Rudy Giuliani’s Remarkable Admission | Morning Joe | MSNBC

While speaking to the New Yorker magazine, the president's attorney Rudy Giuliani stated he needed former U.S. Amb. to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch said 'out of the way.' The panel discusses Giuliani's remarks. Aired on 12/17/19.
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Rudy Giuliani's Remarkable Admission | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. Joe g Graham already invited Rudy to testify on what he found in Ukraine. The sad thing is Rudy is implicated in the scandal . The Republicans will be able to cross examine Rudy if he is a witness . Because we know that the Republicans will try to limit the scope
      Of the questioning . The democrats just need to ask the questions that will make Rudy lie or tell the truth . Either way Rudy is a fool to put himself in more criminal exposure
      As Justice Roberts will be the presiding Judge .

    2. Mitch mc Connell says that it doesn ‘t meet CONSTITUTIONAL Standards thus its DOA ???? So Schumer demands that Mitch open up more time in the Senate for their continued faulty Investigation ??????

    3. Oliver Phippen Faulty? Why don’t they want people to testify is the question . The best way to clear Trump is to have the people
      In the know testify. Under oath . No one has testified for Trump under oath throughout these proceedings . They have obstructed obtaining the full un redacted Mueller report . They have obstructed obtaining the grand jury testimony. Barr and the Trump have barred congress and the SDNY from obtaining his taxes and finances . Defied subpoenas. If Trump is innocent why all of the obstruction? What’s he hiding ?Mueller identified 10
      Separate incidents of Trump trying to obstruct the Mueller probe . Mueller unable to indict a sitting president directed the congress to determine if Trump met the threshold for impeachment. He has. The obstruction is in plain site . Trump asked Russia for help
      In 2016. Proven ! Trump was extorting Ukraine to make up a fake investigation of Biden and then to say that it wasn’t Russia who interfered in the 2016 but Ukraine . There is NO evidence of either doing wrong .

  1. Arresting Giulani and have him testify should be just fine.
    He’s just a private citizen and nothing else, acting as Trump’s personal henchman in Ukraine.

    Lock him up!

    1. While I understand the rationale, I kinda would like to see a short jail term followed by living out his days penniless ( maybe just food stamps?) on parole. Somehow that just seems like justice to me and I’m pretty sure that would be his worst nightmare.

    2. @Ralf Häggström To be honest, in spite of his extremely good health I’m not sure how many years he has left. I’m sure all that is going on has had a harmful effect on his health (we can only hope) so any lengthy sentence may not be practical. This is all just wishful thinking anyway, but fun.

    3. Mitch mc Connell says that it doesn ‘t meet CONSTITUTIONAL Standards thus its DOA ???? So Schumer demands that Mitch open up more time in the Senate for their continued faulty Investigation ??????

  2. No Joe, they do not say it outloud because they think that makes it ok. They say it outloud because their supporters DON’T CARE!

    1. Grant Wallace after Obama the first NON WASP president, the appeal to white people fear of being overtaken as a dominant ethnicity has overcome any other moral or historical allegiances, in Trump supporters view this is war for survival with no prisoners taken and no holds barred, don’t expect facts to get in the way

    1. This is just absurd. 2 dudes admitting that theyre committing crimes in our very own eyes and ears and they think its okay bcos they divulge it on public? NO!

  3. Marie Yovanavich should file a lawsuit for libel. He called her corrupt with no evidence.

    Edit: that should be slander, not libel. I had forgotten that slander is said, libel is written.

    1. @jeff mcgowan When Biden did that he had Obama’s blessing and it was official US policy as well as that of every single member of the EU and the prosecutor’s own office including his deputy because to get rid of the Ukranian Prosecutor General, Viktor Shokin because Shokin prosecutor was corrupt (engaged in a protection rackets, refused to prosecute political corruption)

    1. @Domino Ryan That was another whistleblower. Not sure if I heard it correctly but I think it is against IRS rules to expose information against a taxpayer. So we haven’t heard anything.

