Rachel Maddow reviews the details of a New York Times report that U.S. intelligence told Donald Trump in March that Russia was paying bounties to Taliban fighters to kill coalition troops, including U.S. troops. Trump has yet to respond and instead has advocated for Russia's return to the G8. Aired on 6/26/2020.
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Russia Paid Bounties To Kill US Troops, US Intel Says; Trump Mum: NYT | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
The only way to prevent another Trump is to make an example of him after he leaves office. #LOCKHIMUP
@Del Ranson ?

@Del Ranson Not quite
That is too merciful
@Bruno why are you still angry with Obama and Clinton lolzz hate kills it been 4 years now……
And what will trump cultists scream? But “Benghazi”!!!
I thought the reason for Americans acting so angrily at people taking the knee, when the national anthem was being played, was because it was disrespecting their beloved military and the American flag! Does this mean Trump was also disrespecting their beloved military and flag by doing nothing to stop Russians from trying to get American soldiers killed? I wonder what excuses Trump supporters are going to make up to justify all of this now?
mediamanM 100% exactly
Lol.. While you guys killed the other innocent people and soldiers, that is considered good act? Hypocrite.
@Robert Martyr That is the funniest thing I have heard this year! Thank you for giving me the giggles!

@– ???
He’s shameless and disgusting.
With a “Commander in Chief” like trump, this isn’t just even surprising.
Commander in Thief*
should have said his new name is Traitor Trump
It’s his OLD name and his REAL name. He’s been a traitor from the very START.
Antichrist *
How much evidence do people need to realize Trump is, and always was, Putin’s puppet?
Golly who can’t you criticize?

Jews? Then everyone top down swarms on you.
@Mart Daniels Deutsch Bank
The report came from multiple intelligence agencies, and was before a group of cabinet members. Now Trump’s “people” are saying he wasn’t told.
They’ll won’t until they’re speaking Russian…
Don’t believe US intelligence.. They lied before and continue to lie ( remember Iraq and it’s fake WMDs).. Trump is %100 right in seeking normal relation with Russia unlike the warmongers in the democratic party and the neo cons ( Bolton and his Zionist bunch)
Is this why Trump has all but gave up trying to pretend like he was doing anything to stop COVID-19? Is he getting paid per death?
@John Cameron he’s so stupid because he is really stupid..doesn’t understand testing, mail in voting ,bleach, UV light and many other things…
What he gets paid for will be known only when the next administration seek his Swiss bank account. Other than that ‘working for agenda 21’ is another possibility.
Patriot Spring you’re talking too much…. smell fanaticism around here….
Patriot Spring He does not have to do anything! His actitud is dictatorial… blinds are those who have eyes but don’t want to see…
Trump: I just talked to Putin. Says it wasn’t him and I believe him.
@John DiGiacomo It doesn’t and doj policy is just that policy, not law! He CAN in actuality be charged, just , especially this doj, are complicit in all rumps crimes, and unconstitutionality.
@Ed McGuigan They shouldn’t be alloed in public. I did the same and included relatives also, I dion’t need the IDIOTS in my life, and neither do the kids!
@joe bongiovanni Little thing Called the Logan Act, and tapes and transcripts of Flynn violating it. Hours of documented lies and Obstruction of Justice by Trump and Barr. Little bit of a turnover problem at the White House more indicted and convicted and unindicted co-conspirators than in the History of the Country. Look it up. Facts not Rhetoric. Read!! Learn to read and then read! Maybe even show off your college degree! Or just keep making conclusory comments without factual background. I expect the latter.
Ms. Frady, Lawrence Tribe a Constitutional lawyer and professor emeritus, has argued that a sitting president should be prosecuted. The Supreme Court has never ruled on whether or not a sitting president is subject to prosecution. The DOD is not restricted by DOJ policy, and as “commander in chief” he may be subject to military law.
@joe bongiovanni You know the Mueller report is public right? (well, the fairly heavily redacted version only so far – but it’s more than sufficient to show the pattern).
There’s no need to “get a copy”. You can go download it right now. I read through it at the time it was released – is quite a while ago at this point. Not cover-to-cover to be fair as a lot of it is a slog, but somewhere between a third to half – the sections I found to be of most interest to look closer at. It seemed to match fairly well with most summaries I’ve referenced later.
” …or they would have identified the report – and who did it and what agency it was from, etc.”
What are you even on about? These things aren’t in question. It’s public knowledge – as well as literally on the first page of the report…
You are free to argue to what degree there is sufficient hard evidence for a conviction in there – but to insinuate that the Mueller report cleared Trump of any wrongdoing is wildly misleading at the very least – if not an outright lie.
And he has the nerves to call others traitors..
Trump does diddlysquat like he has done for four years.
And Putin, is paying trump a bounty on dead Americans why do you think he’s trying so hard to open up country again not enough dead Americans for HIM
Conservatives don’t care about the soldiers, it’s just crocodile tears
The Do-Nothing Snake in the white house idolizes Puttin
Why aren’t all major news outlets covering this?? Needs to be everywhere!
It’s finally got traction, even Fox carried the story, originally leaveving out the inaction part, but adding it later.
They are now. Even Fox has reported this.
@Iam From unreal that we have to say “even Fox reported this”
Fake news. No facts just assumptions and accusations. The liberal dems are DESPERATE!!!
This is a BS story. Remember WMD? You believe the alphabet soup agencies would tell citizens the truth? They work for the corporate persons.
Trump is gonna be bigly mad…
at anyone other than Putin.
“Putin’s Puppet”
I think the word is “UGE”
@Keith Price
“I know the best words”:
Don the Con
@SAINT 65 If we stop testing for the virus there won’t be any virus….wow
He is a stable genius..
And too many “rural” Americans still praise him as a leader. The US is a sick country in more ways than just the virus.
When your uneducated and ignorant living in a welfare state. Like the south you just don’t know anybetter.
True but sad I’m still surprised by the overwhelming white support Trump has in America. Surely to God if your poor to middle class and white and Biden is the President how bad can life be for you in America? Trump and Barr are a threat to this country. Trump is a stress test to the constitution to all institutions of government to public health and directly to a divided nation. He sucks he needs to be voted out!
Just more evidence he doesn’t care how many Americans die, he only cares about his ego.
@Keith Price I said I don’t believe Trump. I said he’s a compulsive liar and a traitor.
@Diaper Donnie #Bunkerboy I was being Ironical.
If you believe the CIA then you so dumb.
@Diaper Donnie #Bunkerboy CIA are liars too..
@Berni Gagnon —>Russian bot
Trump doesn’t need a second term, he needs a term in prison for treason.
Karl Gilmore – a term underground
tRump must comply with Putin’s demands not America’s best interest$
This dude has got to go. These politicians need to get a pair and stop him.