Russia makes wild claims of sabotage as war effort flounders | Military expert on Putin’s strategy

Russia has suspended grain exports again and is now accusing the U.K. of pipeline sabotage. Retired Maj.-Gen. David Fraser explains why.

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Russia makes wild claims of sabotage as war effort flounders | Military expert on Putin's strategy


  1. Hahahaha, the Russians are Bullies. Come on Poindexter don’t be Poopy Lol.
    This is a War , not your school yard. It’s a Win at all costs situation.

  2. Canada will be fine. But if you want to use the blacksea port maybe quit the scantions on russia

    1. Canada couldn’t even provide its own soldiers with air support in Afghanistan; Canada had plenty of mefloquine for them though….

    1. Food and energy disasters (grains export/natural gas/petrol). The world will be begging Putin to help lower food prices and offer more energy to bring down cost when inflation hits 15% which is not far away. NATO’s strategy will backfire eventually. Remember 15% inflation. The protestors and crowds will burn 🔥 the town down if they can’t feed their families.

  3. if Russians would use civilians as shield then they would not evacuate Kherson for the upcoming battle!!!

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