Some Russians are leaving after President Putin enacted a military mobilization order, others are already being deployed.
RELATED: Has war in Ukraine hit a turning point? Here’s what we know. | JUST THE FAQS
Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said the military is adding 300,000 soldiers from the ranks of 25 million reservists – primarily gunners, artillerymen, tank drivers and signal corps veterans. But some draftees said they had no military experience. The British Defense Ministry said the new troops "are unlikely to be combat-effective for months.''
A spinoff from the shuttered independent Russian website Novaya Gazeta, Novaya Gazeta Europe, said the prices for tickets to countries not requiring visas jumped significantly and were "completely gone" by Wednesday night.
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#russia #ukraine #russiamobilization
If Republicans didn’t know they were fleeing they would state this only look as normal tourists in a hurry
Like Hitler lied to pile people into railway cars, Republicans lie to pile people into planes to ship them to different states. They are as inhumane as Hitler.
Trumpy and MAGA love and admire Putin.
You sound like Joe Biden talking there. Russia is going to mop the floor with those corrupt Ukrainian officials
@Stock Stock your Trump derangement syndrome is showing you must be one of those kid sniffer supporters
This hurts my heart. Even Russians are becoming scared of Putian. He needs to be stopped before more & more people getting hurt. It’s like the draft for our soldiers who served in Vietnam & other wars. Is the United States going to be on his hit list next ?
Nah Ukraine is gonna delete the whole sad nation, if they hit Nato they are dead instantly
So go stop him bye
“Even the Russians are being scared of putin” bro we have been oppressed by putin and pretty much had a streak of dictators oppressing us Russians for many centuries.
How are you doing
Simply stop watching fake news and you’ll feel much better.
Headed to the United States southern border.
@Liz Pedano we are being invaded.
Russian speaking Mexicans soon to arrive. Governor Desantis will be happy he has more migrants to use in another Cruel Political Stunt.
@Fuk Hue we can’t cover our 6 if you are already here. We we loss this war.
@Liz Pedano no. that would be in your head. where trump obviously lives rent free.
you are one of those people who can’t stay on topic. this video & comment say nothing about trump, butt you to inject your 1.5 cents.
Right?! Yo!!

They’re smart. Putin isn’t worth dying for.
He’s worth living for
It seams like a majority of Russians currently in Ukraine don’t even want to fight and have little to no combat experience
They not smart they voted for this and was jumping for joy but when things turned on them they ran.
@Damin lol. They don’t have a real choice on what they vote. Theres a reason putin has been in power for so long, and why political rivals end up mysteriously dieing or in prison
Who is worth it? Biden? Who in all of history is worth it?
We dont need bullets, we need a ride.
hahahhaa, good one
darn, i already called kenneth best’s comment the best comment.
كل الحب لروسيا الاتحادية
Do you always praise killers who invade and destroy?
does this now a very special military operation?
And THE MOST IRONIC THING OF ALL is they are not fleeing from the Ukrainian ARMY or NATO Forces. The Russian people are “fleeing from their Leader!”
Let’s go!!!
La niebla de un pantano se acerca y la turba y el musgo serán lo único que podrás comprar con tus existencias.
“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.”
— Matthew 7:13
“Jesus told him, ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. NO ONE comes to the Father except through me.”
— John 14:6
“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”
— Acts 4:12
“Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, except anyone be born from above, he is not able to see the kingdom of God.”
— John 3:3
“And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.”
— Ezekiel 36:26
Russia Mobilizes. All men leave Russia! Sold out Airports! 50 Km road que to leave Russia! So Brave!
Slava Ukraine!
You’re crazier than hell if you think Russia ain’t going to mop the floor with these corrupt Ukrainian officials
God bless Ukraine
Stfu the US will never send troops for you
God bless the United States of America and quit sending all of our taxpayers money to these fools
Here comes the Ukrainian and Russian bots
when that woman said “Please, Somebody stop Putin”… Man, my heart just broke for her.
Guess russia didn’t see how the Vietnam draft went
Remove vlad, no war
I’ll take a Russian Refugee. Female 110 to 150 pounds between 25 and 35.
why does the shot with the most cars show a traffic jam going both ways? lol