Russian journalist explains what Russians are thinking about Putin’s war

Journalist Ekaterina Kotrikadze, who works for a Russian news outlet that was shut down by the Russian government, discusses threats of nuclear war that have been broadcast on Russian state TV during the war in Ukraine. #CNN #News


    1. @D.O.T. Marceo Try watching WION. It’s an Indian channel and no friend of the west. Funnily enough they report much the same things
      Hmm.. could it possibly be that RT is only a propaganda mouth piece for Putin’s war of imperialism?🤔

    2. WHAT logistics… they might not last that long to need to eat! A person might last almost a month without food.

  1. The first wave of Russian soldiers were exactly that, soldiers. This is cannon-fodder. Unmotivated conscripts vs totally motivated, battle-hardened Ukraine fighters.

    1. I don’t know if it’s safe to assume that these 500,000 being massed for an upcoming offensive will be similar to the poorly trained idiots they sent as replacements in the past few months.

      I have a feeling that they took the time to train these troops. They had more time since it takes time to get that many civilians called up and gathered in one place. Might as well show them how to use a weapon, maybe a few pointers like “keep your head down. Try not to get shot. Shoot in the same direction as your buddies.”. The basics.

    2. So battle hardened that after 11 Months Ukronazis still can’t get Russia out of Ukronaziland ! 🇷🇺💲🇨🇳

  2. Give a moment to think about this. 500K persons, will need between 1000 and 1500 tons per day. Consider the number amt of food the present Russian force is getting, very little. The logistics alone for this is staggering. Of course the Russians will try to do this invasion very quickly to minimise the logistics problem. But that means mobility, Trucks or trains, on roads or tracks. We can assume these routes have been well marked?

    1. @Chad nah, I doubt that. Apparently, trumpie told vlad and Xi that if they invaded Ukraine / Taiwan that he would nuke ’em, fool’s mad enough to do it too imo 🤣🤣🤣

  3. Its just so sad for the Russians to be dragged by their tyranical leader into this. Russians in the 21st century should be enjoying prosperity from the fruit of their talents and vast resource-rich land. While other countries suffer from natural calamities (eg earthquakes, typhoons), disasters in Russia are all man-made. Sad

    1. @Coopoy Lozenge But do you, Coopoy, agree that Russia today is more liberal than the USSR and even China? Just think, they let people out of the country now when there’s a war going on.
      And what information, in your opinion, Russians don’t have access to now?
      And what are the responsibilities are you talking about? And how is the average mom in the US being responsible in that regard?

    2. @Иван Ларзалев For example, the independent press from all around the world shows the monumental scale of Russian war crimes against innocent Ukrainian civilians. The extent of the evidence is overwhelming. Is this been shown by the Russian state controlled propaganda machine? I expect not. Does the average Russian have the capacity to search out the truth or are they happy to sit in front of the television and drink it all in? Do they realize that away from the big cities mobilization is still going on, and is creeping towards them? Are they seeking out soldiers returning from the front and asking them about the realities of their lives? Do they question that the depiction of the West as being full of devil worshippers and Nazis is utterly ridiculous? I could go on.

    3. @Coopoy Lozenge There’s Russian state media and there’s YouTube, Google, Wikipedia which are not banned in Russia. On YouTube, Russians can even watch anti-Russian Ukrainian news. I don’t know what the majority of Russians think. Of course I believe that Russians heard about the war crimes allegations. But have you heard anything about Ukrainian war crimes in the Western media? On CNN, they don’t show anything that is damaging to Ukraine’s reputation. They’re not independent, they have a pro-Democratic party agenda. And Fox News has a pro-Republican agenda. Which is pathetic. They are not for objective truth, they are for their parties. For instance, before Russia formally took those 4 regions, there was a Ukrainian shelling in the center of Donetsk or Luhansk. There were civilians lying dead. And the man filming it said, “Russia, don’t wait till the referendum! Avenge this now!” Imagine if footage like this were shown in the Western media. The overall picture of the conflict would look different.

      I don’t know if the mobilization is ongoing. Surely, if you’re aware of it somehow then those Russians who are interested in it should also be aware of it if such information is public.

      “Are they seeking out soldiers returning from the front and asking them about the realities of their lives?”
      I don’t know. I personally know no one who’s gone to Ukraine. Why should the majority of Russians seek them out? Do Americans seek out American soldiers who return from service to ask them questions?

