The Viktor Leonov, a Russian surveillance ship, has returned to international waters off the southeastern coast of the United States and is operating in what two US officials told CNN is an "unsafe manner." CNN's Brian Todd reports. #CNN #News
Russian spy ship sails recklessly off US coast

If it’s in our Waters space we need to seize it. just like how the Russians did to the ukrainians.
It’s not in our waters. The Russians know international law, so they’ll keep it from being in US waters.
@ritemoelaw_books83 it sounds like they’re pushing the boundaries.
@whirlwind cochran It’s something they want, or a message to Trump, that’s why they used to have experts to deal with Russia and the Soviet Union. US presidents usually get it wrong and are too aggressive or too weak, but they have to respond back appropriately without causing a world war.
Our waters???, I think they are one step away from creating a beach head!!
cochran: go get’em tiger!
I’m sure they’re here to see their boi trump…
I’m sure vlad was just visiting Mar-a-lago for a round or two of golf with his bestie.
Interesting you should say that because I recall seeing these guys play in our waters when Obama was in office. Perhaps ole Vlad was paying a visit to the Obamas recently purchased Marthas Vinyard?
@Jon Strong moron, do you know where South Carolina and Florida are?
@Roger Wilco as someone who was stationed in Florida and patrolled the coast line on numerous underways.. I’d hope that I know where SC and FL are.. And yes, I’ve specifically seen this ship amongst many other vessels. Anything else you want to add, moron?
Interesting you would bring up an ex pres to defend dear leader but I don’t remember Obama spreading his cheeks in Helsinki for his bestie vlad. Move along comrade.
@Jon Strong well as a former grunt who actually served in the United States *military* , I find it strange that a puddle pirate thinks Martha’s Vineyard is in Florida or South Carolina.
Bruhh shoot that fvckin ship!! Tf y’all waiting on
It’s in international waters… If you watched the video, the USA also has a ship close to Russia.
If wanna start nuclear war go ahead. Its in international waters. Not that you would know that cause youre just another low iq CNN viewer.
@kentucky fried And you are where? Watching a CNN vid!

