Russia has asked China for military support, including drones, as well as economic assistance for its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, according to conversations CNN had with two US officials.
The requests came after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, one of the officials said. That official declined to detail the Chinese reaction but indicated that the Chinese had responded.
When asked by CNN about the reporting of Russia's request for military aid, Liu Pengyu, spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in the US, said in a statement, "I've never heard of that." CNN;s David Culver and Kylie Atwood report.
#NewDay #Ukraine #CNN
Russia requested military assistance from China, US officials say

I’m shocked that Russia isn’t as much of a military power as the world made it appear to be.
@Tom Smith lol! Bless your heart
you do realize right now its Russia vs. Ukraine/Romania/Poland/UK/US/Germany/and all other NATO members that are supplying equipment and aide to Ukraine… use your head. What an asinine comment.
You do realize that lining up all your armor on a single road for 40 miles (with little infantry support) that could be easily attacked is not exactly brilliant, right?
Their tactics are flawed. First thing would have been to cut off Ukrainians communication lines to create confusion so that can’t mount a good defense. Second dominate the skies. None of which they’ve done.
Sanctions is one thing, battlefield tactics is another.
Don’t be stupid on purpose. You got to be the biggest idiot on this thread.
China supplying weapons to Russia would be a stupid move on china’s part and let’s all note how embarrassing it is for Russia to have to beg another country for weapons. This war has certainly destroyed Russia’s image as a “great power”
@Charles Gair Fascist-supporting countries automatically become fascists, the United States is a fascist country, if you poke your nose at Ukraine, you will burn in a nuclear flame!
@alberta farmer You Lunatics Have Been Saying That Since The Begining Of Lunatics. THE END IS NEAR. LOL.
This is a fake news. This is the West’s propaganda.
Thank you for your shameless remarks.
You have raised the hypocrisy and double standards of the west to a new level.
@Chess Lover dude you just made me cringe
Putin’s words are worth as much this time as when he claimed that Russia did not plan to invade Ukraine. Zero.
@knowledge you are a fool, idk why you would want a nuclear war, only a fool would want that. and that missle is no secret. thats old news. everyone in the world knows russia has the most nukes and the fastest. so again old news.
Just like America claiming they did not have biolabs on Russia’s border. Yet we have 40+ funded and controlled by our Department of Defense.
Looking at the words and actions of putin and xi, I wonder if China and Russia really wish for peace.

Like Biden threatening and promptly backing down?
Pro CCP spin – pathetic. These “journalists” work for / are owned by their corp. ad revenue masters and the CCP – the ultimate authoritarian overlord that seeks nothing less than global domination. Read Pillsbury’s “100 Year Marathon” to start waking up to what the CCP and its corp and media allies have been and are doing to us. Not just Ukrainians they are indirectly killing. Doubt CNN reported this but Biden admin, prior to invasion, showed CCP confidential intelligence data and begged CCP (who had already given Putin the trade, security, and anti-sanction financial commitments he had requested from the CCP just a few months before the invasion) to call off the invasion. Instead, CCP laughed at Biden, gave Putin the green light, and had the balls to show Putin the intelligence they had received. Hey CNN – stop whoring for the CCP – they have Ukr blood on their hands.
Russia is asking China for help
, now it is clear why China has never called Russia an ally, but instead said “boundless friendship”. I’m sure those bounds will come. It’s hard to see what benefit China will get, if any.
@Logos ForUs original poster. The first comment maker.
@Tony Bell The Europeans are our alíes
@xiaoka Losing all western companies in China, West cancels all debt to China,imports and exports to China, West recognizes Taiwan,as the only legitimate China,Japan as a nuclear power able to eraze China and Siberia, in some few minutes.
