Russian official: Use of nukes ‘out of the question’

In an exclusive interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, Russian Ambassador to the UK Andrei Kelin categorically rules out Russia using nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Kelin also says Russia's recent drone strikes across Ukraine were retaliation for the Crimean bridge explosion, and claimed that the Ukrainian counteroffensive has stalled. #CNN #News

Russian official: Use of nukes ‘out of the question’


    1. One would have to be pretty absurd to use nukes in a situation like this. It’s like saying you’re gonna get rid of pests by lighting your house on fire.

    2. Putin is not suicidal he knows using a nuclear weapon in Ukraine would lead to a nuclear war he’s not dumb he’s using the nuclear threat to try to get us to back off that’s why he’s doing it he’s got us worried and it’s working we need to calm down and stop jumping to conclusions and making things up that Putin has never said our media is really good about making things up and causing fear.

  1. Whenever the Russians talks bad about Ukraine it’s like their speaking to a Mirror. Just listen to this guy

    1. Yeah, great comment. It’s a wonder they don’t realize they are doing that! I would be so guilty saying those things because I would be looking at myself while I’m saying those things. But the Russians, no. Telling lies is a normal way of life. For the the Russian Government at least.

    1. @Betty Caudill now that a lady confirms this, I start to get really worried. You feel subtle truths almost ten times better than we do. I hope your heart is wrong this time.

    1. @Z5 10000 how do you connect the continuation of the invasion of Ukraine with what I said ? Lmao
      I think something like 100/200k people have died . May god bless your intelligence .

      So if 2 people run a door to door with the same skill and talent and everything as a company with 10 people which company will produce and do more ? Pretty simple logic .

    2. USA wanted to intall nukes in Russia border. they know that Ukraine does not have control of their conuntry, West are calling the shoots.

  2. I remember all the Russian officials before they invaded Ukraine saying “it’s out of the question” or “why would we attack our brothers and sisters in Ukraine”, there’s only two options here, either they don’t know or someone further up has told them to lie.

    1. @Hew – If Russian leadership is no longer in control of events or incapable of taking responsible actions they should step aside and seek new leadership. But that wouldn’t fit Russia’s victim narrative now, would it?

      Because Putin didn’t NEED to seize Crimea in 2014. He didn’t NEED to seize Eastern Ukraine in 2014. He didn’t NEED to shoot down a civilian airliner MH17 killing hundreds of innocent and defenseless civilians. He didn’t NEED to send 1 million Ukrainians to GULAGs in Siberia. He didn’t NEED to invade Chechnya. He didn’t NEED to invade Georgia. He didn’t NEED to rig Ukraine’s elections. He didn’t need to rig Belarus elections. He didn’t NEED to poison his rivals with biological and radiological weapons. Putin doesn’t need to reconstitute the Soviet Block and dominate 291 million Eastern Europeans to survive. Or is NATO to blame for all of this too? Show us how you bleed for your messiah Putin!

    2. I actually believe that ONE thing. Russia is not suicidal. They miscalculated the reaction from the west on the invasion. Using a nuke would leave them a complete pariah and could if be contained, what if somebody panics?. As for the rest , well the man could lose his double chin if he would get an enema.

    1. I’d much prefer she call the blatant liar out on every lie he tells. Even if it results in every single one of her responses beginning with, “you’re clearly f*cking lying.” There’s no reason to tip-toe around these deceptive assholes while they attempt to mislead everybody with their bullsh!t propaganda. None whatsoever. Call them out every chance you get.

    2. @Def Creator exactly. If you don’t actively call out their lies in real-time, you are just giving them another platform to spred propaganda.

    3. @Dug Nice Correct. We screwed up. Blame Isreal and Neocons who used Jr. as a puppet. Bush Sr. did not follow the demands of Israel to take out Saddam with the 1st Iraq war but Isreal got their way with the 2nd Iraq war.


  4. That guy was almost swearing some days before the invasion that Russia would never invade Ukraine… Even interviewing him seems absurd to my small humble mind.
    He should be asked to explain what Putin’s “Russia will use every means at its disposal to protect annexed territories” really meant.

    1. @Dug Nice Why the world is focused on Ukraine? Because this is not an isolated crisis. Blockades of Ukrainian grain exports have worsened hunger in some of the world’s most vulnerable regions. Russia stole grain. Even as international efforts have helped to resume grain shipments, the situation remains dire. In East Africa, for instance, a perfect storm of continued drought, the blockade, and the economic fallout from the war is causing mass starvation. Without urgent international funding, 3 million people in the region could lose their lives. And even before there were sanctions, Russia heavily bombed civilian targets, women, children and elderly people in broad daylight. Doing nothing would have created a massive protest from every country in the world.

