US national security adviser Jake Sullivan argued that one year into the conflict, Ukraine has already stopped Russia from accomplishing its main objective of taking over the capital of Kyiv. #CNN #News
‘Russia has already lost’: US officials lay out state of Putin’s invasion

I think like Germany and Japan – we help our enemy following this war to hopefully create a lifelong ally and never have this occur again .
@Istvan Glock I doubt anyone expects to see debt collectors going into the FED. Bankruptcy will come when investors realize there are better options for investment than US securities. And since the debt is only going up, this is just a question of time
@Ninja SmokeEmphasizing what every analyst of the bond market is paying attention to, i.e unsustainable government borrowing is seeking attention? Take this
… interest payments on the debt are estimated to total $395.5 billion this fiscal year … or 6.8% of all federal outlays, according to the Office of Management and Budget.
On the plus side, that money will not be handed out to useless garbage of all shades.
BTW, attention-seeking is primarily a liberal trait. Just read the comments in this thread …. they are mostly just …. me, me, me, me …. without any substance or cognitive value. You liberals are ridiculously stupid and ignorant. Not that you are aware of it.
@Casseiopeia Djng Djng Djng. Putin seems to forget this himself also not just rhe Russian people. Putin is only into enriching himself. Ukrain is in rhe way of him even making more thus is why he attacked that country. Putins greed will cost him dearly.
@5353Jumper let’s all hope this will be the outcome. Now we have China in the mix again similar to the past we never know what will happen.
Never again. Stop Putin now in
Sullivan finally is saying what he should have said a year ago.
@xpact I mean… One of the world’s strongest military vs an Underdog with modern Weapons. If Russia really was Big and Bad then Kyiv should’ve fallen in a week. Its been over a year. Russia has lost. They can’t afford this war to last years. Imagine when Ukraine gets more modern equipment + Training and Russia just keeps sending cannon fodder. They’ll run out of meatbags.
@Fantomas The world thinks as I do. Trolling for borscht.
India and China are telling the US and EU that we do not buy into your binary framing of argument, “either you are with us or against us.” With their votes China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, South Africa, and India, which combined represent near 50% of world’s humanity, showed the world that Russia is not alone. Countries did not vote for UN resolution, including Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burundi, Central African Republic, China, Congo, Cuba, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Gabon, Guinea, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tajikistan, Togo, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Zimbabwe. “There is an element of defiance,” said Alexander Korolev, an expert in Sino-Russian ties with the University of New South Wales. “It is signalling: ‘If things get ugly between us, I have someone to go to. Russia is not alone, which means that I will not be alone when there is a confrontation… don’t get comfortable in bullying me.'”
@Guillo Mendez you do know all the military support and heavy sanctions the west put on Ukrainians and Russia rite?..not to mention the west has been training the Ukrainians force since 2008, one country against 40+ and still run out of ammo…
he is a disgrace to all Irish Americans
All I know is we need to push our multinationals to withdraw from manufacturing in China. We’re simply financing a country that supports Russia and wants to end our democracies.
@not fooled
You should take your own advice.
This is Putin’s war, wanting to erase Ukraine, then if successful move on to other eastern European countries. Xi of China is watching this very closely. To bring peace to Ukraine and eastern Europe, Russia will have to face overwhelming power and be completely contained. Let’s be realistic….the hope that Russia’s next leader is a rational despot
@Pauline Larson That’s an illusion. The US with its back breaking debt can’t sent any money to rebuild Ukraine but must rely on private capitalists. With scar ce power, severely damaged infrastructure and a completely ruined industry based by the corrupt government of Ukraine before the war, it will take 20 years for the Ukraine to rebuild. The war is likely to last for 20 years similar to the war in Afghanistan. The US empire’s days are numbered. The US Dollar is doomed.
@Asid 44 I like the way you think.
Now what do we do with a republican party who wants to take our democracy out of Americans hands,D DAY WILL BE 2024 WHEN THEY TRY THAT COUP ALL OVER AGAIN,then we will probably have a civil war in this country we gotta bunch of problems folks not including Ukraine
You americans are lucky to have such great minds at work for you. Sullivan is most likely one of the world’s best
@– Don’t over estimate either. We’re doing a great job of killing ourselves.
Actually, wishing we had a clone of Zelenskyy for our president…
We are proud and absolutely lucky to be American