And still perhaps Russia and China would lose in Ukraine, LOL
Pro CCP spin – pathetic. These “journalists” work for / are owned by their corp. ad revenue masters and the CCP – the ultimate authoritarian overlord that seeks nothing less than global domination. Read Pillsbury’s “100 Year Marathon” to start waking up to what the CCP and its corp and media allies have been and are doing to us. Not just Ukrainians they are indirectly killing. Doubt CNN reported this but Biden admin, prior to invasion, showed CCP confidential intelligence data and begged CCP (who had already given Putin the trade, security, and anti-sanction financial commitments he had requested from the CCP just a few months before the invasion) to call off the invasion. Instead, CCP laughed at Biden, gave Putin the green light, and had the balls to show Putin the intelligence they had received. Hey CNN – stop whoring for the CCP – they have Ukr blood on their hands.
It’s only speculation of course, but the Sino-Russian ‘friendship’ strikes me as an integral part of China’s drive for global domination. What the USA was from about 1990 to 2010, China would like to be indefinitely. China’s principal weapon in pursuit of this agenda has been economic neo-colonialism, yet military expenditure has kept pace. China might wish to use its arsenal someday.
China has ALREADY inserted itself into Eastern Europe, to the degree that its influence would remain whichever side prevails in this military conflict.
But China has done absolutely NOTHING to resist the invasion of Ukraine, therefore its posturing is nothing short of HYPOCRITICAL.
One should expect nothing better from a megalomaniacal autocrat who is too thin-skinned to tolerate criticism, a nationalist and RACIST firebrand intent on wiping a people off the map.
Yes, I am speaking of Xi Jinping. Resemblances to Vladimir Putin are incidental.
Or are these two birds of a feather?
But you are right in the broadest sense. All the ‘power games’ of tyrants are vanity, ‘striving after wind’ as the Scripture says.
(Psalm 49:20) ‘Man in his pomp, yet without understanding, is like the beasts that perish.’
How can any Russian think what’s happening in their country is normal. Instagram is banned now as well
@Алеша П. stay well.
Since 2016, the power of media bubbles has become more and more obvious. Control the input of information, and reinforce an us-against-them mentality, and you can get people to believe nearly anything. It works for conspiracy theory echo chambers, it works for QAnon, it works for Trumpists, it works for cults, and it works for dictators.
Pro CCP spin – pathetic. These “journalists” work for / are owned by their corp. ad revenue masters and the CCP – the ultimate authoritarian overlord that seeks nothing less than global domination. Read Pillsbury’s “100 Year Marathon” to start waking up to what the CCP and its corp and media allies have been and are doing to us. Not just Ukrainians they are indirectly killing. Doubt CNN reported this but Biden admin, prior to invasion, showed CCP confidential intelligence data and begged CCP (who had already given Putin the trade, security, and anti-sanction financial commitments he had requested from the CCP just a few months before the invasion) to call off the invasion. Instead, CCP laughed at Biden, gave Putin the green light, and had the balls to show Putin the intelligence they had received. Hey CNN – stop whoring for the CCP – they have Ukr blood on their hands!
Pro CCP spin – pathetic. These “journalists” work for / are owned by their corp. ad revenue masters and the CCP – the ultimate authoritarian overlord that seeks nothing less than global domination. Read Pillsbury’s “100 Year Marathon” to start waking up to what the CCP and its corp and media allies have been and are doing to us. Not just Ukrainians they are indirectly killing. Doubt CNN reported this but Biden admin, prior to invasion, showed CCP confidential intelligence data and begged CCP (who had already given Putin the trade, security, and anti-sanction financial commitments he had requested from the CCP just a few months before the invasion) to call off the invasion. Instead, CCP laughed at Biden, gave Putin the green light, and had the balls to show Putin the intelligence they had received. Hey CNN – stop whoring for the CCP – they have Ukr blood on their hands!
@Владимир Михайленко Уклоняетесь, товарищ? Путин психопат.
This doesn’t shock me at all but then again how much of it can we believe
@Skkssk dkkdEn
Permit me to suggest that the REAL issue at stake here is justice due the people of Ukraine—————–NOT American pride, NOT American partisan warfare. Why don’t you take a lesson from your own politicians, who have finally found something upon which fundamental agreement is possible?
