Reports about Russian attempts to interfere with the U.S. presidential election, and the Trump administration’s apparent failure to acknowledge it, has some commentators wondering whether the U.S. is any more protected against foreign interference than it was in 2016. Aired on 09/10/2020.
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Russia Is At It Again With Election Interference. Is The U.S. Prepared To Counteract It? | MSNBC
Trump needs Russia (Putin )help even more then he did in 2016
Trump’s and Republicans lies are catching up to them lmao
@Lawrence Harris
@Captain Caveman
comrad Vlad Google translation is not perfect…. go get Rosetta Stone
@Lawrence Harris comradinski! You have been warned!
Trump doesn’t need Russia help even botching the virus response he will still win do you see his rally’s he will win with no issue loser
The country is crumbling because of Democrats. Putin wants Trump out
Adam Schiff warned America!
@MJB For Trump Your guy holds the COVID parties, not us.
@Emsley Wyatt What about the BLM protests/riots, done during a pandemic? Or did they get a medical exemption because of their cause?
@John DiGiacomo Yet Trump’s support amongst African Americans and Hispanics is growing. How do you explain that?
Claire Wright, in the polls and articles I’ve seen Trump is at 8% among blacks, and while there is a strong support among Cubans and Venezuelans, Puerto Rico and Mexican American support is solidly against.
Claire Wright, in almost every category Trump’s support is dropping.
They never stopped.
Literally proven to be a conspiracy theory.
These morons are making Trump win again by trying to use the debunked Russia card again.
Why is FBI silent about it.
Because these are lies for blind sheep like you to believe.
Ryan Jay

like you can’t handle the truth!
Jan Presley you can thank the Russian Republicans for enabling Trump to wreck havoc on the honest Americans and every true American Patriot!
Bill Barr ,,SIR
They aren`t.
Follow Clint Watts on YouTube.
Lies from The White House is the new normal.
Get the orange a hole out of office. He’s a Russian sympathizer for graft and power.
BYE-DON 2020
Don’t let it be.
So how is Trump the toughest on Russia?
Been waiting 4 years on that.
I love how people claiming Russia didn’t interfere. How many intelligence committee reports direct said that they did? How many agencies said they did?
HaCkInG OnE nO NaMe…
And a few people mindlessly screaming there was no inference doesn’t change what every report said.
They interfered on a massive scale. It’s fact. Unless you’re gonna be like Trump and side with Russia.
@Isaiah 53 Read your so called “facts”, found conspiration and facts nothing to do with topic. What have Trump to do with those 200 russian soldiers deaths? Except he was president? Right after that happening he (Trump) sent the soldiers home and left the base and a real nice airfield to the russians so they could bomb civilians Good work Trump! (I was sarcastic there)
17 intelligence agencies, to be specific, all agreed, and reported Russian interference in 2020 election.
@Starman Dx You’ll upset those little bots by asking them to face the truth!
Well it’s confirmed Russia helped him with the 2016 election, no one did anything. If this happens again, trump isn’t the one to blame it’ll be the country that has failed us again.
It ‘ll be all the lazy non voters like in 2016. That helped trump win. 60 million votes does not represent Americans.
John Nordby you’re right, and the ones who weren’t lazy ended up voting for Harambe because they thought it would be funny.
Trump is the one blocking any additional security for the election. Door is wide open for Putin .
The cockroaches compete with the bedbugs on Toxic Trump properties, where illusion and delusion trump substance, truth, reason, and reality!
Surprises no one. With the measured success of destroying america by using trump within 4 years is worth their while to attempt it again.
Trump owns high class properties around the globe . Your jealousy of his wins are showing. What have you accomplished, really ?
Please let me know if you are worth at least $450 million and the most powerful man on the planet.
@real american …how is owning properties while intentionally lying to americans as president a great accomplishment? The latter is a crime called murder!. Knowing that there would be 100’s of thousands that will die within a few months while you’re worth millions doesn’t make him someone to be jealous of.
