CNN's Nick Paton Walsh goes inside a recently abandoned building in Kupiansk, Ukraine, where Russians tortured Ukrainian prisoners, and speaks with a recently freed Ukrainian about his experience. #thelead #CNN #NickPatonWalsh
Russians leave behind odd message after abandoning Ukraine prison building

Slava Ukraini. Heroyam slava!
How awful… so so hideous! This needs to stop!
Imagine being tortured in a place like this
Worse than Guantanamo??
You have no idea
@Johannes Aigner Yes. There are 36 people in Guantanamo, the Russians are torturing hundreds of thousands.
Praying for return of peace and freedom of Ukrainians
Send Ukrainians everything they need to reclaim 1992 to 2013 borders. Slava Ukraine
Zelensky requested everything
Arms sanctions embargoes closure of borders etc
So far the west NATO n specially the Americans have to obey
Yes sir yes sir yes sir
And the last thing that he requested was caling the west to send in their spouses to comfort the Ukrainian army in winter
Is that true guys
If so …do you willing or allow them to go on special n obliterate request
You must respond fast
@DaLlaw Vladivostok is a Russian port
Its a military base of the far east to Russia
Kurile island was occupied by the Russian after WWII n the Japanese demanded for the return
But never successful
The Russians said the Americans can support the jewish regime to conquer n annexed Palestine… then why couldn’t us
This reason makes the UN AIPAC scratches their heads
@Hasan Amir?
Putin once asked what the world would be without Russia… the answer is clearly HAPPY!
@FFFan22 I’m not sold on that. I’m willing to bet China only “appears” strong. Given their lack of military experience and questionable technology, I bet they will fold just as Russia is. Hopefully we never have to find out.
What will be life living with a warmonger for life
These Ukrainians who were tortured and butchered by the Russian military have outraged the world and provided more motivation for countries to supply weapons to ensure that Putin’s army is thoroughly defeated. There is no way that Crimea will be allowed to remain in Russian hands nor any other part of Ukraine. May these people rest in peace and give heavenly witness to the removal of Putin, Lavrov, Shoigu and their minions from power. May Our Lady of Zarvanytsia comfort all who are mourning.
Very informative report. So heartbreaking.
Praying for Ukraine and their people !
@susan alexander Donate money to the Ukrainian army or to charities that help in Ukraine. Elect politicians that are in favour of supporting Ukraine with whatever they need. Make sure people in the West understand and don’t forget what’s going on in the world right now: the biggest challenge to democracy of our time.
@Joe p Very well put.
@MrWaalkman Nice work, and creative too! I just donate directly to the army via the Ukrainian central bank.
@berliner You are a man of class and style. Yes Actions!
Prayer = inaction while feeling good and superior because you believe in something that doesn’t exist and no one can prove otherwise LOL.
@susan alexander I don’t know! What I do know is prayer ain’t it!
What is really worrying is that Putin seems to have kept the whole interrogation and torture system of Soviet times intact and deployable at any time, even in situ
What is worrying is people who want to hurt other people.
Of course he does, he uses it constantly on his own people, they get plenty of practice
Last fight
Ukrainians, praying for you all. The cruelty of the Russians is seen all around the world. They will pay. Putin will pay. Stay strong Ukrainians. God bless.
What a bunch of monsters
When my uncle’s fought facist in WW2, their commanders made them walk through the death camps, they said, “because in the future People will deny it happened!”
Yes, that has been documented.
Last fight
Give them the weapons, give the Ukranians everything they need for gods sake, do not turn our backs on these brave people
Man whole Europe and US/Taiwan does that over and over, that is why Ukraine made all this progress ! What are you talking about ?
@Best of Music He is saying _don’t stop_
@Joe Blow He sounded like we dont do much ! We spend billions of billions of dollars/euros already for weapons and many people from all around Europe went to fight for Ukraine . Theres nothing more we can do as Europe at least. Weve done it all. Every single european is paying right now to support ukraine thru energy crisis because of sanctions.
@Best of Music World-wide we pay. But Freedom does not come for free.
Name any dictator who had expansionist plans who ever stopped because they were asked to. They need to be _forced_ to stop.
14+ _million_ Ukrainians have been driven from their homes. 2+ _million_ forceably deported to Russia. Unspeakable atrocities to men, women, _and children._
The price _they_ pay is far bigger than what we face outside of Ukraine.
This is why we need to do _whatever it takes, no matter the cost, for as long as necessary._
Stay strong!
its sad how little Russians know about honour. There is a JAPANESE park in Adelaide. built by Japanese prisoners of war in Adel Australia.. This was a THANK YOU to the people of Adelaide to thank Australia for looking after them whilst imprisoned there. Honour works both ways..
@blehhleb and Chinese never built parks to thanks the Japanese either..
@hanzocloud or the yanks for what the noodles did at pearl harbour.
Did you even read his comment? He said, THE JAPANESE pows were treated well by the allies, for which they were grateful. The Japanase wouldnt have and didnt treat the people they occupied or took prisoner kindly as a deliberate tactic from high command. This was to make sure no japanese soldiers would surrender.
Listen to Dan Carlin’s Supernova in the East on any podcast player. You’ll learn a lot.
@blehhleb This isn’t the gotchya moment you think it is.
Just hoping for peace for those who have lost loved ones as no one wins in war

Children buried by the Russian forces breaks my heart
Traditional behavior of the Russian army. Ukraine is not the only and the first country that they have behaved like that. Read a history book.
It’s weird, I grew up during the cold war. Everything shown about Russia made me sympathize with them. I live in Montana and everything in Russia looked similar. I stood up for Russia for a long time based mostly on that, my empathy for people that seemed like so much of what I lived like.
This war pissed me off because I had to admit that I was completely wrong.
I still have empathy for the Russian peoples. I have none for it’s government.
Edit: to explain. I have never been impressed with my own government and it’s use of soldiers for “foreign intervention” either. The U.S. has a pretty shitty track record, Russia is making my country look like absolute saints of virtue.
For the first time since ww2 youre on the right side! the uk has supported you through all your wrong crazy interventions (apart from vietnam) as we were so grateful for your brave and massive help in ww2. Lets support ukraine together! for once, since ww2, its good against evil.
@graham jones I mean did you forget about the Suez Canal? All countries do the same thing
@graham jones weird
It is simply a thing of both horror and wonder how human beings can be so cruel to one another
1 Demarcus Faulkner Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Violence, the History of man kind.
“winning doesnt give them a chance to heal the wounds just time to feel them” such a powerful statement.. so true and sad. Such a pointless war
1 trunks10k Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
1 trunks10k Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer