginsburg.
She will beat this like all other times
I doubt that, an 87 year old woman with multiple health issues who is now riddled with cancer is not going to continue holding death back for very long.
Wellllll….surprise surprise !!!!!
I’m so sorry you’re going through that again. Get well soon!
How are your cats Brenda?
Brenda you have a fartable face
I am praying for her recovery. God give her strength & healing.

@Fady Shia
if this god *gave* you free will then you shouldn’t be punished for using it !
@Fady Shia I dont believe in fairytales sorry lol
Fady Shia Only 3,000 babies? I was sure it was more. Someone must be asleep at the switch.
…and when she passes, give us all the strength to accept and support her replacement, whether it happens before or after the re-election. We do not need another fiasco, like the Kavanaugh hearings.
87 years old with liver cancer and she still has to go to work? I feel so sorry for her.
Howard Roth
She’s almost 90 years old 4 1/2 feet tall and like 60 lbs… her handlers tell her what to do.
Very selfish of the liberals looking the other way on this. Sad really.
She owes lots of money to Vegas bookies.
@Jamtommy1 She couldn’t stay awake during a state of the union speech. No doubt she falls asleep when she actually is at work.
@Jeremiah do you have any proof of that outrageous accusation?
Jeremiah how so ? I’m sure you can’t answer because you have zero facts come on chicken tard let’s debate your idiotic comment
This little lady is the real Wonder Woman!
This idea of keeping her alive by all means necessary until the election is both cruel and selfish.
Sickening Liberals.
Jamtommy1 oh shut up.
Really “cruel and selfish?” Trying to take women’s reproductive rights away is SELFISH. conservatives trying to take LGBTQ rights away is CRUEL. keeping kids in detention centers is DISGUSTING. ALL things that this administration AND Supreme Court (conservative members), have tried to do in the past. He’s already gotten 2 conservative appointees so no. YOU are wrong. she is doing everything in her power to make sure that those things DONT happen. Do you’re fucking research before you ever try and babble our ridiculous bullshit like that.
For people that say they are pro life, you sure have a problem with her resilience.
She should step down, but she will not
Sad that she won’t tho.
She is going to stay because she doesn’t want to court to have a bigger conservative majority
She’s a true patriot and American hero, yes she will fight til the very end!
So if it were a liberal majority you would be fine with it?
Doesn’t matter, she can’t last 4 more years so President Trump will still put on win.
David F790 no
The American she won’t last till November
I’m sure trump has her replacement ready.
No will have to kick the violent protests into overdrive..
@Connie Hahn These comments are what divides this country and will lead to the next civil war. I’m not aTrump fan, but his appointees to scotus were qualified and not unreasonable for a GOP president.
@Connie Hahn . You’re not paying attention. 7 of the 9 Justices just sided with Trump. That means 2 liberals voted in his favor.
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Parsa v. Google L.L.C. (3:19-cv-02407)
District Court, S.D. California
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Last Updated: July 8, 2020, 3:15 a.m. PDT
Assigned To: Cathy Ann Bencivengo
Referred To: Allison H. Goddard
Date Filed: Dec. 16, 2019
Date Terminated: June 1, 2020
Date of Last Known Filing: June 1, 2020
Cause: 28:1331cv Fed. Question: Other Civil Rights
Nature of Suit: 440 Civil Rights: Other
Jury Demand: None
Jurisdiction Type: Federal Question
Date Filed
Dec 16, 2019
COMPLAINT against Alphabet Inc, Sergey Brin, CISON PR NewsWire, DeepMind Inc, Facebook Inc, Google L.L.C., John Does 1-29, Larry Page, Elon Musk, Neuralink Inc, Sundar Pichai, Tesla Inc, Mark Zuckerberg ( Filing fee $ 400 receipt number CAS117684.), filed by John Does 1-Unlimited, Tibetans, The AI Organization, Inc, Cyrus A. Parsa, Christians, Victims of Persecution, Rape, Torture, Concentration Camps, Sex, Human, and Organ Trafficking and Organ Harvesting in China, Hong Kong, America and Around the World, Lawyers, Judges, Falun Dafa Practitioners, Journalists, Uyghurs. (Attachments: # (1) Civil Cover Sheet)The new case number is 3:19-cv-02407-CAB-AHG. Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo and Magistrate Judge Allison H. Goddard are assigned to the case. (Parsa, Cyrus A.)(jmr) (rmc).
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Civil Cover Sheet
Dec 16, 2019
Summons Issued. Counsel receiving this notice electronically should print this summons and serve it in accordance with Rule 4, Fed.R.Civ.P and LR 4.1. Summons has been provided to plaintiffs not receiving notice electronically. (jmr) (rmc).
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Summons Issued
Feb 26, 2020
AMENDED COMPLAINT against Uyghurs, Huawei, Alibaba, Alphabet Inc, Amazon, Jeff Bezos, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Joshua Bongard, Boston Dynamics, John O. Brennon, Sergey Brin, CISON PR NewsWire, CNN, Chinese Communist Party, Didi Chuxing, James Clapper, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Anderson Cooper, Darper, DeepMind Inc, Facebook Inc, Festo, Bill Gates, Google L.L.C., Hanson Robotics, Harvard, ICarbon X, John Doe’s 1-Unlimited, John Does 1-29, Sam Kriegman, Larry Page, Don Lemon, MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, James McCabe, Megvii Face, Microsoft, Elon Musk, Neuralink Inc, New York Times, Barack Hussein Obama, Open Society Foundations, Nancy Pelosi, Sundar Pichai, Qualcomm, Adam Schiff, Eric Schmidt, Sensetime, George Soros, Soros Fund Management, Tesla Inc, The World Bank, Time Magazine, University of Vermont, Washington Post, Wyss Institute, Mark Zuckerberg, filed by Tibetans, Journalists, The Worlds People, John Does 1-Unlimited, The AI Organization, Inc, Cyrus A. Parsa, Christians, Victims of Persecution, Rape, Torture, Concentration Camps, Sex, Human, and Organ Trafficking and Organ Harvesting in China, Hong Kong, America and Around the World, Lawyers, Judges, Falun Dafa Practitioners, Uyghurs. (Attachments: # (1) Civil Cover Sheet)New Summons Requested. (anh)
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Feb 27, 2020
Amended Summons Issued. Counsel receiving this notice electronically should print this summons and serve it in accordance with Rule 4, Fed.R.Civ.P and LR 4.1. Summons will be mailed to plaintiffs not receiving notice electronically. (anh)
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May 5, 2020
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. Signed by Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo on 5/5/2020.(All non-registered users served via U.S. Mail Service)(anh)
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Imagine fighting for America that long and that hard
What a woman
She isn’t a woman. She is one of those other 57 genders.
hell is her reward!
I hope everyone takes a moment to say a prayer for this great lady. What an accomplished life!
She is one of those tough ladies that I admire and she is staying alive to SPITE Trump and HE has given that amazing lady a reason to LIVE!!!
Joe Lev
ohhh ok. sure.
Leah Scott #Trump2020
@CasualVideos it is just a matter of time now….it sounds like she’s beginning to accept the reality of the inevitable and by letting everyone know, she’s really just setting the stage for the end now.
Who appointed her to the bench…FDR?
Trump is praying hard for her to croak before the re-election so he can elect a 3rd justice.