@real american How do you know how much money he has? He’s hiding his tax returns for dear life. Reminds me of O.J. Simpson driving down the L.A. freeway in a Bronco. Hiding something Donald? He’s been purposely dismissing a global pandemic. He’s attempting to abolish the ACA (Obamacare) through the Supreme Court in the middle of this pandemic because people call it… Obamacare. ‘Jealousy’ has nothing to do with it, he’s a lunatic. This is the most corrupt administration in American history.
The only people who showed up to BIDEN’s “rally” in Michigan, were Trump supporters!! THIS IS FREAKIN’ SAD!!!! BIDEN’S campaign is a TRAIN WRECK, he’s going to LOSE!! Meanwhile, the TRUMP TRAIN keeps flying along!!!
Exactly, he’s not taking steps to protect against cyber threats that’s very shady
He cant…we dont know what he owes.
Hai Coai
*The thumbnail to this video is my favorite pic of Trump; a perfect picture of a petulant, selfish child who has just been told he can’t have another cookie.*
@David S. Not with the democrats around. If Senator McCarthy were alive today he would be a democrat. Rusher Rusher Rusher…… ad infinitum……. ad nauseam
@omi god That’s a laugh. She thinks you are an American. Xi’s Xiao Gou
@omi god That’s not true. You like Doi Cho, and Cha Cho and Chairman Xi.
@Donald Nuckles It must be dawning on you by now that I’m not a republican. The last time I voted for a republican, he got along fine with the Russians. In fact they tore a wall down for him.
…basically he’s “Stuart” on MadTV.
Will this nightmare ever stop recurring?
@Daymmm I agree, instead of a man-child.
@Lisa Elissa LOL

, thanks for that!
altitude illume Your post makes no sense at all!
No, why do you liberals act suprised? That is what countries do. Pres.Clinton did the same thing in 1996 to help his buddy Boris Yeltsin. Where was your outrage then? It happens,grow up.
The only people who showed up to BIDEN’s “rally” in Michigan, were Trump supporters!! THIS IS FREAKIN’ SAD!!!! BIDEN’S campaign is a TRAIN WRECK, he’s going to LOSE!! Meanwhile, the TRUMP TRAIN keeps flying along!!!
It’s sad to think that the details of Russian interference with US elections has to come from Reuters.
@John DiGiacomo which allegations are now true?
Provide source and proof
I’ll wait
And insane Rachel is not and shall never be proof of anything
And for Pete’s sake get a grip most of what you say is conspiracy with zero evidence
Turn off Rachel dude it’s effecting your critical thinking
@vince kelly I’ve never trusted her. I don’t know if you are old enough to remember Chinagate? There is a book out called “Year of the Rat” about how the Clinton’s sold out to the Chinese in 96′. I guess we know what that giant sucking sound is now. Ross Periot was talking about that thirty years ago. A lot of people don’t know where her power comes from, but I do. She got hold of dirt on all of these weasels back in the 90’s. File-gate. That’s why they are all terrified of her.
@Jack Jones then again there are the 39 people surrounding her that have died some mysteriously , none solved , including 9 of her body guards
And don’t you think it’s odd that hillaries serious contender for the NY SENATE seat a kennedy died in plane crash
@vince kelly I didn’t realize her connection to Kennedy’s death until recently. If he had not died, he would undoubtedly of had that seat. That’s spooky. Have you compared Vince Foster’s picture to Chelsea’s? I wonder if Bill got jealous?
Vince Kelly, PBS is the source.
Donald Trump: _”I’m downplaying Russia’s influence on me because I don’t want to create panic.”_
@Jack Jones I’m talking about market globalism kiddo not sci-fi or biblical fantasies. Market globalism is what most people are referring to when using the term globalism, it’s not about a new world order or cashless society. Marketing globalization is a synergistic term combining the promotion and selling of goods and services in an increasingly interdependent and integrated global economy. It makes companies stateless, without walls. If you purchase products online you’re already participating in it
The only people who showed up to BIDEN’s “rally” in Michigan, were Trump supporters!! THIS IS FREAKIN’ SAD!!!! BIDEN’S campaign is a TRAIN WRECK, he’s going to LOSE!! Meanwhile, the TRUMP TRAIN keeps flying along!!!