Please realize also that admission to heaven is not based upon partisan affiliation, but upon FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST,
‘..that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe with your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.’
(Romans 10:9)
Study the Word of GOD: We are living in the END times, the world is on the brink of the 7year Tribulation. Please get rapture ready: accept JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Savior today!!! Don’t be deceived by the coming ANTIchrist who will “create order out of chaos”! Study biblical end times prophecy, listen to Dr. Ron Rhodes on end times chronology. Blessings from AB
@James Brinkley
When uncertainty is expressed, or curiosity, or the viewpoints of people immediately on the scene, you are probably getting the real goods, as opposed to propaganda, which sounds pre-packaged or ‘canned’. Can you tell the difference between eloquence and ranting?
The Russian ambassador at the UN was ranting. One could tell even from the English translation. It sounded maudlin and ridiculous. He looked tense and uncomfortable while reading his text. The Russian talking points are bogus, even if one understands Russian anxiety over NATO.
If you’re not sure what to believe, ask God for discernment. Analyze what people say. It helps to know from Scripture what are the characteristics of good or bad speech.
@alberta farmer well I do believe we are in the end times definitely I believe that we are in the Great tribulation if not we’re right in it or it’s basically here and now it’s time to figure out your stride trust me I have some hard work I need to do but through Jehovah God and Jesus Christ
@Tay T Hi, JESUS is GOD, see John 1!
We are on the brink of the 7year Tribulation but first coms the rapture. The antichrist can not come before the restrainer, the HOLY SPIRIT steps aside at the rapture. Listen to real theologians like Dr David Reagan, google “forum on the rapture.
Honestly he was wrong about one thing… the “clock ticking” is *weakening* Russia’s bargaining position, not gaining. If Ukraine can endure the suffering and hold out Putin could still leave this situation completely empty handed.
@Bill Maine There’s much more of a claim that Russia is historically Mongolian (a lot of the modern country was controlled by the Golden Horde and its successor states for centuries), so be careful with those silly claims, Sergei.
@Skkssk dkkdEn Iraq war cost 5 trillion. Who cares about respect…that’s 200k per taxpayer.
Pro CCP spin – pathetic. These “journalists” work for / are owned by their corp. ad revenue masters and the CCP – the ultimate authoritarian overlord that seeks nothing less than global domination. Read Pillsbury’s “100 Year Marathon” to start waking up to what the CCP and its corp and media allies have been and are doing to us. Not just Ukrainians they are indirectly killing. Doubt CNN reported this but Biden admin, prior to invasion, showed CCP confidential intelligence data and begged CCP (who had already given Putin the trade, security, and anti-sanction financial commitments he had requested from the CCP just a few months before the invasion) to call off the invasion. Instead, CCP laughed at Biden, gave Putin the green light, and had the balls to show Putin the intelligence they had received. Hey CNN – stop whoring for the CCP – they have Ukr blood on their hands.
Stop the bloodshed on both sides! We are living in the END times, the world is on the brink of the 7year Tribulation. Please get rapture ready: accept JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Savior today!!! Don’t be deceived by the coming ANTIchrist who will “create order out of chaos”! Study biblical end times prophecy, listen to Dr. Ron Rhodes on end times chronology. Blessings from AB
yes, let’s build smaller weapons so that young people can use them, so when the UKR president makes a super speech at the UN or EU the people who are sitting there can safely clap louder
That’s fine if Ukraines leadership bargains at gunpoint to make east Ukraine a buffer between east and west but Russia still needs to pay Ukraine reparations for the damage of infrastructure and killing. The seized assets should be auctioned off
@Skkssk dkkdEn trump (a republican) showed weakness by calling putin a genius and giving putin a meeting in the us but denying zalinsky a meeting.
