1. @African Girl he’s going to be 86. We were in the same class in Junior High School and Lafayette High School in Brooklyn. I don’t feel old and I’m quite sure he doesn’t either.

  1. I have the complete series on DVD and just can’t get enough of them. Wish I would have met them.

  2. One of my favorite shows….. I’ll be watching The Golden Girls until the end of time….. such an amazing show!! Betty White is still alive and kicking!!!

    1. My favorite is the movie, Death Becomes Her. Has nothing to do with Blance of the Golden Girls but funny to the last scene.

  3. 🎶🎶🎶 “And if you threw a partayyy, and invited everyone ya knew… You would see, the biggest gift would be from me, and the card attached would say… Thank you for being a frieeend!” 🎶🎶🎶

    Oh yea! 😎

  4. Love the Golden Girls, and each individual lady was PRICELESS….And her on Fighting Temptations was absolutely perfect🥰🥰🥰🥰

  5. 13 thumbs it means they are 13 animal haters. This is a very old interview was made before a lot of people were even born.

    1. What a charming and talented lady !  She never minded playing for laughs, even at the expense of her role .

    Last seen throwing some punk down some stair’s
    If you see him Don’t Approach he is considered dangerous near stair’s

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