@MichaelGL No we already have a great president. The same president that warned zelensky numerous times before they took the war and threat seriously. Unlike the guy before that was a major putin supporter and distractor. We have a great man serving the nation today. We definitely don’t want oe need zelensky putin or any other president as America’s president today.
I love my country. God bless America and Ukraine
@Justme Andmeonly that’s cap
So does Chinese love their country and Indian love their country. India and China are telling the US and EU that we do not buy into your binary framing of argument, “either you are with us or against us.” With their votes China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, South Africa, and India, which combined represent near 50% of world’s humanity, showed the world that Russia is not alone. Countries did not vote for UN resolution, including Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burundi, Central African Republic, China, Congo, Cuba, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Gabon, Guinea, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tajikistan, Togo, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Zimbabwe. “There is an element of defiance,” said Alexander Korolev, an expert in Sino-Russian ties with the University of New South Wales. “It is signalling: ‘If things get ugly between us, I have someone to go to. Russia is not alone, which means that I will not be alone when there is a confrontation… don’t get comfortable in bullying me.'”
@SCPython afghnistan +russia we support russia
@Dawood Hamdard Here’s 50 cents wumao

The Marshall plan was a response to Russian dominance of Eastern Europe. The Marshall plan was enacted in 1948. That was after a few years of pretty grim conditions in Europe. We decided if Europe was going to remain free we would have to help them recover.
No, the Marshall plan was in response to the US destroying the German cities, the US just helped them out with the NORD stream plan LOL
@My Bike Garage Right. So if America had not joined in the bun fight in WW2, Hitler would almost certainly have overrun Russia and Britain. They would have exterminated Jews outside the US, and exterminated Slavs. People don’t realise this, but Hitler’s aim was to use Slavs as slave labour and starve them to death. Thank god you have no political power.
@My Bike Garage No, Imperial Russia was a dreadful place with appalling treatment of the peasants. Under Stalin it continued as an empire. He caused the death of tens of millions of people in Ukraine and elsewhere. During WW2, Russian troops systematically raped and murdered German women. After the war Stalin built a new Soviet Empire, imposing an authoritarian regime on people who did not want it. Russia is a paranoid, imperialist power led by a psychopath. It has never known democracy, only ruthless psychotic emperors such as Putin, who exploit the country for their own personal enrichment. Putin has embezzled billions from the state.
@Arturo Herrera Tell that to Isis
This is Putin’s war, wanting to erase Ukraine, then if successful move on to other eastern European countries. Xi of China is watching this very closely. To bring peace to Ukraine and eastern Europe, Russia will have to face overwhelming power and be completely contained.
Sullivan is a soft-spoken yet brilliantly articulate and powerful voice for the Administration and the USA!
Agree. Just wow. So articulate . Not an “um” or “ah” in his vocabulary. Also, his intelligent responses give me hope.
Wow. Yes. I admit I just had to look up Sullivan’s Wiki page. Me thinks many more Americans will know his name in 5 years. I am reminded of the impact of Obama’s speech at the ’04 convention (ok, not the same gravitas,. but both made me sit up, listen, and think, hmm.)
Yes. Powerful for
Well spoken Sullivan! To the point and no gray areas. All support for Ukraine and nothing less!
@BluSkhighs thank the Obiden administration for all of it.
I love Jake Sullivan. Straight to the point. Just the facts.
@Joao pereira We should give you to Putin, to shine his shoes with your tongue.
@Joao pereira Ukraine is not yours to “give” anyone silly.
@Lancer Evo haven’t you heard? Joao pereira owns Ukraine. I’m
That’s an interesting point. It’ll be interesting to see what further developments could stem from this.
There is NO loose for Putin. Only defeat. But THAT has to be complete. He knows this and he will push and push and push.