@Skkssk dkkdEn Kinda like how Trump negotiated with the Taliban, North Korea, Russia and China? Hm…
Dont buy or sell to russian, dont buy russians stuff in youre shop!!!

Then you buy or sell russians you sponsor World War 3
@Grey Lazy But USA is initiator of 90% of wars on Earth
Amy H
Surely the Ukrainians thought of making territorial concessions before this war started. It really would cut Putin down to size if he were pushed back to those original demands. Also I completely agree with you about war reparations!
I’m a little less sanguine about selling seized assets, which in principle is theft.
If the assets themselves were gained through criminal activity, it gets more complicated, but expropriation by the State is a very crude method of redistribution. Who’s to say that the auction process wouldn’t give birth to another oligarchy?
Should art stolen from Jewish collectors by the Nazis have been auctioned off or restored to relatives of the original owners? Just a question; I don’t know how it actually worked in most cases.
I hope everyone sees what is happening, take a step back an look, Ukraine wants NATO to fight Russia an now Russia wants China to fight NATO. This is so noticeable now. We need to hit the brakes NOW.
Pro CCP spin – pathetic. These “journalists” work for / are owned by their corp. ad revenue masters and the CCP – the ultimate authoritarian overlord that seeks nothing less than global domination. Read Pillsbury’s “100 Year Marathon” to start waking up to what the CCP and its corp and media allies have been and are doing to us. Not just Ukrainians they are indirectly killing. Doubt CNN reported this but Biden admin, prior to invasion, showed CCP confidential intelligence data and begged CCP (who had already given Putin the trade, security, and anti-sanction financial commitments he had requested from the CCP just a few months before the invasion) to call off the invasion. Instead, CCP laughed at Biden, gave Putin the green light, and had the balls to show Putin the intelligence they had received. Hey CNN – stop whoring for the CCP – they have Ukr blood on their hands.
@missmiss76541 Ukraine didn’t invade Russia, they were invaded by Russia. Nor have they ask for anyone to fight for them like traitor Trump the orange coward, or Putin the terror of tiny town have.
@Davund Elm Tell Putin not to murder them. They shouldn’t have to die because one 5 foot nothing mad man has little man syndrome.
@Alexander So the hole world is in on it? And Putty played right into their hands like a good little sucker?
Justin Good
I understand and respect the doctrine of total pacifism. It has an honorable place in the Christian community. I also understand the ‘just war’ position. In recent years I have moved closer to pacifism, but a case like this makes it difficult to uphold pacifist principles. It is almost but not quite certain that Putin will go on slaughtering Ukrainians so long as he is able.
The Chinese will also pursue their IMPERIAL interests to the ends of the earth, because that is exactly what they were doing before the war.
In effect you are asking Ukrainians for unconditional surrender to a man and a regime which have become EVIL in more than an ordinary sense.
In their situation, would you be willing to submit? If so, then perhaps you have the right to recommend this course of action. If not, perhaps you are not in a position to judge. Each person must do according to his/her conscience.
I will not take up arms against anyone, and I will pray for peace, but I will not pray for evil outcomes. For if ‘there is no peace for the wicked’, neither can there be ‘peace at any price’.
*LMAO, what an embarrassment! You attack a country as a super power then end up getting beat up by the soul and determination of that unranked powerless country you’re invading and also ask for help? This war is going to take years not 1 days as the invader thought!*
another person who doesnt know what a superpower is. smh.
You should see Ukraine Armed Forces fired a missile into Kyev killing dozens of people watch
I’m bothered by how many people, after all the lies, still believe whatever they’re told.
This war will last till Ukraine get back Crimea, and Donbas
Getting beat up? Russia hasn’t even started bombing the city buildings where the Ukrainian Neo Nazi forces are hiding.
