Russia intends to be the first in the world to approve a coronavirus vaccine, despite concerns about its safety, effectiveness and whether the country has cut essential corners in development. CNN's Matthew Chance reports.
#CNN #News
Russia intends to be the first in the world to approve a coronavirus vaccine, despite concerns about its safety, effectiveness and whether the country has cut essential corners in development. CNN's Matthew Chance reports.
#CNN #News
What? I thought Clorox was more effective. Damn it Trump!
@Storm Trooper …..your brain is a potato.
@Idid yeah just the video Don Kr got banned for
@Vital Signs it was telivised…
actually it wasnt Clorox it was disinfectant
@Robinson Bardonski u know uv raylights actually work right like its an actual scientific way to remove a virus from us but maybe he was talking about this or he was just talking non sense i agree the lysol thing was dumb lol
Eco Geek nope it’s made of Cells
I wonder where was it stolen from
why it’s gonna be first if it is stolen?
We love trump #Ourpresident
I can’t imagine that’s very safe
But you know #45 is gonna approve the hell out of it.
@Steven Dinsmore-George Oh yeah , you best to know !
@jack mann His
in the rough is the Russian vaccine
They stole it from Canadians but thank you
If that would be true, Canada would also have a vaccine ready in a few weeks.
@burny6666 No, because unlike Russia, Canada wouldn’t bypass proper procedures for human trials and all. So even if the Canadian vaccine would be ready in a couple of weeks, they wouldn’t release it without months of proper trials and safety checks.
But in Russia, they don’t have to follow guidelines and ethics. They can come up with something and Putin can just round up random people and inject them to see if it works.
Then Russia has proven to be more efficient than Canada.
@Snoy Fly but if the vaccine has major adverse effects then lots of people will die thats why many countries will test a vaccine for months or years unless the virus is like a movie type virus that kills everyone.
I’m sure Trump will be 1st in line to be Putin’s test dummy.
Y’all are really proving the left has become mentally ill.
Wow, people still believe that old lie… amazing: HAARP is a radio, Aliens could never fear us (energy requirements), the earth is spiracle but the universe may not be, and guess out Biden’s son was bribed by both Russia & China while refusing to pay child support? Dr. Stella Immanuel: We don’t need to die. There is a cure for covid.
Anonymous Person Stay anonymous inbred.
When Trump is re-elected America can finally heal.
Hope all this rushing is safe.
Doubt it’s real, or safe, test it on Trump.
Well it could be real but the safety and efficacy would be unknown and probably not ever reported unless it actually turns out to be safe and effective and even then we would never know till testing was done by a more reliable country. It’s just Putin’s version of Russian roulette.
Or Biden
Only 1 government that lies more than Russia…no, not China, no not North Korea, yea! Trumpy!
@Rich And that is worse than the number of lies North Korea has told its own people? Get real lol
I bet you defended Slavery in 1860…
Actually in reality Democracts support BLM, LGBTQ and defunding the police
@Trump is my President I bet you defend landmarks for and places holding the names of those who defended slavery in the 1860s rather than wanting to put those landmarks in museums for people to learn in depth details about those individuals and those times and rather than renaming those places after people who did not fight for the division of the United States.. Oh yeah.. That’s the President lol
@Trump is my President Actually, China is NOT the worst communist dictatorship and is only a communist government with a communist government-run highly capitalist economy. The worst would still go to North Korea, dude.
The New Cold War & Russia has Trump’s full support.
@Jumpers Clerk wre we talking about Joe? no we arent
@Jumpers Clerk *PUTIN/PENCE 2020 !! M A G A T A R D N A T I O N ! ! ! !*
@Ruth Harris, I know you all never talk about Joe. You don’t even like Joe. You just like to hate Trump. It’s funny. This will be a presidential race of those for or against Trump. Joe has nothing to do with it.
Cold War between who? China, the EU, Venezuela and Democrats on one side vs the US, Britain, India, Brazil and Russia on the other? I think I know who’s going to win…
Poor Russians. I mean that because Putin will force this vaccine on them, a panic move.
Very likely a move of desperation. The pandemic situation is probably far worse than officially reported. There’s also the prestige of developing a vaccine first. For the rest of us, the entire Russian population is now the phase 3 trial group, the question is how to get accurate reporting from it.
Well, we’ll have to see how many people die horrific deaths…
Oh wait, it’s Russia, we wouldn’t hear about it even if it happened. :p
@Adam Taylor you had better worry how many yours are gonna die
Putin: trump you need covid-19 vaccine.
trump: big smile while eating his happy meal.
Can’t wait till Putin convinces trump to administer this to every American service member.
He won’t but he will try
Well, whether or not the anonymous storm troopers gets vaccinated will tell us if it’s intended to work or inhibit the forces.
That’s the day everybody going UA
Adam Taylor don’t forget about the chip.
It’ll go through the FDA first, idiots!
It’s be awesome if resident evil game trailer pops up before the news
North Korea’s got dibs on the first available Russian vaccine, even though NK only has once case of coronavirus.
A Russian rush job… What could possibly go wrong.
They could’ve succeeded. We’ll find out soon.
I don’t like Russia but goddamnit! If it works, I don’t care! I’m getting the Vaccine!
The title is misleading
Should be
“if he dies, he dies” ~ drago, rocky iv
LMAO, you must read this with a Russian accent!
This gives the sharpie monster an excuse to pay taxpayers’ money to Putin for junk.
Are you a chinese bot?
Let get rid of this dam virus and move on already.
Bet that the “vaccine” is made with vodka.