    1. They are leaving nothing to the imagination, while sensible people wanna keep asking more questions, need more witnesses to prove that he did it, while he’s telling you to your face! You’re right absolutely incredible!

    2. Where is the issue with Giuliani telling Trump to remove Yavonovich? All ambassadors serve at the please of the potus, no excuse or explanation required

    1. @Kevin NYC They don’t need to do anything.. literally the words Rudy used are incriminating.. but t apparently the whole “hide it in plain sight” trick works on you. They’re literally admitting the crimes, publicly, and you’re too stupid to understand, I guess. He just admitted it.. word for word that he wanted Yovanovich removed so he could investigate Trump’s rival… And you legit are telling us he didn’t say that? Or what? Are you saying it’s fine? I don’t get it.. because either one of those reasons is beyond stupid.

  4. Rudy Giuliani admitted his Crimes live and Front of the World, And the Republicans don’t even give a d*m ! 🙄

    1. 1972achin …. how do figure that I don’t pull from lots of sources? Check out the inks I provided. Challenge your narrative like your partners did. Or not. I bet the men from your little suburb had it figured out. You’ll get there eventually love.

    2. @xivxi xivxi
      Actually the men around us they are finally beginning to get it. They have started to listen to us. We have laid out all the facts about the person occupying the White House has said and done. They are awakening and opening their eyes. We have now gotten seven men in the group to see what we have been saying and they have changed their minds about him and I feel great about that. They are now getting other men to attend our meetings. So we have actually gotten them to move to our side and not the other way around. On the lawn of the White House, the person that occupies the White House plainly stated out his own mouth he wanted Zelensky to investigate Biden’s son. The monies was only released because the media got tipped of about his scheme. Zelensky was ready to go on CNN to make an announcement into Biden’s son to try and hurt Biden’s White House run. But because the monies were released, Zelensky never bothered to go on TV. Do you seriously think Zelensky would now go on TV and say to his people that he was being manipulated or blackmailed? No, leader of any country would sit there and admit to that. Zelensky knows it would make him look weak to his constituents. Does the man that occupy the White House daughter and son-in-law have any experience to be given Security Clearance to be doing the things they are not doing? LMAO Do you think the person that occupies the White House two sons would be able to get a job from anyone else but, their daddy? LMAO. We Surburban women are fed-up and we will be out in big numbers, to finish what we started in 2018. I have sat and read the Mueller Report in detail not to mention I have watched every single hearing and listened to all the witnesses including Gordon Sonderland. So please do not patronize me because I have reviewed all the records myself. I have read everything myself and dissected it myself. You and I are at an impasse so there is really no reason for you and I to keep communicating since you will never convince me that the person that occupies the White House never committed any crimes during his campaign or after he went to the White House. I wish you the best life ever. Enjoy your night and bless your heart. Best of luck in the future.

    3. @Ellen C
      You are so smart. Even myself as a former Republican cannot defend the indefensible and corrupt administration. That’s why all of my family are now Independents. Just take a look at all of the people that is around him that is now sitting in jail. Think about the fact that his charity had to be shut down and his children had to take classes as to how NOT to cheat a charity. Think about his University that was a scam. Keep up the great work of spreading the truth Ellen C. You are doing great.

    1. @Oliver Phippen bro if they did nothing wrong they would come be witnesses your say its faulty because they are missing these people but trump wont let them go

    2. @ruth depew why dont yo take it to the basement of Congress with Gestapo SS tactics and I’m sure someone knows Rudy did something with hear say assumptions presumptions opinions and what someone thinks or heard

  5. Wow! Obvious criminal behavior being admitted. Shouldn’t he be arrested? A normal person would be arrested. The new tRump America sucks.