Russia planned this war for months ahead even created an economic float fund for expected sanctions (they did not think it would be this bad) the real question is not russia asking for help but rather if they spoke to china about help before they started the war and for how long
@Josh JuciusRussia did not even ask for military assistance from China… The United States came up with it themselves) It’s so naive on the part of the United States that I even shed a little tears…) The United States is already asking for help from Venezuela and Iran…! Here I cried for real … from laughter …)))
@Владимир Михайленко Russian shill account
way to “blend in”
@ZOINKSxSCOOBYIf you don’t like something, you immediately call it fake… This is a reflection of the entire American “freedom of speech”…) “DS is great and MSM is his prophet on Earth…”
I participated in Russian chats… I participated in Ukrainian chats… in American… in European as well… Everywhere the main tone is set mainly by bot programs… And biomass applauds them… Yes, My idea is not new, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong…
Pro CCP spin – pathetic. These “journalists” work for / are owned by their corp. ad revenue masters and the CCP – the ultimate authoritarian overlord that seeks nothing less than global domination. Read Pillsbury’s “100 Year Marathon” to start waking up to what the CCP and its corp and media allies have been and are doing to us. Not just Ukrainians they are indirectly killing. Doubt CNN reported this but Biden admin, prior to invasion, showed CCP confidential intelligence data and begged CCP (who had already given Putin the trade, security, and anti-sanction financial commitments he had requested from the CCP just a few months before the invasion) to call off the invasion. Instead, CCP laughed at Biden, gave Putin the green light, and had the balls to show Putin the intelligence they had received. Hey CNN – stop whoring for the CCP – they have Ukr blood on their hands.
Wow Russia what a super power? 2 weeks into the war and began asking assistance from Syria for combatants and now from China for military and economic assistance. what a shame.
@Trendy Book nobody likes to live in tyrant Russia . The whole world hates putin.
@Trendy Book a lot of Russians will die once NATO and US joins the war. Do you really want that? A lot of Russians already suffer from sanctions.
Pro CCP spin – pathetic. These “journalists” work for / are owned by their corp. ad revenue masters and the CCP – the ultimate authoritarian overlord that seeks nothing less than global domination. Read Pillsbury’s “100 Year Marathon” to start waking up to what the CCP and its corp and media allies have been and are doing to us. Not just Ukrainians they are indirectly killing. Doubt CNN reported this but Biden admin, prior to invasion, showed CCP confidential intelligence data and begged CCP (who had already given Putin the trade, security, and anti-sanction financial commitments he had requested from the CCP just a few months before the invasion) to call off the invasion. Instead, CCP laughed at Biden, gave Putin the green light, and had the balls to show Putin the intelligence they had received. Hey CNN – stop whoring for the CCP – they have Ukr blood on their hands!
US super power?? When they have freaking Nato (30 countries) on their side
where were you when the United States and NATO failed in Afghanistan?
As this fight has dragged on, the people have shown how Russia’s military force isn’t as powerful as they once thought. Putin’s backed himself into a corner and is desperate. If China does try aiding Russia in anyway (either financially or military) then they’ll make themselves just as bad as Russia and may end up putting themselves in the same position as Russia.
Pro CCP spin – pathetic. These “journalists” work for / are owned by their corp. ad revenue masters and the CCP – the ultimate authoritarian overlord that seeks nothing less than global domination. Read Pillsbury’s “100 Year Marathon” to start waking up to what the CCP and its corp and media allies have been and are doing to us. Not just Ukrainians they are indirectly killing. Doubt CNN reported this but Biden admin, prior to invasion, showed CCP confidential intelligence data and begged CCP (who had already given Putin the trade, security, and anti-sanction financial commitments he had requested from the CCP just a few months before the invasion) to call off the invasion. Instead, CCP laughed at Biden, gave Putin the green light, and had the balls to show Putin the intelligence they had received. Hey CNN – stop whoring for the CCP – they have Ukr blood on their hands.
@Joe Swanson OK GENIUS.
Most I can see China doing is providing weapons. All countries do it. Yes A contradiction to their peace talk. At the same time if true Putin will be in debt with them a poor move on his part.