      “Do they question that the depiction of the West as being full of devil worshippers and Nazis is utterly ridiculous? I could go on. Do they question that the depiction of the West as being full of devil worshippers and Nazis is utterly ridiculous? I could go on.”
      In Russia, there’re all kinds of people. Some are Western-leaning, some are anti-liberal. I don’t know the percentage. Though I’m sure the vast majority of Russians don’t believe that the West are devil worshippers.

      What I don’t understand is why they in the West don’t discuss the Crimea problem and how to resolve this. If Ukraine joined NATO that would mean Article 5 as Crimea is recognized internationally as part of Ukraine, not Russia. And Putin did raise this very issue in the lead-up to the invasion when he met with Macron. So, what is the workaround for that? Right now in the media it’s just Ukrainians defending against incoming Russians when in fact it’s deeper than that. The Crimea problem is one of them. The second is a certain pro-Russian sentiment there.

      And what about my other questions?

    4. Hmm… I used to think that…SOME Russians are good. The trickiest thing about them is they look European, so you THINK deep down the must have ideals like the west ( and west, I mean black, white, Asian, etc… the ideals we carry) MOST are simply a different species of human, I stand by that. It’s better to think of them similar to a fanatical Muslim, they just have a different view of the world.

    5. @Coopoy Lozenge Lots of people (maybe a majority of people) like idea of a big-man superman leader. Look at the history of so many countries in Africa and South America. Look at the Trumpists. Remember Hitler. It suits people with an inferiority complex, people that are easily fooled, women that like dominant males, people that are too lazy to think and learn for themselves, people that want to be in the government so they can rob and oppress other people.

  4. I lived in Russia, such a beautiful country, so sad to see it destroying itself through its politics. Even more sad to see it destroy Ukraine.

    1. @peter sarzzs The Libyans asked the UN for help to remove Gaddafi. 75.% of Libyans approved the action. When the mission was completed NATO troops left Libya to determine its own path. Nothing like the war in Ukraine

    2. @Monika Datta You need to learn about those wars. Libya asked the UN for help to remove Gaddafi and Russian invaded Afghanistan in 1979.
      Iraq and the US are allies these days. Read some books and don’t just believe everything you are told

    3. Every Nation should protect itself from American Geopolitical Imperialistic World Dominance or become a US Slave like Japan !!!?!?🇷🇺💲🇨🇳

  5. The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes over and over again and expecting different results. – Albert Einstein

    1. When is Israel going to support Ukraine with weapons ????
      Offering to broker negotiations between these 2 countries is a huge NOTHING burger.
      WRZ 2023-02-02

    2. When is Israel going to support Ukraine with weapons ????
      Offering to broker negotiations between these 2 countries is a huge NOTHING burger.
      WRZ 2023-02-02

  6. Like most of the comments already on here I question the quality of these “troops” but also if the losses of equipment are accurate then the next “offensive” will see troops armed with very, very old tanks and other vehicles.

    1. I’m waiting for the Russian soldiers to invade the Ukraine across the Russian borders with those 50+ year old tanks…..PULLING them with LONG ROPES since none of them RUN anymore!

  7. Кто знал, что Екатерина Котрикадзе так хорошо говорит по-английски? Молодец!

    1. This russian woman, she is not much different from Solovyov, she is even worse than him in some ways – because she tries to hide the fact that she is an imperial fascist. Russian society is not scared, but rejoices in Russia’s war crimes in Ukraine, just as this Russian woman does deep down, the fewer weapons supplied to Ukraine the more Ukrainians will die, because the only thing that can force Russia to negotiate is the language of military force.

  8. A Soviet style retirement ceremony with a one gun salute would go a long way towards the Russian people surviving this confrontation!

    1. @regan dunn – The America Arrow AGM-183 hypersonic missiles speed is classified but it does over Mach 20 but we don’t need hypersonic missiles to defeat Russias S400 SAM, it can’t even shoot down a single HIMARS rocket Lol. Russia has nothing like Americas networked air defense systems like the patriot and others, they has a S400 that has been a complete failure in Ukraine, that’s it. 🤣🤣🤣

  9. Actually in Russia, the people living in the countryside are generally very happy to go to the army, going from almost absolute zero to some sort of pay.

    1. yes whereas in America people don’t need to work. I saw many sunbathing or sleeping on San Francisco pavements

  10. Quantity (of troops) does not always win over quality (of troops). Americans need remember our country’s fight for independence against the world’s greatest fighting force of that time.

