Run, Hide, Fight

We have trained a generation of people how to think about, respond to, and survive a mass shooting, including children. Educators and law enforcement officials have developed curricula for schools to help teachers and students survive a shooting. The foundation for this teaching comes in large part from the work of Katherine Schweit ( ). She is a former FBI Agent, author of the book, “Stop the Killing: How to End the Mass Shooting Crisis,” and co-host of the podcast Stop the Killing ( ). At the time of the Sandy Hook shooting she realized that training and education would be key in preventing more deaths. She developed the active shooter training program for the FBI. Its mantra of “Run, Hide, Fight” is now an essential element in mass shooting education. Audie talks with Katherine about how she came to this work, and what it’s like to do it in the midst of political paralysis.

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    1. I admit it was crass but it brings up a good point!
      Guns don’t kill people.
      Mentally Unstable People Kill People.
      Is there not a way of ensuring the mentally unstable don’t have such easy access to guns?
      And sadly Nevada’s example of “he””she”they””them””🤷” so easily and legally obtaining weapons while quite Obviously Unstable
      ( just given “he””she””they””them””🤷” s description )
      IS a Perfect example of that😔

  1. I used to trust CNN. Looking through your videos on your channel clearly shows a narrative that you have chosen. It is heartbreaking that you don’t report on news like you used to, you have become a one-sided opinion entertainment channel that is somewhat laughable. Please look into actual issues like Saudi moving away from trading in USD and other serious issues. As a kid, i’m sure that you wanted to become a journalist to keep people informed and to expose the truth. Look at you now, your younger self would be ashamed at what you have become, I feel pity for you.

    1. Yeah, when I saw Anderson standing in the deepest puddle in a flood to make the situation look as bad as possible, I realized he’s just an employee and nothing close to a journalist:

  2. “Hey kids, you know, we don’t like that you believe in God. It hurts our feelings. So you should stop doing that. You wouldn’t want anything to happen to you, or your parents, would you? Hey, we’re just looking out for your best interests, kids. Now bow down before the Pride Flag, and kiss the ring.” ~Rainbow Mafia

  3. 🤣CNN+’s “content” would have been as worthless as CNN’s “content”.🤣🤣🤣🤣

  4. Most mass shootings is by one of the students, so what good are the drills if they are being told what everyone will be doing?

  5. Laura Ingraham Calls On Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto Release “Should Be Aired Publicly In Full, We Don’t Want Some Sanitized Version”

  6. The things your retired agent teaches are important, but to reduce the casualties you need to remove the weapon. No bullets (guns) mean fewer death and injuries. A smaller person can defend themselves from a attacker with a knife or club with a kindergartner’s chair.

    I’m afraid that the number of nuts running around loose who want to spill blood is only going to increase. We keep making more people, and the rat race is going worse. Where nuts go off seems to change over time. When I was younger (50 to 60 years ago), mass shooting were called going postal because the first widely known attacks were done be postal workers. Am I wrong, or has there been an increase in these attacks since Covid?

    Just look at the other comments on you post. None of them seem to have anything to do with the problem at hand.

  7. Humans have been more unpredictable than ever. You can’t trust people these days. Not even family sometimes.

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