Runoffs: Why some states use them, how they work and their roots in racism | Just The FAQs

As Georgia heads towards a highly anticipated runoff election, it begs the question: Why do some states have runoffs? And what's the purpose of them?

Georgia Senate incumbent Kelly Loeffler and challenger Raphael Warnock stuck to their scripts during an Atlanta Press Club debate Sunday night.

For Loeffler, that meant reciting her campaign ads nearly word-for-word: Referring constantly to her opponent as “radical liberal Raphael Warnock,” sometimes twice in the same sentence. Additionally, she kept pressing her attacks on Warnock calling police “gangsters and thugs” and a snippet from a Warnock sermon on how it is impossible to serve both God and the military.

Warnock’s answers were also familiar — his narrative in campaign ads so far, aside from defending himself from Loeffler’s claims, has been his support of health care coverage for those with preexisting conditions and pointing out that Loeffler’s strategy has revolved around demonizing him, not promoting herself.

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Runoffs: Why some states use them, how they work and their roots in racism | Just The FAQs


  1. We all know the election itself is a farce…cheating was involved and the individuals who did so should be held accountable.

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