Listening and watching the US news over the last 7 yrs, you would be forgiven if you forgot that there are so many intelligent, thoughtful, articulate people in the USA. These two are a sample of the intellect I grew up admiring about America from afar.
Democrat party and most of the media are controled by the Elites and their agenda. People like these are just puppets speaking out what they are told to speak. CNN is the number 1 in fake news and woke culture.
This is war that nobody with a rational mind with critical thinking skills wanted. Then there is Putin who started all this disaster…by invading Georgia, the eastern Unkraine and Crimea and now this.
Jake Sullivan straight talk, … backed with optimism of America’s best. THIS GUY is what leaders SHOULD look like.
Well put. Though I sometimes wonder if the “noise” of the last 7 years and what’s going on right now, aren’t entirely unrelated.
Nicely Spoken of What America Can and Will Do .
“You cannot make up for strategic mistakes with tactical victories”, Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov.
i just see, acid rain. biden stuttering and falling and a goverment that care more to preserve the statuos quo than their people getting intoxicated.
If I give someone an AR and tell them to take a country, but don’t adequately resupply them, keep them warm, fed, and paid that’s a strategic failure and it’s largely why they’re losing despite having superior firepower in sheer volume of munitions, equipment, and man power.
Poor Ivashov may not last long after criticizing Putin. If I were him I wouldn’t go into buildings with more than 2 stories…
@MichaelGL ha! They’re “escorted” there by 5 men!
@MichaelGL great comedy
People like Jake Sullivan and the ideas he’s promoting make America great! Love and strength to Ukraine!
@Quondom ok, you don’t like empire. What about most violent empire with highest GDP?
@Franklin Come on. You should know. CNN viewers are stupid. LOL Don’t expect these people to figure it out. LOL
@Quondom Clearly missing the point in 1970 the US GDP was 1.1 trillion China was 93 billion less than 10% of US GDP, today it represents 75% of US GDP.
In 1970 the US hadd 31.4 percent of the Global GDP, China 2.7% 2020 we represent 24.5% and China represents 17%
The trend line follows the trend line of every major historical Empire., as does the concept of strategic overreach. In most ways this is simply the organic nature of any great power. Failure to recognize and adjust is the sin.
@John MacLeod you have definitely been keeping track. Definitely wasn’t biased or anything great comment
@Logan M Спасибо за вести из Москвы, товарищ.
Stand with Ukraine
Victory to Ukraine 
Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people are a sight to be seen!! Their bravery and love of country and freedom will go down in history!!
Their country is flattened and their clown leader is forcing 60 year old men to fight while he goes traveling and his wife shops in Europe. These must be the dumbest people on earth.
Stand with

Anyone who says we should be spending money at home instead of Ukraine should be studying the last two world wars and how isolationism led to those wars… When the U.S. ignores the world, the world comes knocking at the U.S. door and we are forced into massive combat because ‘we didn’t want to get involved’.
We in the U.S. must support democracy where ever brave people in a country choose to flourish with that system of government. With our help, money, food, medical supplies, weapons, and even with our very lives. Slava Ukraini

Appreciate this thoughtful report with well spoken adults
Stay strong Ukraine. Save Ukraine, Save Taiwan, Save South …… Sea, and Save the world. Peace. (I love my sunglass made in Japan and my tent made in Taiwan).
*Well spoken by the US Security Advisor! Democracy is Freedom.
Freedom is Democracy*
*Which America doesn’t want in Mexico, Venezuela, or in middle eastern countries!
Noted Civil Rights Activist Malcolm X delivered a Speech “Democracy is Hypocrisy” in 1960. In 1918, President Wilson said “We Are Going to Make the world Safe for Democracy”. In 1928, Author George Thurber said that Democracy Leads to Mediocracy”. Today we have gone full circle: “We Are Going to Make the World Safe for Mediocracy of Democracy Through Our Hypocracy! “The Communist News Network, The Most Distrusted Name in News”!
We dont want westernazi freedom and westernazi democracy