    2. @W Bin not supporting Russian propaganda. If you that strongly about military aid, then go or send your children to go and fight for Ukraine. Until Russia presents a clear and present danger to the U. S, me and mine will stay here

    3. Russia is a bad country only good thing Russia brought to the world is niceAssesandbitches but still not a good idea to marry them just play with them.

    4. Putin is escalating things to ww3 and after that every one who supported him is going to regret it.
      Things are really getting out of hand. Putin might already started world war 3 by invading ukraine.
      The US,Nato and ukraine done nothing wrong to Russia and now he is trying to start a war with them . Dumb Russians must wake up and take him out before he start ww3 this bald Pokemon must be taken out asap.

  5. The Russian ambassador should realize that acknowledgement of a Ukrainian counter offensive is acknowledgement of a Russian offensive. The world knows who invaded who’s country no matter how much Russians want to lie to themselves about it.

    1. @Frank Bandera Russians falsely believe the Ukrainian government was overthrown in some sort of ‘coup’. The president actually fled and then the parliament voted to removed him as it was deemed an unconstitutional resignation. They later held new elections. Obviously there is some disagreement over these facts, but that provides no excuse for the violent military interventions by Russia. (sorry multiple personalities)

    2. @Superstitious Man Sure. Russians believe it was a coup and the US says it was a revolution. I don’t know about you but when you have an American, Edward Snow, who has to seek political asylum in Russia because he exposed the illegal activity of the US government, I tend to not take what the US says at face value. How many Americans had to seek political asylum because the US government wants them dead for exposing their illegal activity?

    3. @Frank Bandera I’m not interested in going down that rabbit hole. But I will point out that the international community (not just the US) has condemned Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

    4. @Superstitious Man 28% of countries did not including the two largest countries and many countries the US invaded, like Iraq and Vietnam.

  6. They say use of nukes is ‘out of the question’, but if they *do* use them, then use of nukes by others will be very much ‘in the answer’.

    1. Only problem with that, russia has the largest stockpiles of nuclear weapons, a exchange with russia, there be no major cities left anywhere in the west

    2. their stock piles so big it takes the combined forces of nato to match it, and if everyone exchanges missiles, then nothing be left

  7. “We have a feeling that there is a movement” and then “our intelligence is very serious”… a feeling 😂

    1. @OriginalPiMan not random. is to fool the AI filter which tends to shadow ban controversial content on basis of country,religion etc *cont…*

    2. @OriginalPiMan *cont…* Therefore I check my posts via incognito mode and change if youtube hides it. Notice I placed extra commas and what not to make real smaller non controversial words like “am” “eric” “a”, “rush” “I” “an””

    1. @Cory Griffiths
      Putin also thought that conquering Ukraine would take less than a week and that the sanction response from most of the world would not be as heavy as it was.
      I don’t trust his judgement.

    2. @Cory Griffiths I think at this point Putin knows he’s lost and he’s reached the Nerobefehl stage of his war, so he doesn’t care if he burns down the entire world.

    1. they actually did. They attacked and completely destroyed their ego and reputation… 😀 And they did it while defending from their invasion.
      So I understand who pissed ruzzias are.

      I am just so pissed that so many innocent lives were lost on Ukraine side. Ruzzians may rot in hell for what they did!

  8. “We have nukes in our assets” “we will use everything in our assets if necessary” “we never said we were going to use nukes”…find the error

  9. You know, I didn’t originally think Russia was gonna nuke Ukraine.

    But now that they’ve said “we’re not gonna nuke Ukraine,” I’m beginning to think they’re gonna nuke Ukraine.

    1. The fact kremlin comment responders have been trying to hard to say “russia will use atomics” is how I know they won’t. Lol.

    2. @Save America Vote Republican u will care when every country is burning and billions of people are laying dead in the streets and the place in hospitable from radioactive fall out

    1. ye because it has been shown to them, that their actual evidence doesnt matter to the west. for a reason there is a war

    2. @Televin V you can be assured that Putin has a life ambition to deploy nukes.

      From the very beginning of this WAR on the Ukraine and on the world, Russia has assured and threatened to use nuclear weapons at EVERY oportunity.

      Putin will do EVERYTHING possible to create a situation that will give him an IRRATIONAL reason/ excuse to deploy nuclear weapons.

      It’s not weather but when.

      This ambassador may even mean well BUT he has absolutely NO SAY in the matter and he is merely fulfilling his diplomatic duty.

  10. Basically it’s been an approach whereby when a Russian official says something, you straight away know it is a lie and you start searching for what is REALLY going on. This guy, as studious as he may look, is just more of the same.

  11. Russian diplomat:
    “You know I’m lying, and I know that you know, and you know that I know that you know, but I go ahead with a straight face, and you nod seriously and take notes.”

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