    1. America keeps winning like Trump on the marxist dictators on the left as its fail before impeachment inquiry started and Pelosi Schiff and Nadler know it

    2. Sherron Mitchell Please leave this horrid country. I hear Somalia is nice this time of year. Take Ilhan Omar with you.

    1. @katherine A. Rodgers hahahahha so news just broke last night that she was blocking visas, and you already make up some dim excuse for her LOL…

      Hey Katherine if the dims can overthrow an elected President… what makes you think the republicans won’t just overthrow whoever you replace him with?? Republicans seem to be much better at everything than the democrats, be careful what you wish for… little dims

    2. @Matt Caulfield much better at everything except basic comprehension skills, problem-solving and all-round decency. Sure.

  6. “I forced her out because she’s corrupt”. Really? No one believes that. And, why is it the president’s lawyer’s responsibility to hire and fire ambassadors? Giuliani will find himself in prison soon.

    1. Dr. Hodson and Dr. Busseri’s correlational study from 2012 is confirmed by newly collected empirical evidence:
      >>@Agolf Twittler how has than been working sound exactly what’s going on with impeachment no clue the marxist dictators on the left with Gestapo SS tactics<< >>now rudy is a russian. you people have really lost all touch.. i will pray for you.<< >>Mitch mc Connell says that it doesn ‘t meet CONSTITUTIONAL Standards thus its DOA ????<< >>And hillary<< >>Rudy is world hero<< The abysmally ignorant, disgustingly depraved, insanely delusional, ridiculously foulmouthed and rather dyslexic nationalist minority is indeed born immensely stupid and severely socially impaired.

    2. @Oliver Phippen Moscow Mitch is a Liar and a *Traitor* to his Oath of Office, to the Constitution and to the United States of America. Stop listening to Faux News Propaganda, they are Traitorous slime. And STOP Trolling their lies,

    3. I quote the distinguished veteran, American patriot and Republican Senator John Sidney McCain III:
      “Trump fired up the crazies.”
      Words that are proven true 24/7 every single day of the week.

  7. The Senate needs to subpoena the reporter who interviewed Giuliani, along with recordings of the interview. Then subpoena Giuliani.

    1. @J M The GOP has sold its soul to power a long time ago. They believe that lying, cheating, and breaking the law are all okay, so long as they are the ones that are doing it. They believe this because originally, the idea started as an southern American Christian one: that Democrats were of Satan and doing his deeds. They peddle extreme non-sense to their base in the form of false conspiracy theories about the Democrats, and this allows them to justify just about anything they want to do. It is modern Machiavellianism: the ends justify the means. The ends? A Christian-controlled society where slaveowners are honored, a woman has no right to choose, and gays are banned. That last one has pretty much crumbled already, but you get the idea. These are people who are scared of the future, literally. They define their life’s mission to stop the nefarious plot by the Democrats to take away their power, their money, their guns, their traditions, and their women.

      And once you understand this, you understand everything they do. It makes sense.

      Rudy boldly states these things to his base because he believes they value his “doing whatever it takes” to stop the “Deep State.”

      People who believe such cynical things about their society tend to do the same things they believe about the others and end up destroying the very thing they justify to themselves as saving. It’s the reason that retailers tend to put questions on their hiring tests to weed out cynics that believe everyone steals. Because people who believe that tend to steal themselves.

      SOURCE: I grew up Republican and also know several connected politically active individuals in the GOP and what they believe.

    2. @Ellen C But Rudy is on television saying that HE is responsible. He did not say the President fired her, nor is Trump saying that. That’s all I’m saying.

    3. MissaRosa One…she was not fired. She still works for the State Department.
      Rudy is Trump’s lawyer….he is “not” a government employee and he cannot “remove” anyone from office. Trump told President Zelensky that he “heard” she was bad news and had her removed.

    1. Redridge07 you are not a conservative by any means if you think the socialists are telling you the truth. Or the fact the democrats are burning the constitution. Nice try though democrat

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