. If it is so dumb I wouldn’t be here.
@rashida7777 i come here every now and then to see what trash is being fed to americans.
@kentucky fried riiiiiiiiiggghhht. I see the wisdom on that.
They planned on docking at their new home port.
Maybe they should “accidentally” ram it with an empty cruise ship.
Maybe they should ram it with a cruise missile.
@Matt G Then there would be no plausible deniability. That’s where the empty cruise ship comes in.
The GOP traitors defection ship is standing by for passengers.
Awww, how cute!! They came to visit their little Trumpy puppet
wtf is going on in America?! Have these politicians all lost their mind?!
@Roger Allan get over it was Clinton. Trust me far from a fan. But I would sharpen the blade if requested.
@Uncle Ed DEMOCRATS? And Republicans are not? They are the ones who are trotting obediently behind a lying, cheating clown, the worst president in American history, one who has been sucking up to every dictator he can find, from Bolsonaro to Kim Jung-un, Putin and Erdogan, and has the whole world laughing at the once-great US of A? It’s Trump’s demented rally fans who are talking about civil war, not Democrats.
Get those suckers outta there!!!!!
This is not good
The Russians asset Twump is really emboldening them. Putin knows that Twumpski will do nothing
We’re following the leader of the house … you and Twump and your kind seem a bit dumbfounded .
Our founders were SO smart they knew Stalin was a fucktard and the blood thirsty Russians .. they burn like a candle under the right fire .
God Bless America!!
God.. please make three more Nuclear problems scar even more of the landscape of the evil plague on the earth that is Russia
… since they laugh at your children.
Since they giggle and say ..” I shall interfere and undo them… the children of God…
To my joy at their dismay ..
Then so I shall deny the very reality of their God… so that I may have more and more and more.”
As such..
So is God proven to be merciful unto those who hold his name high..
( Nancy Pelosi )
And shows Mercy well as on occasion.. his grace to his dedicated flock ,
SINCE did Nancy Pelosi pray for her enemy to know the grace of God.. that God may intervene upon understanding .. and have his truth spread .. the truth .. is God. . . After all.
And so shall the end of the Red menace spread upon His children.
And they shall arise clean , and beholden to God .
So it is written.
So it shall be done .
Go back to sleep Russian Bears.
Your Nightmare be away from you …
Recover from listening to wealth.. (Putin).
@P. Doherty get ready.. here comes the old..
One two.
Then the three.
Then the Reps never work again.
Here we go.
That makes a lot of sense. Trump is Russian’s puppet so instead of Putin just asking Trump they have to spy on us. Couldn’t be more clear now.
@Michelle Taylor Remembers when TRUMP bombed Syria despite Putin warning against it? I’m sure it was Putin’s plan to look weak in front of the world? Haha Russia tasks with protecting its Ally has bombs dropped while they’re there
James Lade, Putin does not give a sh!t about you or Trump for that matter
Someone high up in office obviously gave them permission to be there, hmm, I wonder who
Yeah it could be Trump and the Russians threatening America
grow forit Are you really saying this right know fool Idiot call president Donald Trump ask him why Russian ship is in the American
water ,,,
Roma Rose, they delete all the true comments while they leave all hateful comments that are untrue. That’s their game.
Its in international waters dumb yank. Dont need permission to be there. Im from england and its hilarious watching everything being blamed on trump. I dont like the guy but wtf does this have to do with him. Anyone is allowed to sail in international waters.
Hey, Rudy never said he could drive a boat, ok?
Cool Hand Mark never crashes so he’s good trump 2020
U anti American pussey boy
U fucking traitor
They’re probably delivering voting machines for Ivanka
Mark bodman are you clairvoyant? If not shut up. All the experts say the 2020 election will be a toss up.
Mark bodman doesn’t work like that. We don’t extradite US citizens.
The bible says two men ought not lay together.
No Israel makes them. You know the one’s who killed 28 American’s on the USS Liberty.
They are hanging out to give the republican senators and drumpf a ride back home-
@cj p Hey Boris, say hello to Vlad !
Please ask Vladimir to send us the pee pee tape, we all love to see the orange garbage being pee on by Russian hookers… That was your sisters ????
Also, it might be usefull to have the list of G.O.P. members on his pay roll, you know how hard it is to find good replacement parts these days, so we can use those treators organs instead.
Say Vlad we are sorry for his puppet, as soon he will get out of prison we will send him back !
Dasvidania Boris !
The bible says two men ought not lay together.
@cj p The Trump administration is fighting a new package of sanctions on Russia. A Trump State Department official sent a 22-page letter to a top Senate chairman on Tuesday making a wide-ranging case against a new sanctions bill.
@Rachel Ash fbi had no real probable cause to spy on trump over collusion…. So they fabricated it.
Lisa page admitted the mueller probe has zero evidence of collusion when they started.
4 years of trump investigations including 1 year before he was elected….. No collusion.
@cj p Lol Oh my fucking god. LOL you moron. You actually believe Conald Drumpf’s lies. Get a fucking grip you taken easy mark. Think. Just think. Now smarten up.
Trump supporters can care less if Russia takes over the U.S.
The sad truth
@Bubbles you sound like their press agent …word for word.
ANTIFA ARE A BUNCH OF GAY COMMUNIST. ANTIFA has marched with the pedophile group NAMBLA.
Mr. president, there is a Russian spy ship off the coast of Florida and S. Carolina. “I believe Putin, he says it isn’t there”.
@doppler watch the link I just posted to “Idyl.”
Are you really going to argue that Styx is a Russian operative?
This is a farce.
@Bryan S. stupid stupid Putin paid troll. Why not make a video of yourself in a google searchable location. We would all love to see St. Petersburg or wherever is home, comrade.
Open Skies Treaty of 1992
“Russian spy ship sails recklessly off US coast”
Old Ken Benobi ugh I guess hahaha.
It’s like pulling the wabit …lol, out of the hat!
Old Ken Benobi it will pass the house and that’s all never the senate lol and in 2020 you will lose the house because people can see how they are
@Trevor Moylan I see how you are, that is all!
Old Ken Benobi yeah I’m sure you do lol dummy
maybe it’s trump escape boat for when he get impeached
They want to intimidate us into not impeaching him. It won’t work.
The way the republicans describe trump he should be canonized. Call the Pope

I was thinking the same thing, lmao.
2ndary b18c1 we will miss lower taxes, fewer regulation, the jobs and the great economy. The Democrats will undo everything Trump has achieved.
Let’s Talk Just like he reversed all the great President Obama did.
I see the crew has their MAGA gear on. They just want to be close to their US headquarters.. Mara Lago.
Can’t see why Russia needs to have a spy ship mooching around the East coast of the USA, just get Lavrov in for a chat with your president and he’ll tell him anything he wants to know.