@Joe Swanson That is the only thing that makes Russia dangerous. But question is do their artillery even work to launch these so called nukes.
@Oscar Mike LOL. No Ukrainian girl will be looing for marriage. They are worrying how they will live right now.
China said they haven’t even heard about the request Lmao! Man Russia thats gotta hurt to hear
Yeah … The Americans convinced themselves through their own MSM … This is ridiculous … Like the funny first three comments under your post …)))
because it is disinformation propagated by usa,russia does not require arms from china,russia is a major arms manufacturing country that is not using even 10% of what they have in their arsenal
Koala Boi
The Chinese leaders are proficient liars. Do not trust what they say.
They will say whatever they think makes them look good.
And never trust a nation which is ALWAYS RIGHT in its own eyes.
@Владимир Михайленко this is the state of the majority of the US populace. We eat up any narrative the MSM throws at us.
pathetic I blame the Kardashians.
Best friends don’t let best friends invade a sovereign country
Putin: No one should interfere or assist Ukraine
Also Putin: China, help me invade Ukraine.
You should see Ukraine Armed Forces fired a missile into Kyev killing dozens of people watch
@Don’t let The pic fool you You should see Ukraine Armed Forces fired a missile into Kyev killing dozens of people watch
The U.S needed the whole of NATO to subdue Serbia and Libya, to invade Afghanistan, and could not invade Iraq without the “Coalition of the Willing.”
@Grey Lazy Damn! I just purchased some sprat and caviar from a local Russian store. I had no idea I was contributing to nuclear armageddon!
You: Let me believe everything MSM tells me.
No country is self-sustainable. That includes the US. The world needs the world.
Even more so, the world needs God.
(Psalm 100:3) ‘Know that the Lord Himself is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves, the sheep of His pasture.’
Your comment about the US is very accurate, its population being derived from all corners of the earth.
I once thought Russia was a power to be reckoned with but it turns out the only thing that makes them scary is their nukes and their insane head of government… Not joining NATO and being part of that defensive circle is a dumb move for those countries that are eligible for it.
Rest of Northern Europe will join soon. Nato in Europe will be stronger and more united than ever. All thanks to Putin.
@Davion Cataphract, well said. I know the West have their own lies and atrocities and people always debate on who is better Russia, China or the West, I’m still in favor of the West and NATO for the fact that even though they have their share of attrocities like the Invasion of Iran and killing of civilians in Afghanistan, the attrocities of Russia is still so mucb worse and the attrocities of the West, though also unacceptable and unjustifiable, it pales in comparison to all the death and destruction Russia has been doing to Ukraine, and the suffering it’s also bringing to its own people. Countries who didn’t join NATO when they were invited relly should’ve accepted that invitation.
I guess that’s why America and NATO ran out of Afghanistan without cleaning their house.
Imagine asking for help when ur the largest country in the freakin world and struggle to invade a small country . This litrlly proves that it is not about power but about your faith and hope !
The fact that he’s asking military assistance from multiple countries like Belarus, Kazakhstan, Syria,and now china( which is the third most powerful military in the world) for help is massively telling.
China is the second most powerful country and will surpass the US in the near future. Though I’m more in favor of the West than China because China is still closer to dictatorship than the West, we can’t deny the fact that China will indeed be the top most powerful country in the world no matter how much in denial the West is about that.
@k 1 your phone is made in china
The USA Is The Broke Country Because It Spends Every Dime On The War Machine So It Can Start More WARS.
did Putin told u this? how do you know. You going to listen to CNN news talking bullshit?
@pault minaya I Don’t Mind Chinese. The Ones I know Are Hard Working Polite People And I Don’t Think They Are Stupid Enough To Get Involved. But I Can Certainly Cut Back On Things I Buy From There. It may Be A Hard Thing To Do I Watched The Documentary Xmas Without China. My Grandfather Went Through His Life Not Buying Anything Japanese A Hang Up He Had From WW2.