  11. The consequences of a nuclear war over Russia’s failure to conquer Ukraine is more insane than a landlord who burns down their own apartment complex because they failed to evict a tenant.

    1. @Corinne M.
      In the north, east, and south, the easterly and southeasterly winds prevail, in the west – northwesterly and westerly, while in the southwest – southerly and southeasterly.

    2. @Ник Про after being oppressed by Russian shitty wannabe empire for 300 years it looks like Ukrainie prefer to be EU marionettes. At least it will provide prosperity and democracy for Ukrainians not Holodomor like under Russia/Soviet Union.

    3. @Anthony Fuqua If my memory serves me right the reason that the executive officer refused to hand over the other half of the key, which was required to fire the missile, was that the Russian sub lost its communication with the Kremlin, the commanding officer insisted to fire the missile, but the Executive officer refused until the order to fire came from the Kremlin.

  12. At a young age (1960’s) growing up we learned to think of Russia as the enemy. As time went on attitudes toward Russia became more favorable, but now Putin’s insanity/ego has destroyed that… another generation now seeing this will once again look to Russia as an enemy.

    1. When is Israel going to support Ukraine with weapons ????
      Offering to broker negotiations between these 2 countries is a huge NOTHING burger.
      WRZ 2023-02-02

    2. @Bonnie  there is an actor already who looks like the current top russian general. I don’t know his name, but he was in that terentino nazi movie with brad pitt.

    3. @Юлия Севостьянова  no problem with every day Russians. They are victims too. My problem is with this autocratic regime, and anyone who thinks this senseless murderous invasion of a neighboring sovereign nation is acceptable behavior.

    1. @Joni Russia violated the 1st agreement of the Budapest memorandum in 2014. There were already 3 NATO nations on the border with Russia and now 4. NATO is not a threat to Russia, if NATO were to invade Russia the world would become black. This claim of “self-defense” I can’t reason even in the slightest. The closest situation is “I think my neighbor is going to kill me so I went to his house and shot him in the head”

    2. ​@Joke
      Crimea was given to USSR/Ukraine by the USSR 1954 as a symbolic gesture of friendship , not to be turned in to a NATO Military Complex 💲 !

    1. I never don’t pray myself, not religious, but would you lay in a word from me? Just this one time. ❤️
      This is just…so sad!

    2. Praying for the mothers and fathers losing their children, unless we are talking about the mothers and fathers of the fascist orcs from Terrorussia.

  13. A very popular soviet joke:
    “A men run all mornings to the kiosk to see only the front page of newspapers.
    Every single day the men do that.
    Until one day the kiosk’s owner asked him why he looked only in the front page ?
    – To see if someone had died .
    – But, you must look in the necrologies pages inside !
    He answered:
    – The dead I’m trying to find it will be in all the front page”

    That’s what the Russian people is waiting today…the guy who will be in the front page died !

    1. Unfortunately it’s not going to happen unless the citizens take a stand…which is doubtful in the short term. This is going to be long and bloody.

  14. This is the Russian equivalent of Operation Michael in WW1, and will probably fail for the same reason (logistics). If the Ukrainians are able to mount a flexible-defence, they should be able to deal with this and inflict considerable casualties. Russian threats of using nukes need to be opposed with clear and unambiguous counter-threats both conventional, and nuclear if needbe. Conventionally, the west will, at the Ukrainian’s invitation, attack Russian troops with massive superiority in NBC proof assets, were Putin to use a nuke or chemical or Biological weapon. Western nukes would be used on a tit-for-tat basis against Russian troop or materiel concentrations, alongside the utter evisceration of the Russian airforce. Putin using any NBC weapon must invite a response that it is devastating for Russia, and he must be left with no illusions that there is any chance of evading such a response.

    1. After Putin there will be Medvedev, and there will be none after him because he actually wants nuclear war.

    2. America’s President is to weak to do anything. He won’t even protect his own citizens by closing the borders!

  15. My wife was born and raised in Russia and immigrated thirty years ago. As many people who have already left Russia she is helping dozens more herself. She is fluent in Russian and English which is very helpful for helping people negotiate the Federal bureaucracy.

    1. She needs to help Ukrainians really. Almost half the country is abroad but America only accepts the illegals on the southern border

    2. eh guys im cozy in canada having a good time how are you guys over there? war? yeah that must suck oh well gonna go have a shot of rum and a fat bowl of weed gl guys

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