@Donald Nuckles So are you a part of the 50 cent army or did Xi work you up to $1?
@Daymmm Were you going to tag me or just sit there hiding?
SPZ Aruba lmao, if I were to tag you, you’d wake up back in the late 1900s clueless
Just the fact he never speaks out against Russia speaks volumes.
Wake up. Trump supporters!!
@John DiGiacomo the stupid is strong with you
Hitler- killed 10 million in death camps started a war 100 million dead
Trump-0 exterminated no death camps
Started no wars
Trying to pull us out of afghanistan
@John DiGiacomo wow to your comments. I don’t feel it is mentioned enough how Trump has turned his back on our allies and that we need the trust of our allies to be safe.
@John DiGiacomo the cultist are foaming at the mouth, their petty flight from reality is coming in for a crash landing. VOTE
Vince Kelly, actually the stupid is strong in you, there are people in “detention centers” today, the “final solution” wasn’t enacted until the later thirties, and Trump now has the coronavirus to use, much like the typhoid blankets given to the Native Americans. Trump’s response to the virus for Americans is genocide, isn’t that telling you ANYTHING?
@John DiGiacomo The REPUBLICAN Senate Report.
Russia is trying to keep their spy in the White House for four more years.
Best investment Vladimir ever made.
Put out bounties he won’t care as long as he can get his Trump hotel in Moscow after he’s out on office
@Claire Wright not a theory, proven and confirmed by our own government.
@princeoftidds Conclusions of report fell along party lines.
@Claire Wright
How can anyone complain about what the russians are doing?
When they are only doing what traitor tRump and his repuglikkkan party have requested them to do?
Several countries are hacking your election and interfering with your democracy… And the United States government does nothing. Nothing at all.
Proof that your country is broken.
Putin already got the keys to the White House.
He doesn’t need the keys, Trump has had the door wide open for him for the past four years.
Why would he need keys? The doors are wide open.
@Glamma MC Exactly!!!!
rosane castro I agree he’s a traitor
He needs a timeout…in LEAVENWORTH!
With Trump as president, Russia is in charge of the US.
*Russia’s Deadliest Weapons:* “Useful Idiots” in positions of power, puppeteered by coercion, corruption and kompromat.
Greatest Useful Idiots in no order:
1) Donald J Trump
2) Bill Barr
3) Jared Kushner
4) Roger Stone
5) Paul Manafort
6) Michael Flynn
7) Fake-Vanka
8) Mitch McConnell
9) Rudy Giuliani
10) Senator- Ms. Lindsey Graham
11) Rep- Devin Nunes
12) Senator Ron Johnson
….the list goes on and on and on…..
“The Best People” just has a different meaning in their “Alternative Universe”.
Qatar, threatned by Saudi Arabia, Trump’s friend and Xi Jinping of China has already bailed out Trump’s Family debt, 666 Fifth Avenue, Trump and the daughter he lusts for, has already been given many Trademarks © by China and Jared Kushner’s sister has been selling Trump NY apartments in China for $500k ea, which also gives these rich CCP members green cards. So he has no more use for China and now he can pretend to be tough going after China (which I agree with) but it’s only to cover up his cowardice against Putin, who has him by the short hairs.
The Mistake China made with Trump was paying him off early, assuming they had an agreement & understanding. There are many apartments and factory spaces, purchased early on in Trump’s administration by The CCP, that remain vacant and unoccupied to this day. Like any who deal with Trump, if you provide a service up front, assuming you will be reimbursed, you will be screwed. Now he is done with China. Unlike the small American companies & craftsmen screwed over by Trump and are now out of business, China deserves what they get.
@Donovan No, Republicans deserve what they get for putting this corrupt president and his family in the whitehouse.
America is just caught in the middle of their mess.